Good luck everyone

good luck everyone

Other urls found in this thread:

I made a note in my diary on the way here. Simply says 'Bugger'

Musnt leave without my stick

>tfw the scene was incredibly dangerous for the actors because of all the prop debris and it being dark
>tfw they only had one shot at it and it came out utterly shit
>you could see them bouncing all over the fucking place and it looked ridiculous
>they had the idea of going in slow mo to cover the bouncing
> they had the idea of fading to the empty battlefield and then the poppy field to cover the bouncing as they fell down dead

>tfw the most emotional moment in all of comedy is a complete fluke and could have so easily ruined the entire show

When i first saw this could relate to that like nothing before

they almost didn't include it because it looked fucking ridiculous, but the slow mo saved it. Absolutely fantastic scene

>when george recounts his childhood and reminisces about his friends, then realises he's the only one left alive

>feelings are for faggots and stupid SJW's!!
>some feelings are based af, like war!!!
>im allowed to be sad with my bros from the chan!
>i make fun of everything, but you should have respect from specific things i like!!
>press F!!!!!

deep af, kill yourself

Nice projection there bud

I have a cunning plan.