I don't understand

By all accounts this is the strongest DC movie yet (after WW). Even Youtube critics were wholeheartedly endorsing it.

So what went wrong?

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>this is the strongest DC movie yet
By no metric is this true.
>Youtube critics were wholeheartedly endorsing it.
Most gave it a passing "it's okay" - not really a wholehearted endorsement.

>So what went wrong?
It's a mediocre movie.

Marvel movies have better quips, and fans of the other DC movies wanted no quips at all.

>By all accounts this is the strongest DC movie yet
Oh man.
The bar was SO low too, it's impressive how bad they were able to make a movie with that large of a budget.

>what went wrong ?

It's just so fucking bland. Previous DC movies all left strong impressions, but this? Nothing.

>left strong impressions
I guess that's one way of putting it.

bvs was that bad

fool me once shame on me
fool me twice...

I kinda feel like they made it bad on purpose

You mean the "Martha" scene ?

Snyder somehow made the general public not give a shit about Batman and Superman


>So what went wrong?
(1) Boilerplate plot: one-dimensional Big Bad and his army of drones plots to take over the planet; Good Guys try to stop the Big Bad but get rebukedl; Good Guys try again, overcome with unity and purpose; drones are mindlessly taken out until the Big Bad is defeated; roll credits.
(2) God-awful CGI, which is inexcusable in 2017 with a 300mil budget: Cavill's lip is a walking meme; Cyborg is a PS2 character; the backdrops are obvious green-screen. No attention to details.
(3) Inconsistent tone: it tries to be brooding, reflective and comedic all at once at the expensive of the characters; Batman is unusually quippy, WW is just a piece of ass and serves no purpose; Superman starts acting like a campy Captain America; they go overboard with the social awkwardness of the Flash; Aquaman is reduced to a dudebro; Cyborg is forced to say his catchphrase.
(4) Weak character development: with only a 120 minute runtime, so much backstory around three of the six main characters had to be cut which leaves out with little emotional investment in them - and these are main fucking characters. This movie shouldn't have been released until the Aquaman and Flash movies were released.

Just a bad movie.


>Even Youtube critics were wholeheartedly endorsing it.


>Cyborg is forced to say his catchphrase.
What is it?

It was boring and made all our favorite super heroes look like retarded idiots with downs.





>Wonder Woman

HURP DU U BLEED LOL U SAID THAT 2 ME ONCE *mary sues the fuck out of everyone*

I mean, what part was cool? The part where the Flash runs like a moron? The part where CGIBorg looks like a transformer? Watching a stick figure actress pretend she's wonder woman?

Fuck this movie and fuck me for spending money to go see it.

Where the new characters even necessary? Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman don't really do anything that couldn't have been done by the existing characters. Pushing for a full Justice League when half the cast haven't had their own movie yet was retarded.

Not defending the movie but

He generates the electricity to activate the Ex Machina Box that resurrects Superman
He helps Superman separate the boxes at the end

But you are right about Aquaman, and you might as well through in WW and Batman as they are both equally useless, especially after Superman is back.


Boo-yaah!, only Ray Fisher didn't feel enthusiast when saying it.

Even those things just felt written in to give them something to do. The power was just conveniently out enough that Flash needed to juice the thing, Batman could probably rig something up to get it working pretty quick. Same with doing Cyborg's job at the end, or Supes should've just smashed it anyway or thrown it into the sun or something. They just felt tacked on instead of integral to the plot.

In fact, as you say, Batman is useless. It feels like they gave the things he would've done to Flash/Cyborg just to give them something, accidentally making him pointless.

>He helps Superman separate the boxes at the end

You having it backward, Superman is the one helping Cyborg separate the boxes because it was actually Cyborg's duty to separate the boxes and he is unable to do it alone because of the sheer power of the boxes.

they didn't pay the critics

This its an average film, what it needed was more character interaction and individual battle scenes.
ww does her thing (w bracelets)
aquaman does nothing
flash does not beat quicksilver (xmen prison break)
cyborg does not show any badass battle scenes (Gatling gun, multiple rockets, flying and tagging multiple enemies).
Bats going stealth and doing stuff only he can.

Supes stole the show but his fight should have been longer with him further wrecking steph.

THis. WB cant decide who's dick they want to suck.
Keep low budget, have a great story and keep the serious tone would have worked.


Go full avengers, with scenes of the military failing and the heroes helping and battling with them vs the villain with jokes.

where was the marketing? I saw billboards hyping batman vs superman for at least a month in advance i saw nothing for this

> Cyborg is forced to say his catchphrase.

How the fuck did this even remotely trigger you? This was probably one of the best things in the film which is saying something.

>WB execs
>Joss Whedon
>Rotten Tomatoes shills fueling the DC hate even though Thor Ragnarok and Age of Ultron were garbage


>Snyder of course gets none of the blame Classic

It's amusing to think that maybe the board members in WB are just as simpleminded as you.

>How can we copy Marvel success?
>it's the quips, sir

Just as funny and naive as GL one where they thought the main reason of Iron Man success was the fighter jets.

Marketing is shit, from he perspective of someone who passively likes cape movies. OP’s poster is a perfect example. It’s fucking terrible. It’s everything a textbook “good graphics design principals” design wants to be, but it’s so uninspired it hurts. From that poster alone I’d go in expecting the fundamentals of a superhero movie with nothing creative done to it. I’d expect a garish CGI tornado on my screen for about 30% of the movie, then stroking each other about how badass the villain is and how badass the heroes are. Then one-liners, because that’s just the vibe I get.

I haven’t seen this movie, how wrong am I?

Not wrong at all.

Not the user you replied, but the catchphrase feel a little forced in here. I knew they want audience to feel that this is the Cyborg everyone knew from the Teen Titans cartoon, but Ray Fisher just don't nailed it at all.





So the fact that WB owns half of Rotten Tomatoes and RT deliberately extending the embargo of it's score of the movie up until release doesn't invite any suspicion to the contrary?

This is the blandest one, right after green lantern and green hornet.
This movie has no soul, only visuals.
At least MoS and BvS felt like people poured their hearts into making those, this one is an empty shell.

How is it the strongest? It's the worst! I skimmed through the rip and saw all the leaks, most of the trailers and Im pretty sure this is an absolute dissaster. I'll watch it when it comes out just to laugh at how bad it is. It's even worse than Schumacher's Batmen

YT critics are endorsing it because they are afraid of getting more death threats from DCucks.

Hopefully this setback puts an end to the cult of DC. I mean, nothing against DC, but their rabbid fans have made the last 6 years unbearable.

We get it, you liked the Dark Knight and the Arkham games so you jumped on a bandwagon without knowing anything else about it and your millennial contrarianism reaffirmed this paradigm choice when Marvel became popular with "reeee normies"! It's just a shame that No-Child-Left-Behind left this generation completely bereft of any critical thinking skills or ability to like something without having to draw a line in the sand separating "Them and Us".

>Youtube critics

>strongest DC movie
It was tonally inept, it wanted to carry on the trademark Nolan grimdark vibe they'd been using but also wanting to go full GotG/Thor Ragnarok with retarded comedic aspects
>Even Youtube critics were wholeheartedly endorsing
the only endorsement this film had from youtubers were DC pajeets, retarded marvelfags or plain shills

at most anyone else said they liked it but it was heavily flawed

>So what went wrong?
You fucking name it

What do you expect though? We're all living in the most ideologically divisive generation in human history.


I actually agree with almost all of this.

>female "movie critics" might be retards


>Fuck this movie and fuck me for spending money to go see it.

yeah, I got the exact feeling after suicide garbage, not gonna do the same mistake twice, this year was absolutely shit in cinema releases.

RED was the best DC movie. deal with it.

>one of the best things

No it wasn't. It's like your favourite character being held at gunpoint to SAY DA FING U SAY ON A TEE VEE SHO AND COMIKZ

It came across as so forced it wasn't even enjoyable

>this year was absolutely shit in cinema releases.
it was pretty good

blade runner
Thor Ragnarok

Only literal losers will disagree

>Thor 3

You almost had me you cocksucker

>Disaster Artist
>Logan (I know it's Marlel but it felt like a nice close to capeshit completely even tho it will never end)
>War for the Planet of the Apes
>Okja (only faggots who haven't seen the movie disagree)
>Good Time
>Phantom Thread
>Lego Batman (u herd me rite nigga)

I know right?! It's almost as if they've fallen in love with a film franchise who's true success hasn't been box office records being set left and right, but getting casuals and the general audience to love characters that they, at most, may have only known to exist in passing before these movies.

Those dirty dirty femmes, pay no mind to the fact that they may be the sole reason that WW was so well received and did so well domestically, their opinions are allowed to count when it supports things I like. In the end you can't trust a woman to think for herself and it's clearly all their fault that RT doesn't reflect favorably on DCEU movies despite being owned by the company who makes them.

In all seriousness though, yeah I hate the alt-left tone that's come to dominate a lot of popular media perception, but for fuck's sake if Sup Forums posting is all you can come up with to refute inarguable and empirical facts regarding RT playing favorites with the company that owns them after years insisting Disney is literally bribing reviewers and RT with no evidence what-so-ever... then what more honestly needs said?

So it's just Disney movies that you hate then.

All the movies between BR and Lego Batman are utter shit dude.

Literally none of them are as good as Coco. Drop the fedora m8.

You could at least try to hide your MAUS affiliation

So he was right, you are personally wounded Disney hurt your feefees, and you are all about your feelings. I didn't want to believe it. Why would anyone let a company personally shape your train of thought? Absolutely beta.

It is not just about the movie being good or bad on itselfit is about everything leading to it

WW was ok, but with Man of steel and BvsS everyone everyone was left with the feeling that the DCEU was desperately trying to get into the super hero cinematic universe trend whithout properly devloping it's characters, just rushing to the big crossover that was supposed to be the culmination of many other characters stories. Not to count that it was trying too hard to be serious and deep, but just coming out as pretentious.

So it never really mattered if JL was going to be good or not, with a past like that it was doomed from the very start

>WW was ok
Stopped reading there, if you want people to read your bible post, make sure to hide the bait inbetween the post, not at the beginning.

Disney make the same by-the-numbers shit year after year that it all reads the same eventually

I'm sorry I'm tired of seeing the same formulaic shit and I'm not excited for WRECK IT RALPH 2: RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET(C)


>Youtube critics


How does that differ from male nerds jerking off to cartoon versions of the same superheroes/heroines?

Male nerds jerking off is nothing unusual. Its expected really.

What an autist holy shit, I wonder what life must be like for those that hate fun

>doesn't enjoy Disney
>using F U N as an argument

What are you, a faggot?

I bet you love Trump too KEK. Fucking kids, I swear, man. How the fuck did we get here, where Clinton is considered a war-monger, a Bush II-tier president is praised for being the antithesis of faggy SJWs, where no one lurks a while to acclimate to board culture, where conservatives and right-wing politics are considered cool, where most of the posters are kids, where rarely does anyone have clear and concise arguments? Cause clearly you're a contrarian and therefore give a shit about what others think of your own beliefs. That's childish, and I laugh at dogs taking a shit. Rethink your life and your principles.

>the Jews looking straight at the viewer

What did they mean by this?

>user types multiple times as a person devoid of fun and entertainment
>he unironically hates fun even as a concept (as proven by this post of yours)
wew lad

We are beyond Disney at this point. Your Disney argument is proof there is something wrong with you, everything else your posts infer grant me the ability to pin point the exact problem you have. You have entertainment.

So why complain when women are doing just what is expected with the characters in question. There's a reason they didn't hire ugly looking men on those roles.

>There's a reason they didn't hire ugly looking men on those roles.
Yeah, so male nerds can jerk off. We went over this already.

>So what went wrong?
WB burned the goodwill people had in the DCEU with BvS and SS
After that they couldn't get anyone hyped for JL and it failed to find its ground

Shut the fuck up cuck

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

people who liked bvs and mos weren't interested in a 180 in tone and themes, people who didn't like bvs and mos weren't interested at all; people who like quips (quip aficionados) stuck with marvel shit.

you are the first one to start political garbage, you belong there

>By all accounts this is the strongest DC movie yet (after WW).

That can be true of a film even though it's a piece of shit.

>WB burned the goodwill people had in the DCEU with BvS and SS and MOS

Fixed it for you

and justice league
and wheadon

I still don't understand how the fuck this movie made it into theatres. Once studio execs saw the advance screenings they should've pulled it.


Not even the initial guy you were responding to.

neither am I you plebbitor

welcome to Sup Forums, that's how it works

Not the person you were responding to in that post. I'm someone completely different now telling you that you're wrong.

>literally proving him right

Bland, generic, cookie cutter quipflick. Marvel does that better, and DC Stans aren't into it. Plus Dawn of Justice being trash turned people away from seeing the dawning of Justice. Everything about this film and the circumstances it existed under served as the perfect storm for it to flop hard.

Explain Star Wars and MCU then?

> Thinks he's still arguing with the person he just quoted.

Who are you quoting?

What about them? People like them.

They make 200mil profit off it and you don't understand how it made it into theatres? Really?

where did that money go?

pls post JUST League poster


This. Original user who hates Trump on principle, for being a worshipper of money. Do people really not know how to tell posters apart, do they really not know basic readong skills? Fuck, man. I'm surrounded by teens.

It doesnt have the feminism shield this time.

>WW is just a piece of ass
pretending that gal gadot is attractive in a movie that has amy adams is riddicolous