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The brunette is cute, can't say the same about the other two.

I found out that Anya has a deep husky voice and I do not like it.

what the fuck are they doing the same facial expressions as the cover of the AC/DC album highway to hell

Didn't know Quasimodo was a mutant? Part of the Disney deal?

found the sperg

It's almost if it's completely deliberate and that's exactly what was intended

Doesn't matter, Disney will reboot them anyway.

i dont even know what this image is supposed to be from
i was just wondering why they did it

>Lockheed is a puppet
Can comic adaptations die already?

That's just a little joke reference my man
This isn't supposed to be a scene from the movie

x men: new mutants

>Le younger sibiling is the older universe

That's supposed to be cannonball? Pffffhahahahahahaha

quasimodo is not a mutant, he's just deformed

Anya looks like milky moomy Angel Olsen

Ayy lmao

Maisie is cancer, and cancer is a mutation in the cells, check mate.

Anya has odd facial features that actually work in her favour as they make her beutiful in an unique way.

Maisie is just fucking ugly.

Me on the right


>no niggers
What the fuck were they thinking?
