The Only Star Wars Movie that nobody in the world feels hype for

The Only Star Wars Movie that nobody in the world feels hype for

Wait, Laea is in this? Is she gonna be terrible CGI again?

>look mom I posted it again

Salutations, Disney PR!

Luke doesn't even get a fight scene in this. None of his merchandise includes a lightsaber, and there are no depictions of him with one.

We are all just finishing final touches on the epic diatribes.
Mine is already finished, I'm just waiting for release day when I can unleash the sting of my hatred.

>movies don't matter, only opinions of movies we may or may not have seen matter

I get the feeling it's more of a Disney knows they don't have to market this shit because the mouth breathers will eat it up anyway.

Tracking for $200 million opening weekend

Except the huge masses of people who will see it somehow, making the box office surpass 1 fucking billion and preventing any rethinking of fucking yearly Star Wars films

>Wait, Laea is in this?

You say that like they made this movie after she died.

Good,neither should have Yoda


>Once again, the ancient soothsayers of Sup Forums congregate to foretell the future...

What did they mean by this?

>I watch movies aimed at little girls

>Leia over Luke
>Han and Vader not in the top 5
>Jabba over any other villain but Snoke
>Jar Jar fucking Binks over Palpatine, Dooku and Mace "bad motherfucker" Windu

Everything in this graph smells like bullshit

Stay mad

No, she's alive. Her death was a marketing stunt for the movie. Pretty dishonest if you ask me.

All yall bitches are going see it. Stop trolling

whats funny is when you adjust for inflation the chart inverts.

Your mom is a marketing stunt.

That's what happens when you saturate the market with souless cashgrabs.

TFA had loads of hype as it was the first star wars movie in over 10 years... Then when people saw it for what it was, a piece of shit, they switched off for the rest.

Imagine being so uncreative that you have to write this. You said to yourself, I need to write something, and this is the best you could come up with. Imagine that.

To be fair he was responding to someone... accusing carrie fisher's death of being a marketing ploy?

You don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to silliness, here.

There wasn't much hype for Rogue One or The Clone Wars, nor the Ewok TV movies, but you are right that the hype for Star Wars has died.

>only one
it's happened before
OT is the only time there was consistently hype

then get hyped

>less hyped star wars movie in a long time
>its the one i got invited to a private screening for in one of the most prestigious theaters of my country

OP is a faggot

Stop being so gay. It's going to be super fucking awesome!

enna wahnna chewbacca! kehehehe

Star Wars is generational but they are treating it as if it is seasonal, for that reason we will live to see Star Wars die by Disney's arrogant greedy hand.

Except Sup Forums, apparently, with how many threads we get

People camped out for all the prequel films for weeks, though. There was hype for Clones because we were getting an adult Anakin, and there was hyped for Sith because we were getting Vader. People even camped for The Force Awakens. Ain't nobody camped out for The Last Jedi.

lel this

Name a reason why besides "hurr he didn't have a lightsaber in the OT"

CGI Leia was horrible in Rogue One.

Why the fuck wasn't this trilogy about Kylo Ren?

>fortune telling

>7 will be bad
>7 will flop


Because it doesn't suit him. It's also a mockery for him to have to wield a tiny babby lightsaber and exert himself more than the other Jedi/Sith because of his physical limitations. He should just explode people's minds with the Force or some shit. They did the same thing with Palpatine, but it gave us the Sheev Spin so I can't be mad. Palpy was also a regular, albeit old as fuck, human unlike Yogurt.

Exactly what George Lucas wanted to do with the third trilogy in the saga. First Anakin, then Luke and Leia, and then the next generation. It would have made sense to continue it like that but Disney had to have diversity so we get a tomboy, a black guy and a latino.

Luke relied heavily on Lightsaber combat.

>ignoring the fact that Kylo probably got the most focus in the trailers out of anyone besides Rey

Sometimes dead is better.

I doubt anyone denies that, but her part in this was filmed before she died.

Sure, they might have some shots of her CGI'd, but it should be real her most of the time.

But it makes total sense for Yoda to wield a lightsaber and no sense at all for him not to.
1. His most powerful enemies, of whom at this point he is aware, use lightsabers and a lightsaber can only be stopped by another lightsaber
2. A lightsaber can block blaster fire, with blasters being the most popular weapon in the galaxy
3. A lightsaber can be used to cut through pretty much anything, so it is useful as a tool, not only as a weapon
Sure the Force is probably more powerful but that means that all Jedi and Sith characters should rely on it instead of lightsabers. Besides, despite all his talk about size not mattering, Yoda still needs to concentrate to do anything with it, so having a sidearm is useful.

The Force. Youda should have been so powerful and adept at using it that he didn't even NEED a lightsaber. Hence the whole "size matters not" line to begin with.

Then he should've been made differently as early as in Empire, because that's when he is shown to almost shit himself raising the ship from the swamp.

>what is inflation
Dumb nigger

This is why I didn't like Disney wiping out the canon. A movie about the Nightsisters of Dathomir and how Luke ended up piloting the Falcon would make a better movie than Ep VIII

>This is why I didn't like Disney wiping out the canon.

But, they didn't. Nobody did.

>Yoda is a Jedi
>but he doesn't use a lightsaber
>even though a lightsaber is a Jedi weapon
>because "the Force"
I mean, he walks around with a cane but why when he can just use the Force? He eats food but can't he just sustain himself on the Force? Why have a bed or a house when he has the Force? "Size matters not."

>3 year gap between each OT/PT movie
>16 year gap between ROTJ and TPM

>10 year gap between ROTS and TFA, with dozens of video games, comics, two cgi cartoons and one cgi movie inbetween
>one year gap between nu-Wars flicks

To be fair, it would fit thematically if the wise old mystic character would rely on their mysterious powers over a sword.

It made no thematic sense for sheev to do a spinning whoop-de-doo attack. It'd have been much more fitting for the character if he like, sat still and motionless while doing force stuff in the background. He shouldn't be putting physical effort in himself. He's a puppet master.

/tv is irrelevant. We're talking about normies, they are the one who can make Disney movies a success. Since they aren't hyped, it doesn't sound good. Disney is so desperate they're showing trailers with spoilers.

So Heir to the Empire still took place? Yes, I know Thrawn is in Rebels, but WTF happened?

>If I spam the same shit post will it mean that a movie that offends me won't break every record and make billions of dollars worldwide with unanimous praise from audiences and critics?

I can't stand this ugly gook's fucking FACE everytime I see a Store Wars thread! FUCK

They're using their version of G Canon. It's canon unless contradicted by the movies. The fact that this wipes out most of the post ROTJ canon is of no concern to the Disney shills.

>lightsabre whips

>he's not a little girl
why are you on Sup Forums

Dark Empire should have been the sequel trilogy, with an Heir To The Empire adaptation as Episode VII, with the big twist being that Thrawn is taking orders from a shadowy figure even higher up than he is. VIII sees the reborn emperor reveal himself while the New Republic gets it's shit pushed in losing Coruscant to the new Empire in the beginning and ending with the pyrrhic victory at Mon Calamari as Luke joins the reborn emperor at his side. IX is now about the turning of Luke back to the light to finally defeat Sheev 2.0 while the New Republic regroups and pushes the new imperial forces back to a defeat in a massive Endor-style battle at Byss, ending with Luke, returned to the light, finally starting his new Jedi academy and taking in the Solo twins as part of his 1st class.

so you think he should do the kreia thing from knights of the old republic and just telekinesis lightsabers to fight for him?

and that's my problem. These movies aren't that good and by making them, better ideas get wiped out. Who asked for Goldmember to be the SW VII- IX villain rather than the Vong?

>He should just explode people's minds with the Force or some shit.

That's missing the point too. Yoda shouldn't fight at all, when he meets Luke he clearly doesn't give a shit about fighting people and doesn't give a shit about dying either. If anything having him kill people with the Force like Vader does would be even worse than having him wave around his little babby sword.

Lucas even said way back then (long before the prequels and he decided Yoda should be some kind of little ninja) that Vader would have easily beat Yoda in a fight, because Yoda isn't a fighter, he's a old hermit. His power is wisdom not killing people.

But back then Yoda was actually treated like a monk while Luke was a knight and they were two seperate things and not blended together like in the prequels.

What did you expect?


He'd be sitting in his chair taunting them while he does it.

>So Heir to the Empire still took place?

No, because Heir to the Empire was never canon.

Force Bump

Force Acting

Palpie's scary shit was his force prescience, didn't even flinch as luke swung the saber at him in Jedi because he KNEW Vader would block it, he'd fucking seen it. His sheer inevitability was a big part of how he ground down Anakin - you don't have a ghost of a chance against Sheev, you're just dancing in the palm of hus hand.

Agree yoda should be past lightsabers though. Should have a lightside force lightning equivalent, maybe just a gentle push on the hilt of an enemy's blade when they have no leverage so they can't even swing, absorbing blaster energy barehanded or dispersing it into the air, etc.