I hope you retards are happy now

I hope you retards are happy now
Disney will just keep milking and raping the corpse of your once beloved franchise for years to come
How does it feel to know that now SW is just as soulless and shitty as the average Marvel flick?
How does it feel to know that every normie now fucking love Star Wars?

I have boycotted Disney. The Force is Female alright, they can have it.

You’re about a year behind gramps. It’s cool to hate Star Wars now


I don't understand why this is an issue at all.
No one is forced to watch or like the newer movies.

>Disney will just keep milking and raping the corpse of your once beloved franchise for years to come
The dude literally re-released the original three movies several times with various changes here and there. All of which were terrible decisions Then you have the prequels and the tv shows. THAT is corpse raping.
The absolute state of Georgecucks.

Star Wars died when Lucas did the Special Editions
He raped that corpse so many times it's practically a sack of his semen

Star Wars has always had soulless cash grabs milking the franchise for everything it's worth. The only difference now is that these things make it into movie theaters.

>I have boycotted Disney
I'm sure their business is crumbling

>How does it feel to know that every normie now fucking love Star Wars?
Normies always loved star wars