How do you guys feel about Chelle Sherrills body of work?

How do you guys feel about Chelle Sherrills body of work?
She doesn't have many roles, bit I see big things in her future.

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i see big things in her rectums future

big bum make me cum

why are white girls getting such huge asses now, I don't understand

kike influence and their role models being the kardashians/nikki minaj. think about it, a young 10 year old girls role models are vapid, plastic sluts with huge fake asses and cavernous pussies. id hate to be a woman

they always had big asses. what obscured this was a fashion industry run by homosexual men ( who are often also pedophiles ) which led to a skinny and boy-like female form being idealized. white women believed this shit for some reason

as a result the white women with big asses either went on diets or never wore clothing that emphasized their rear.

these were dark times, user

i remember trying to convince multiple women that guys liked a healthy ass. it was like they'd been brainwashed or something, they wouldn't believe you no matter what you said

then of course straight dudes got blamed for the whole thing

I guess it's butt injections then?


corn-fed sporty conservatives are the only ones who breed


I don't know if this girl has implants or something similar, but if not, I don't see how anyone can be this genetically predisposed to inflate my penis.
Slender limbs and ribcage combined with a big butt is almost a universal impossibility. Shame about that face and pasty skin.

fat bitch needs to lose some weight

faggot alarms all over the eastern seaboard started blaring when you posted this shit

looks like it's a 9.8 of the fagter scale. what can men do against such reckless faggotry?

pale skin is god tier, especially with black hair

Nice turd box.


Whatever, chubby chaser.

is that bjork?>

I'm not anglo, I'm southern european, so I prefer tanned women.

Ireland, please go.

Wondering what a fat juicy shitlog would look like sliding out of her steamy asspipe tßh

I do too, but the pale skin/black hair combo is still nice, just like the tanned/blond combo

Looks like a whore, still, nice ass.

Damn, when I look at asses like that that's when I hate having a 5.5 inches dick, even if managed to get that girl, my dick would probably just get the tip in, my pain is eternal.

Seconded. Need EFRO porn of her asp

I generally prefer brown/dark hair (even when they are tanned), but I obviously understand what you mean by the contrasts.

Are there any vids with her butt in focus?

angles bro, angles

All big (and medium) time actresses are whores, my dude.

Are you retarded? Both holes are down under enough so that there's no actual volume between you penis and the holes. You feel the ass in your pubis, unless you go out of your way to get a super weird angle you's be fine. Obese women would be unable to get pregnant if that wasn't the case.


Most virgins automatically think of the doggy position user. They don't realize there are other positions

>Obese women would be unable to get pregnant if that wasn't the case.
I wish it wasn't the case


Great post

really makes ya think

Doesn't do it justice

nah a lot of them actually work out but its the celebrities with the fake asses that are making them do it. women are so insecure they have to conform to anything popular. i shit you not if tomorrow the new trend came out that you chopped off your ring finger because its "independent" and bad bitch status i guarantee you 60% of all women wouldnt have a ring finger

I'd say her best work is already behind her

To be fair, doggy is even easier to access, since the glutei are streched and there's even less volume between your pubis and her tailbone. And both holes are more exposed. This compared to prone bone.

Nah, no one should be denied having intimate pleasure with loved ones. Obesity should turn them infertile, now THAT would be a great thing.

I doubt it, The thing with butts,lips, breast etc are that those are sexual parts so it makes sense for women to enhance those.

Her arse is so fat when she sits on the toilet she probably can't shit without the cheeks being pressed together and going all over her.


ass cheeks are not in the way in doggy style you virgin

Adam... Sandler?

look at her older videos and look at her now. why are women such whores?

Hmm not for me, though prone bone usually works. I got stuck with a curved penis so I have to angle and contort for doggy. being 6'3 makes it a little more difficult too

Ok? It's called growing up and advancing through puberty.

Virgin identified

what a braphog

fuck's sake, go away fucking bongistani
NO, I'm not american.

Mmmmmm yeah she's a nice little specimen heh I'd like to give her a present if you know what I mean. Specimens like her love my presents mmmm mmmm

>no I'm not american

>cellulite at 18


Why'd you say that, though? Because I like slender girls with big butts?

I'd pay to be able to bury my face im those cheeks so I could inhale the gassiest of her fumes


Mine curves slightly downward and I can do every position possible, what changes with the angle is if it comfortable or hurts me or the girl.

Wait, she's 18 and married?
Also, she's not very cute at all. The ass is still glorious though.

I have a little girl "cousin" that always had a big butt since she was 12 and she already had some cellulite in her butt at that age, 0 belly fat, though

imagine sticking tongue inches through the poopshute after one of those sessions

i bet her armpits smell so good user


her belly at the end made me harder than anything

This. White girls have always had the biggest asses. Black women have lots of rear projection but thin hips.

to attract black men, why do you think america is red?

she's a coalburner, just like most white women nowadays

Mine curves upward, I think downward would be easier

Disgusting, she looks like a barrel. A good butt is good not because it's big, but because it is big in proportion to waist, ribcage and thighs. And the shape is important as well.

Cellulite is a natural occurence in oestrogenic fat, saying you dont like it outs you as a hugely effeminate.

her ass isnt that big ur good user
only obese negro tier asses cause this problem

They have a different shape. Nigger butt is square and masculine, although the volume in the upper part is indeed bigger, making it appear perkier when viewed from the side.

The thing is, most anglo girls do have pancake butts, and germanic girls have butts that look like deformed potatoes, that's where the stigma comes from.

The worst butts are asian though, no contest, they make me barf in my mouth a little.


Television and fucking film you fucking virgins. Mods do your "job".

Every single part of a woman is sexual, user. Their whole purpose is breeding


I've never been attracted to a girls elbow sorry