>*snickers* let me guess, ticket for one?
>here you go sir, enjoy your movie *glances at other female employee and smirks*
*snickers* let me guess, ticket for one?
Where's Robert? I have to report you to him. Enjoy getting fired you stupid bitch.
Yes, you little wagie whore. How does it feel know I paid for this ticket with NEETbux funded by your taxes, bitch. Stupid roastie hahah.
Where's the black guy tho
If this actually happened to you, you could talk to their boss and tell him that the employees were being assholes for no reason
You're a paying costumer, they have no right to make fun of you even if you are a fat manchild wearing a fedora and a Sonic shirt
Money is always right in these situations
Just so you know, I've memorized your every physical feature and when I get home will be envisioning you in my mind while I masturbate. I consume my own sperm when I've finished to avoid wasting resources, so please don't be concerned that this might affect your carbon footprint.
Jesus Christ, you insecure beta made me cringe
They will just deny it. Do you actually think you can just go and accuse every employee ever without proof? You're literally worse than the #metoo bandwagoners.
>Yeah ticket for one, you're so smart, maybe that's the reason you are a fucking cashier right? Ok, thank you, oh, and enjoy your 4 dollars per hour salary.