>Before they saw Coco the censors were prepared to ban it, for all the obvious reasons. But when they saw the animated film, many of them were moved to tears by the story’s warmth and its happy ending, where the young protagonist saves the day by ensuring that his ancestors are properly remembered and honored. They were moved enough to break their own rules and allow Coco to release in theaters across the country.

Other urls found in this thread:–20th_century


>The Disney animated film “Coco” cruised to the top of the Chinese box office last week, riding a wave of audience enthusiasm in the world’s second-largest film market.

>Its ten-day total has now reached $75.9 million, making it Pixar’s most successful movie ever in China, according to consulting firm Artisan Gateway.

>At the Beijing U-Town Bona Theater on Friday night audiences were moved to tears during the film’s final scene, crying behind 3-D glasses. On Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, users seemed to connect with the film’s themes of familial devotion.

>“Today I heard the song ‘Remember Me’ and immediately started crying,” said one user.

This is highly unusual since they always ban shit with ghosts or supernatural elements

skeletons to be more exact

Thinking about Remember me and when his great grandma finally walks with her parents together. fucks me up hard.

usually anything that involves an afterlife.

had to hold them tears back because I couldn't let my nephew see my tears

Yeah, hence the >Before they saw Coco the censors were prepared to ban it, for all the obvious reasons
in the OP.
But Chinks are big on that whole muh honoraburr ancestors crap so you can see why
>the young protagonist saves the day by ensuring that his ancestors are properly remembered and honored
made it a hit

>“Today I heard the song ‘Remember Me’ and immediately started crying,” said one user.

>chinks feeling emotions
I find this hard to believe

>a perfect brown boy moves the moralless, godless chinks conditioned to remove humanity to tears


So... some talking bones in a kid's movie has made China value life?

In the US, even if you're not religious you get that 'dead relatives are with you everywhere you go' sentiment, do thet not even have THAT in China? It's like its new for them.

>In the US, even if you're not religious you get that 'dead relatives are with you everywhere you go' sentiment,
Not really no. The US is one of the few countries I can think that pushes the "nuclear family" meme, while discarding notions of an extended family. I doubt many americans know how their great grandparents are.

The Spanish dub was fantastic. Especially the music

>In the US, even if you're not religious you get that 'dead relatives are with you everywhere you go' sentiment
Are you burgers for real?
Holy shit that's pathetic

this sounds pretty shady. China has always been extremely picky with movies regarding ghosts, corpses and afterlife stuff, in a radical politics kind of way, and the fact that they allowed this specific movie which is set in the world of the dead for the most part just because some of them thought it was a nice and moving screams fishy to say the least.
it's also a cute "coincidence" that disney has been working with chinese studios to start releasing chinese-made movies there.
Disney are powerful and unstoppable but they've never been good at hiding how obvious and blatant they are

>I doubt many americans know how their great grandparents are.


I'm guessing it had more to do with Disney bribes than Chinese tears.

why was the grandma an old skeleton and the parents young skeletons tho

Not true, there are more multigenerational families than ever before. And if you dont or didnt hear about your dead family members growing up, or never went to grandmas house for a holieay then I don't know what to tell you.

>support Mao's cultural revolution
>suddenly interested in honouring ancestors

Why is China so awful?

Horrible government that has quite possibly irreversibly conditioned people to be as subservient as they are

>never went to grandmas house for a holieay then I don't know what to tell you.
Never said I was american. And there's a difference between grandparents and great-grandparents whom some of us may have never met. The whole point to the movie as I understand it is for you to carry your relatives' memory when after they die, and so whether americans care for a great grandparent they've never met will determine if they can empathize with the themes in this movie.

Most americans don't know if rhey're white or black or latino. I assume that means for some not knowing their family past their grandparents.

I'm assuming you've never read about the butthurt Deng had for Mao?

Bullshit cliché. Not at all acurate or up to date. There are lots of chinese movies depicting ghosts or the afterlife at this point.


You have no idea about modern China. Stop posting, you literal nigger

It was the reason Ghostbusters was not allowed last year

t. elliot rodger

Yes. Door Gods is one example, just from the top of my head.

>Thinking Mao has anything to do with modern China
>Continues posting shit even though he has nothing to say
Great post, retard.

Taiwan and Hong Kong don't count nigger

Like the user said, the very existence of Chinese movies with ghosts contradicts that.

They died young.

They released a law change about it only a few years ago. Check here:

I usually find Sup Forums discussing China pretty cringey, but in this case, it's accurate.

shit you're right

>tfw you realise the kid you see on the bridge at the beginning died as a kid

Surprisng, really. Though in a way it's obvious that China would love a movie about loving your ancestors.

I think that's an older part of Chinese culture. I doubt most young people there give a fuck about ancestor worship.

>. I doubt most young people there give a fuck about ancestor worship.
What is the Hanfu trend?

I swear to [insert your faith], Sup Forums should never discuss anything outside of movies.

>equating a fashion trend to solemn ancestor worship
it's you who shouldn't post at all

People wearing traditional clothes indicates ancestor worship? The fuck?
Modern Chinese aren't these pious Ming Dynasty nobles. Especially the younger generations. They're mostly concerned with doing well in school, getting a job, and playing video games on the weekend. A lot of that tradition has fallen to the wayside.

Are you retarded? Have you ever been to China?

What if I'm Mexican (white)?

It indicates a respect for tradition. How else would old heritage clothes be considered new-age fashionable?

They're softening up. Won't be long before movie posters have no need to censor niggers in there.

Coco is literally Pixar best film in decades, I'm glad I didn't listen to Sup Forums this time, and went to watch that movie.

Yes, faggot. I interact with Chinese people constantly.

You know what surprised me the most? The massive lack of knowledge the average Chinese person has about their country's history. They only ever have surface level information, that a Westerner could acquire in a week. Most of them don't know central figures even relating to the revolution, especially the younger generation.


dead people on suicide watch

>implying knowing about the revolution is relevant knowledge to life in modern China

A respect for tradition and ancestor worship aren't one in the same. And I would say it's related to China's fierce nationalism more than anything.

The topic is ancestor worship, not 'relevant knowledge'. Most young Chinese people aren't overly concerned with their country's past, on a national or individual level. Understandably, because their lives are insanely busy.

Isnt ancestor worship kinda Japan's thing anyway?

Chinese culture is based off honoring your ancestors, prior to their Halloween equivalent hundreds of millions of Chinese people go outside to send money to their parents, grandparents and close relatives in the afterlife.

>>Before they saw Coco the censors were prepared to ban it, for all the obvious reasons
what reasons?

t. miguel gonzales-tortilla

Showing skeletons and dead people

Shinto is extremely similar to Shendao, Japanese culture and religion is heavily influenced by Chinese culture and religion.

Smells fishy... I don't buy the Chinese suddenly growing feelings like that.


Shoot, id say more than similar. Phoneticaly they sound almost identical.

read the thread, it's explained

Tradition is the way of one's ancestors. Taking on traditional clothes as cool and fashionable is an endorsement of your ancestor's culture and fashion.

if coco was about a white kid wanting his ancestors to be properly remembered the film would be called racist

Just did, didn't find it

It's not done as a way to pay homage to their ancestors, though. The clothing is fashionable for its own sake, not because someone's great-great-great-grandparent may have worn it.

People can participate in traditions without embodying the historic spirit or motives for said tradition. We do this in the West constantly. Look at Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc. The original meaning behind these traditions has been heavily distorted and modernized. It's silly to think that Chinese wouldn't be the same, or that their culture would be uniquely unaffected by changes in technology and way of life.

Disney burned rice outside of the theaters and the smell of burning rice made them teary, as it's the only thing they truly value.

the name Shendao is a neologism, chinese folk religion(s) never really had any proper official denomination as far as I know.

baka, you should educate yourself before spouting such nonsense, in fact urbanization and modernization caused a massive revival of pure ancient spirituality in post cultural revolution China.

Maybe you could get away with it if you set it back in roman times and have the main character be a dirty fucking Gaul

>crying behind 3-D glasses

The weirdest timeline.

Gauls were superior to Romans, more advanced in all the humanities and the greatest goldsmiths of their time, eat a dick.

Fine whatever. Fact is that China waived their taboo of depicting the undead because their hearts were warmed by a movie about respecting their ancestors, and it sold gangbusters.


Is there a name for this "massive revival of pure ancient spirituality"? Or is it the commercialization of historic clothing that you have already mentioned?

>their hearts were warmed
Maybe their government is looking to keep things like ancestor worship alive and made a special exemption for a movie which reinforced that part of their culture?

I'm not trying to be a dick here. I like Chinese people. But I've met enough of them to know that the average Chinese man or woman in their 20s, is far more concerned about other things in life than respecting the dead.

it's pretty much documented in anything pertaining to modern china especially the post 1990 campaigns to restore the "Four Old"

why did they lose then?

t. Asterix

because they were not unified, they beat the Romans several times before being finally conquered by Julius Caesar due to their disunity.

Based mexicans moving the chinese to tears

Now if the movie broke records in Mexico, China and other countries, why is it flopping in USA?.

Reminds me so much of Saint Seiya that was a HUUUUUUGE hit around the world and flopped horribly in America.

Can I get a link? Genuinely curious.

I could only find a mention of cultural sites being repaired since the 1990s.


>do thet not even have THAT in China? It's like its new for them.
Surely the chinks will be unable to wrap their brains around an alien concept like "filial piety."

Cause that damn Frozen short...

dunno man maybe check out the sources in the wikipedia article or something–20th_century
or just go live there for a while

Caesar beat them at their most unified several times in a row on their home turf fighting outnumbered without support from rome itself who wanted his ass dead.
Takes some real heavy rationalization to turn that into them being in any way superior.

>Who is Confuscious
>What is the Tao
>What is filial piety
Nope. Nips historically just adapt and repurpose everything they have from china, even when it doesnt make sense (like traditional characters being used for a phonetic language). Shinto and Zen Buddhism are just nipped up versions of Chinese philosophy and religion.

We'll have a few discrepancies here then, because "Dia de muertos" is exclusively for adults and it is celebrated Oct 2nd, "Dia de todos los santos" celebrated Oct 1st is to celebrate kids.

So that kid should be crossing the bridge the previous day, noit that day.

They took away the Frozen short in Mexico after 3 days, because people complaints, I never watched it, is it really too bad?

>tfw still no movie about the siege of alesia
It's tailor made for a big budget spectacle flick.

you don't know shit about history

it's pretty bad so the 21 minutes seem like a lot longer

>reminder that several months ago Sup Forumscucks were memeing this movie would fail because no one wants to see a movie about ""dirty mexicans"""

It's way too long and reeks of Disney putting something recognizable and well liked in front of a movie starring minorities because they were worried no one would see it.

>Disney forced Them to take the spic film

I really want to watch it in Spanish with subtitles.

>Most americans don't know if rhey're white or black or latino. I assume that means for some not knowing their family past their grandparents
Citation needed. At most some might not know if there was a nigger in the haypile (I won't even deal with the Latino meme here). If you look white, you are white. If you look black, you're black, of you speak Spanish and/or English you're probably Latino, whatever that actually means. No one is confused about that, but like men of old who would claim distant royal heritage, some try to claim distant victim heritage as enunciated here:

Don't you mean Knights Of The Zodiac?
Ya yo! Don't give it up, Ikki!

So you can show skellies to Chinamen so long as you "honor" them?

Yeah I mean that, but the original name is Saint Seiya.

>21 minutes of a retarded snowman
Its like they want the kids to have dead ancestors in that same room while they watch the main feature

mfw I got there late and missed the short

reminds me of the british censors giving the heroin in Pulp Fiction a pass