What are the chances of this movie being successful?
Will it spawn a pokémon cinematic universe?
What are the chances of this movie being successful?
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IM honestly confused with the direction they decided to go in to start a live Pokémon movie. But I kinda dig it
I predict this movie will be better than anyone was expecting.
This to be honest, were they on drugs when they came up with this
Is it live action with CGI pokemon? Or all CGI?
It will be absolute shit but in the most interesting way possible. Guaranteed Pikachu will be quipping through the whole thing. I predict box office disaster.
thats an adorable pikachu desu im gonna see it based solely on this poster
I never got into pokemon games or the anime but based on what I know about Pikachu is that he only says, "pika" correct?
Are they going to have him start using actual words now?
reynolds is pikachu?
pikachu will speak??
This can't be real.
Live action + CGI pokémon
Takes place in the pokemon world, in Rhyme city (it's never mentioned what region it's located in)
Detective Pikachu is a coffee addicted sassy pikachu
Detective Pikachu is a 3DS adventure game, and you bet your ass Game Freak made it specifically as a way into a Hollywood Film Adaptation.
Ash's Pikachu spoke in the last movie.
This is Detective Pikachu.
I'm morbidly curious enough about this that I'm probably going to end up seeing this asy done point.
forgot to say, that guy's the protagonist, Tim Goodman
Here you go anons.
But it doesn't talk, does it? or is Reynolds someone else in the movie?
I know nothing about Detective Pikachu games. Does he speak in them?
the detective pikachu can speak, it's kinda like meowth
his attacks are weak though, because he can't control his electricity very well
Yeah, Detective PIkachu talks
Wait so is this gonna be rated R movie like Ted?
this is the game it's based on
Yes, it's a spinoff that no one cares about with a talking Pikachu.
How the fuck did Pikachu speak here?
doesn't seem official
Meowth can speak so pokemon can learn to
>That one guy who's like "No!"
Supposedly almost all Pokemon have the potential to speak human language but it rarely happens like team rocket's Meowth. Detective Pikachu is a unique pikachu like Ash's Pikachu or Cosplay Pikachu.
Yeah, but he had to give up a move to do it.
Like I get Detective Pikachu, since they made it pretty clear that that particular Pikachu was unique that way, but how the fuck did they explain that shit in the youtube link?
yeah, detective pikachu's gonna snort coke out of a stripper's asshole
Different Pikachus? So there are a bunch of pikachus out there or Pikachu turns into these different Pikachus??
I think I'm glad I never got into Pokemon.
Japanese have fucking terrible taste and are poor story tellers, they probably thought it would be emotional
fucking redditmericans
There's no explanation, and it only has the one line.
Think of it like a dog. You can have a dog, and your neighbor can have a dog. They're both dogs but yours speaks English
>God dammit detective Pikachu, you are a loose cannon
>Now hand over your gun and your badge, you are off this case
Pikachu is a species of pokemon the protagonist of the anime's pikachu is considered a unique one for various reasons.
The rights to the Pokemon IP is split equally between three companies: Game Freak (the developers of the mainline Pokemon games and the creators of the concept), Nintendo (the publishers of the Pokemon games) and Creatures Inc. (they financed the development of Red/Green when Game Freak went bankrupt partway through development, they also produced the trading cards and developed certain Pokemon spin-offs like Pokemon Ranger and the Detective Pikachu game on 3DS). Since Creatures Inc. is a subsidiary of Nintendo, Nintendo effectively own two-thirds of the rights to the IP and fully owns the Pokemon trademark. And all decisions about the Pokemon IP are made by a company called "The Pokemon Company", whose ownership is split three-ways between the three owners of the Pokemon IP. Game Freak only develop the main Pokemon games, they have very little input on anything else involving Pokemon.
TL;DR: Game Freak have nothing to do with Detective Pikachu.
Holy shit lol.
Cucks have all this shit coming.
>a fucking movie like this
holy shit
Why does Ash's Pikachu even need to talk? It always seemed to me they understood each other perfectly.
omg no this has got to be bait
Ask those crazy nips
It's made for actual babies
The audience's reaction is even more embarrassing than the fucking film.
Is this one of these things that mankind isen't supposed to see? Like this image
But cute voice
>cucks have all this shit coming
Why would men with cheating girlfriends deserve a movie about a detective pokemon? Are you saying they deserve it as a reward to make them feel better about their unfaithful partners? Or perhaps you meant they should be further chastised and punished for being cucks and receive this movie as a punishment?
What did you mean??
>its not DeVito
well there went Pokékino
Chances of making money? Very high
Chances of being a good quality movie? We'll see
cuck means a man that likes to watch his girlfriend sleep with black men. He is a weak beta male.
Is this real? I know you guys are trolling me right now I ain't even gonna look it up.
I don't know what you're so shocked by. It's made for 5 year olds.
the poster is fanmade but they are actually making a live action movie based on detective pikachu
were you expecting his face to be any different?
Do kids really want a detective movie?
that's a bootleg card
cubone's face has never been shown
It will be the next Avatar.
I imagine it's not going to be that complicated. It's also easier to sanitize a detective over a police officer I guess.
What's the news on the live-action Sonic movie? Haven't heard anything since 2014.
delet this right fucking now if you know whats good for you