Be experimental filmmaker

>be experimental filmmaker
>hit it big with massively successful sci-fi trilogy
>decades later create prequel trilogy that reveals that the Jedi were effectively thugs for the "peaceful" republic shaking down Trade Federations for stepping out of line, leaving entire populations enslaved while stealing children from loving homes and making them train, all while propping up a system that eventually leads to the creation of the Empire and Darth Vader
>new trilogy is basically an allegory for how the halcyon days of the past weren't as pure and simple as we remember them while also being a tribute to 40s and 50s action films
>do all this through genuinely interesting techniques like mirroring the blocking and camera angles of scenes where the Empire discuss there plans on scenes involving the Jedi discussing theirs, or having Mace Windu's hand reach out toward Anakin's the way Vader's reached out to Luke in episode V
>angry neckbeard nu males don't get it and bash your creation
>it becomes cool to hate your prequels
>say fuck you and sell your franchise to Disney
>they ruin all of your characters and just rehash your original story minus any of the thought proving themes or innovative filmmaking techniques to rake in billions off of nostalgia fagging nu males who beta orbit "gamer gurlz"

Oh shit

The prequels are still objectively bad films.

>say fuck you and sell your franchise to Disney
his fault tbqh

Sad but true OP

Faggots like these will never get it:

There is absolutely zero science in Star Wars.
It's space fantasy.

Its pretentious to think that the sequels were anything but lucas' attempt to make more money off of star wars

This but unironically. People that complained about the trade federation stuff just didn't get it. The prequels are far from perfect but they aren't bad.

They're objectively fun and watchable and Disney franchise is objectively worse. Disney literally does the same exact thing as the films you are calling bad, but without any of the redeeming qualities. They are objectively, logically, beyond all rational doubt worse.

>Make watchable films with innovative techniques
>Everyone hates you for it and doesn't get it
>Sell out now that you're no longer seen as confident enough to build the story of these films
Seems like it was the fanbase's fault.

I certainly admire what he was trying to pull off with the prequels (a different vibe from the first trilogy, "ring theory", etc.), but the execution was lacking.

In the end, they're alright movies, especially if you find a fanedit you like. Certainly nothing to REE over.

The only sequels George Lucas was involved with was Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Daily reminder that the Trade Federation were the good guys.

The """"Republic"""" used an army of literal slaves with brain control chips while the federation used robots to minimalist casualties incurred on their own species.

Did you actually read the posts you were replying to? Because I don't think you did.

>make objectively shitty franchise
>sell it
Where does the fanbase come in exactly?

Trade federation were conniving Jews and it was Palpatine that heroically gave them the old btfo

Palpatine was the Jew you fool.

The Trade Federation and Republic were both goyim pawns in his game.

The clones are as exactly as unfeeling as the droids.
The only actual difference between the two is one is mechanical and one is biological.
The Trade Federation tried to strong arm an entire planet into giving them more shekels, they are very far from the good guys.
There are no good or bad guys in the prequels besides the Sith orchestrating Galactic civil war, even the Jedi are more shades of gray than white

>it's watchable
Is this the most brain-dead compliment anyone can give?

Neimoidian = kike

>Sup Forums shits on the prequels for years
>Disney buys star wars
>Sup Forums all of a sudden love prequels because muh joos

It's not a statement of good or bad, it's fact.
The prequels, no matter how much you hate them, are watchable movies.


>The Trade Federation tried to strong arm an entire planet into giving them more shekels
They were being extorted by the senate so they protested peacefully until the senate sent two of their hired guns (jedi) to beat them into submission. Even the framing of Qui Gon and Obi Wan as menacing hooded figures in the beginning as well as their blocking was reminiscent of the Empire talking about how the rebel systems will "fall in line" when Qui Gon and Obi Wan talk about how weak the Trade Federation are.
I mean the Federation is so terrified of the Jedi in the other room that they panic and send in a guy with tea while they stall. The jedi are not framed as the good guys at all.

>protested peacefully
While fully arming for conquest?
They didn't start loading the droids into drop ships when they found out about the Jedi, they were in mid-swing when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan arrived.
>The jedi are not framed as the good guys at all
This doesn't make the Trade Federation morally good, though.

>extorted by the senate
Pay taxes jew

Yeah that's fair, they also tried to poison gas the jedi. I'm just saying the Jedi were portrayed as evil, corrupt, arrogant, or some combination of the three more often than not. I'd say the films make them out to be villains more than shades of grey.

Taxation is theft libcuck

My takeaway from the prequels was that while not necessarily outright villainous, the Jedi had become conceited of their own power and influence in the Republic.
They were arrogant and hypocritical, which eventually lead to their downfall.

Shitting on the very person who envisioned their favorite movies.


Oh now youre all anti-government badass after we gave you seats in the Senate??
Typical faggot ass ungrateful jew parasite.
We should've gassed you all when Hitler J Skywalker was Emperor.

I will never understand the brainlets who hate prequels

Yeah, for ruining them.

T. Sheev to ,y dear friend ani

What is he thinking about, Anons???

Money and all the autistic basement dwellers he got his revenge on.

>We should've gassed you all when Hitler J Skywalker was Emperor.
>impying we didn't engineer the holocaust sacrificing thousands—yes THOUSANDS—of our own to clear an unimpeded path towards world domination and would actually have allowed for that one testicle having, puberty stache growing, art school reject who can't even win a war he was already winning kill any of our own without our approval
stay misinformed, goyim

I've yet to meet a person who would want to willingly sit down and watch any of the prequels when they weren't having lightsaber fights or big cgi battles. I agree, the disney movies are tedious and clearly show that disney only wants star wars to print money and nothing else. But, saying that the prequels are good just because the new movies suck is just spiteful to me.

>>be experimental filmmaker
pic unrelated then

has revisionism gone too far?

Prequel hating is

you are wrong

what exactly is being revised?

They were obviously Asian charicatures


I liked that one part of the prequels that lasted about 3 seconds whenever Obi Wan ju>REEEEEEEEEEE

The clones could clearly feel pain and were intelligent enough to be placed in command positions. Using them as slave soldiers was morally indefensible.

My point still stands

Robots in the Star Wars universe are shown numerous times to feel pain and be intelligent and think for themselves.
The clones were manufactured and programmed just like the droids for the exact same purpose.

Fair enough

Are clones fertile?
Do they have dicks?

Learn grammar and spelling shit face.

The prequels aren’t “bad” but they’re certainly not spectacular.

You can put George up on a pedastal as this punished intellectual but in actuality he pandered a lot to the fans and forgot at times what he wanted to achieve.

If he wanted to make this amazing “poetry,” then he could have done it a lot better, and refrained from “Muh Jedi r gud” and “Muh sith r evil”

Sheev was a stroke of genius in some scenes and a moustache twirling villain in others. George got distracted constantly and was definitely caught off balance going from a studio controlled environment to a Carte Blanche situation.

In the old EU Clones would hook up with Twi'lek broads all the time, idk what the stance is now

>“Muh Jedi r gud” and “Muh sith r evil”
Except he didn't do that at all. More often than not, the Jedi are shown to be varying degrees of corrupt, arrogant, or cruel.

The Nu Face of Soy Weimars

Can you order a clone of particular senator for personal use?

The dialogue alone makes the prequels laughably bad. They're objectively terribly executed movies.

Don't know, sounds like it might be illegal but I would like the idea of a Mon Mothma fuck toy

>I never liked sand... It.. gets everywhere

>autistic character has autistic lines

>”This is the prime minister of Cameenoh, Llama Sue.”

Explain this

>explain a simple introduction
I doubt you'd understand the social concept no matter how hard I tried to explain.

When you know two people who don't know each other, it is considered polite to introduce them, that way you avoid any awkward feelings for all three parties. This is basic social etiquette and can be learned by going outside and talking to real people.

why was mon mothma not CGI'd? anyone else get recast yet?

>The negotiators are Delta Force sir.

The Mon Mothma actress in Rogue One is the same actress in Revenge of the Sith, who didn't have any lines, was just in the background in like two or three scenes

>Genuinely interesting techniques
>Wow I did the same thing as I did in my old movies

The prequels certainly have redemptive aspects and aren't pure shit, but saying they're actually some form of hidden gems is a meme.

wasn't george lucas's original star wars script complete garbage, and all the neat and interesting things were added by someone he hired?

i heard that in a documentary somewhere. we see his original script and its fucking hilariously bad.

so they threw her a bone instead of CGI return of the jedi mothma?

and the prequels is what happens when no one punches up lucas's work - its 100% george lucas and it becomes utter trash

You know that field in The Phantom Menace they have a huge battle on that everyone complained looked fake? That was an actual field in california photographed to look like CGI. Say what you will about Lucas he tried a lot of new and interesting things with the prequels that we will never see in star wars again.

prequels are bad because of characters and plot. anyone nitpicking about the CGI is just wasting their time.

Except we never see them shakedown anyone good. The trade federation are obviously portrayed as pawns of evil.
>leaving entire systems enslaved
This was not portrayed as a decision a deliberate oversight. And even id it was it would be in line with intervention policies from startrek and many other series. Morally neutral or even positive.
>stealing children.
Anakin wanted to leave and his mother was happy to have him out of slavery. The other children were not portrayed as kidnapped.
>they are responsible for vader.
You mean responsible for a single guy not being able to control his emotions. If anything their system was MORE right since they broke their own rules to let Anakin join the jedi. And him being extremely niaeve led to being fallen and the senate being so easily convinced to commit genocide is similarly badly written.

>actually just so bad he has essentially 2 ways of staging anything.
>especially limited because of small cgi sets.
>becomes cool to hate prequels.

Gen Z faggot detected. They have always been bad since their release and today the few people that defend them are Gen Z manchild trash.

Probably cheaper after what they spent to bring back Tarkin and Leia

and this

>innovative techniques

Which ones were those?

>I took something real and made it look shitty and fake

And you're bragging about this...why?

And I think anyone complaining about that scene probably meant the gungans look shitty, not the grass.

But one area I would agree the prequels we're innovative are in cgi, so sure.

Prequels apologists deserve Disney SW for being fucking retarded

It's a shitty attempt to be "deep. That's it.

he also had a massively successful sleeper hit with American Graffiti before that op. its a classic in its own right

he's right tho they are objectively bad movies with bad acting, bad CGI and inappropriate pacing. They're not well crafted. If he wanted these to be deep, esoteric, symbolic films he shouldn't have made them McBlockbusters

shamalamadingdong has a couple decent movies too but hes still a hack

There is literally nothing wrong with the characters and the plot of the prequels
They are both great as evidenced by their portayal in the Clones animated series.

The problem was in the execution.

Or maybe more like this:
> be a talentless manlet filmmaker
> make some films in the mid-70's when drug use and meaningful art is still in vogue but people are getting their shit together unlike in the 60s.
> leech off the talents of people around you, make three cool films and take credit for everyone else's work.
> get lazy and instead just run the business and have other people direct your movies even better than you could.
> make millions off toys sales and lazily keep re-releasing star wars film after star wars film with microscopic additions that are stupid and pointless for a decade ripping off fans
> finally, after twenty years of not directing, announce that you are making a prequel series
> this time you stupidly decide to take control of everything under the delusion that it was you that made the originals great
> after the first film it's obvious you have no idea what you are doing and everyone thinks it's garbage compared to the originals
> but continue on because you are committed to making three, all of which are hot garbage
> realize you made a mistake but stay in denial
> random youtubers rip your prequels a new asshole
> get embarrassed and sell everything to disney
> make a shit load of money and give it away like an sjw retard
> realize you just gave away the only thing that made you worth a fuck just after you proved to the world how it was not you who was responsible for making it great
> disney rapes your shit.
> scratch your ass
> crawl under a rock
> drink your chocolate milk

I love how the Disney trilogy hate has actually made people believe that George Lucas is a good filmmaker.

>i never watched plinkett's complete dissemination of the phantom menace
anyone thats watched that youtube video can list ten reasons why you're wrong. its easier if you just go watch it.


Their were hidden depths to the prequel: especially the third. I wish they had been a bit longer, but they are all good, I can still watch them. And they aren't filled with (what's the word for Disney shit propaganda.??)

a harder truth

Describe Padme without mentioning her occupation or gender.

why cant he just retire to a cabin and fuck off. the ego

>I can't stand to watch a movie because theres a woman and a black in it. Wahh

not like he changed anyone's already formed opinion.

Describe your life without using letters "G" "E" and "M"

senior web developer, 25 years old, likes video games and faps to kinky porn. go to the gym 5 times a week.

now describe padme

friendly reminder if you dont appreciate the prequels you are a living breathing MOOBIE meme and are too stupid to understand star wars
>inb4 the prequels were shit
not saying they were terrific, they are able to be appreciated for what they are as they have a soul. unlike disneys soulless cashgrab
>inb4 but lucas is a hack
his vision, his art, his direction. its his product and while not perfectly directed the thematic bridges and elements provided weave the story together succinctly and provide closure.

NuMales will defend this...

>senior wEb dEvElopEr, 25 yEars old, likEs vidEo GaMEs and faps to kinky porn. Go to thE GyM 5 tiMEs a wEEk.
You failed miserably

lmfao did you actually take the time to go through everything and capitalize those letters

thats adorable

>the have a soul.
now we're just going to have to agree to disagree

Fearless child ruler willing to sacrifice theirself to save the populace. Wise beyond their years but still.young and naive enough to be manipulated.

Caring yonthe point they even shed tears for the bodyguards whose job is to litetally take the bullet for them.