There's no such thing as capekino its all capeshit, stop posting about it.
Go back to twitter or whatever hole it is you crawled out of for star wars 7
>A movie can't be good because it happens to be about superheroes
>Implying some of the great films like TDK, Batman Returns, Unbreakable, Logan weren't good
the dark knight series is the only capekino that has ever been made or will be made. everything else is at best capeshit with seasoning.
Logan's third act is a fucking shitshow
that's a big claim
Superman Returns is by far superior to Man of Steel.
i don't know what people see in homecoming. i thought it was garbage.
Well, it's better than the amazing spider man 1 and 2
Switch Returns with MoS and it's good
t. pedo singer
It's the epitome of capeshit
For you
memes aside, TDKR was an awful movie and even worse as a follow up to TDK
Only good capeshit is Watchmen cuz that dong
This meme will never die.
Unfortunately for you, 1978 tops them both.
Man of Steel is the worst movie I have ever paid to see, fuck off
Lol u are literally a cock sucking faggot. MoS destroys Returns
Sup Snyderfag brainlet
>>A movie can't be good because it happens to be about superheroes
Exactly. Some things just aren't compatible with high art.
The only thing that gets remotely close is the GRAPHIC NOVEL with the giant blue penis, because it's meta-capeshit as opposed to ordinary capeshit.
TDK is cute but it's absolutely incompatible with the works of cinema's Old Masters.
Retarded list
There was one capekino.
Kino: Spider-Man 2; The Dark Night; Superman
Flick: Spider-Man, Homecoming; Batman Returns; Superman Returns
Shit: Amazing Spider-Man 2; JUSTice League; Man of Steel
there is no refuting this
Agreed its all garbage.
finally some correct opinions
Ayyy diabolik my nigga
Good ranking, but more like
Flick: Spider-Man 2; The Dark Night; Superman
Shit: Spider-Man, Homecoming; Batman Returns; Superman Returns
Gabekeeno: Amazing Spider-Man 2; JUSTice League; Man of Steel
>people unironically liking MoS
Returns had one or two good scenes, and was going to have a great $25 million opening scene, but they cut it out. Other than that it's shit.