Just saw this fucking nutty movie with my family and they hated it cause of the bible metaphors but i think its a total...

Just saw this fucking nutty movie with my family and they hated it cause of the bible metaphors but i think its a total clusterfuck of a movie but kind of in a good way. What did your friends think about it?

Went into this blind and stone sober.

I wasn’t fucking prepared. It was a fun-ass experience.

Too bad only few people seen it and the majority hated it. I can already tell this is going to be the Next The Room in about 10 years

High quality and Full version. My bad

Will i notice or understand any of this bible metaphors if i have never read the bible? I will see it tomorrow or the other day probably,waiting for subs to be made..

Are you familiar with
>Adam And Eve
>Noah’s Ark
>Cain And Abel

If so you’ll be good.

Just about everyone can tell you're retarded.

Cain kills Abel, for example. Not sure why Adam is old and sick. A crystal seems to represent the tree of life, I think? Made it halfway through so far, it’s a tough watch. The close up expressions of ACTOR JLaw are laughable.

Oh, and read Matthew at least. Give it a fair shot to see if it moves you. The J-Man was a boss.

Its literally babby's first Biblical metaphor, they don't reference Lot fucking his daughters or Job being faithraped or anything like that.

You should know these stories through cultural osmosis.

Wait so these bible methaphors are only about the stories from the old testament? I think im good then,cause im more familiar with it than those from the new.

Dumbledore is a good character, too.

You'd have to be from mars to not get the Bible references and frankly it's not necessary to the enjoyment of the movie

While it's not a masterpiece, mother! is a good movie. I would recommend it. However, I think they made two major errors with this film.

The first is Jennifer Lawrence. Even if you can set aside all the dumb stuff she says and does in real life, she's still not a very good actor. At best, she does a serviceable job here and almost fits the role, but they really could have gotten someone better.

The second is the advertising for this movie. The trailers were almost like 70's exploitation trailers, or 50's/60's horror movie trailers. "THE SHOCKING TWIST WILL MAKE YOU FLIP YOUR WIG!" It just didn't fit what they actually made, and I don't blame audience members for hating it for not being what they thought it would be when they were very clearly misled. They made an art house film but tried to sell it to general audiences and, surprise surprise, it didn't work. It flopped. It flopped so hard that it destroyed a relationship.

However, ultimately, I feel like it's a good movie if you're judging it solely on its own merits. Again, not the best movie of all time, not even the best movie of 2017, I know some people love hyperbole and I'm sorry but there's more to life than two extremes of either "best ever" or "worst ever."

>"!" in the title
>names not capitalised

Technically, no, because there's also a Jesus metaphor. There's nothing really in there that you need to be some kind of Biblical scholar to get.

>jennifer lawrence dealing with very rude house guests

why is she so fucking ugly?

lawrence is waifu material in this one.

Because you enjoy the dick fag

>hated it because of the Bible metaphors
I am not Mr. Religion over here, but I can't wait for the world to grow out of it's abused relationship with religion. People who can't tolerate a bible reference in a movie are really irrationally triggered by anything that acknowledges religion. They reel back in protest because it reminds them of whoever or whatever in their life had given them a hard religious time in their past.