>Expect John Winchester Return
>Get no Castiel
>Get mystery meat virtue signalling stronk womyn footface character & fucking DINISAURS instead
This season was going so well until this ep.. god damn.
I do NOT have high hopes for January..
Can we talk about this for a second?
Oh fuck this board.
Self-bump I guess.
So I'm glad I jumped ship at the end of season 11? I could really stand some things post season five since some of the later seasons close to double digit ones were pretty good but the ending to that one left a bad taste in my mouth.
Yea the ending of 11 was disappointing seeing as that season was breddy gud.
12 was incredibly mediocre until the last 2 episodes
This season had potential, hopefully it isn’t completely pissed away in The Spring.
Oh yea & The Coolest Biblical Character? Archangel Michael? Yea He’s a nigger now.
Fucking (((kripke)))
After reading episode summaries it's bleeding obvious they are going to have to sacrifice Jack in some way so that the gates between universes close.
>A black character on Supernatural
Like that will last long, they basically have the same life span as female characters in the openings who get killed off by some paranormal threat.
I don't know what show this is, but that's a neat poster
who'd have thought that a cw show in its 29th season would be garbage
It's a shame that MICHAEL of all Characters is being wasted like that though.
I don’t think so, a Seer told Dean That He’d have to Kill Castiel, Sam & the antichrist in that Order.
So Jack will stretch on until the final season i presume.
I only started watching it in January it’s absolutely great until Season 6, then it’s on a decline until midway through Season 8, then it dips again a bit at Season 12, props itself up a bit for 13 then shits itself for the halfway finale.
Rollercoaster of a show.
I don't understand why they couldn't have kept Uriel around. He was actually pretty cool and could've been a great villain if they wanted a black angelic villain as the antagonist.