Regular Reminder that the so called "television and film" board can't even work out how to defeat the Thing

Regular Reminder that the so called "television and film" board can't even work out how to defeat the Thing.

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Freeze it forever

Nuke the site before it gets a chance to spread

It's work! Freeze it and use a ship to to bring mainland for studies.

t. the thing


t. the thing

t. the thing

Launch it into the sun obviously

Spoof the gps so it lands in Antarctica instead of NYC

t. the thing

With fire, duh. Exceptionally powerful acid might also work. Really, a total cremation is the best, down to the ash since it is shown that burnt remains can eventually come back, but that's hard to come by in Antarctica.

t. Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt

Just release it into a large populated city. The thing hates lights and loud noises so it would definitely die if you did that to me.

There's a new Thing boardgame out with miniatures of all twelve men at Outpost 31

I got my copy and plan on painting them all to resemble their film likenesses

I can't be the only human being here that genuinely enjoys the 2011 film. Sure, it's not as good as Carpenter's masterpiece, but I think it's a good backstory. Think about it. In the 2011 film, which takes place before the 1982 film, The Thing is fucking retarded. It attacks people openly and doesn't know what stealth is. It then gets it's ass kicked and we are led into the the events of the 1982 film. In that one, The Thing is smarter. It learned. It now uses stealth and almost wins.

Not all things are like that! What are you thingophobic? You can't judge the actions of a few things as representative of all things! Don't be an ignorant bigot!

Me and my other European brothers and sisters are going to protest this hate speech by holding up banners in the streets saying 'All Things Welcome!'. That'll show you nazi's whats what.

blast it with radiation so whenever it tries to replicate its cells it gets cancer

autism: the fanbase

I liked it too and frequently defend it (I also use your argument of "it learned to be more patient" as I feel it adds to the 82 film). The director wanted to do more and the practical effects were really neat; it's the producers who killed the film with their mandate of CGI graphics.

You (You) me three times.

Quarantine and scorch the entire area.

If you wanted an ethical answer theres no reason why would we be in any position to answer

Kill every living thing on earth before it can touch it

t. brainlet
This desu

Here is the map from the board game I posted in Your image has been around for awhile and I have seen it at the movie fan site; I wonder if the developers of this board game used it as a reference due to its similarities or if they both reached the same conclusion

Dunk it in molten steel? Or a volcano I guess.

Please post outcome

Compromise with it and offer up a third world shithole on exchange for your safety

>Thing board game
>Resi 2 board game
Licensed board games are coming back, bb.

This, but unironically.

I haven't painted them yet, but I plan to in the future. The minis are really neat; Clark has a dog, Garry has his gun, Mac (you can see him in the pic on the right, the yellow one) has his hat and flamethrower.

Thing minis are Dog-Thing (with hands coming out), Norris-Head-Thing (spider-head), and two copies of Blair-Thing (pictured, red)

I only learned after buying it that if you buy the game from a specific outlet that you get Palmer-Thing (head split open in two before it eats Windows) along with Blair-Thing instead of two Blair-Things, and I would've liked to have gotten it there instead if I had known, but that's alright

Most of the people on this board don't have the patience to sit through the thing let alone defeat it

What outlet do you need to buy from?

awesome! just saw this at my local comic store yesterday, was wondering if it had miniatures. Will definitely have to pick it up

Apparently this website, has the exclusive version with Palmer-Thing and the dead norwegian sculpts

I'll be honest, I didn't know what I would get when I ordered it, but I would've been happy with just a Thing game. The fact that it comes with minis of all the men at the base is just delightful.

No I'm not the thing, stop being silly

Where did op go, did you see him go?

They need to put this on netflix or Amazon so I can watch it for the first time in 15 years. I hate watching on my computer.

Just cut it in small pieces so it isn't a danger anymore and send it to every major lab in the world so they can test it.

Never noticed how well put together that shot is until seeing it as a still image

Neither of them was the Thing, tho

Watch OP... watch him close.

hi thing

Nice try thing

e z

I'm the OP, and you've already accused me 3 times so far. I'm sick of this!
Stay away from me!

A board with a nail.

It's worth being a buyfag on this one, his commentaries are usualy super informative.

I want Thing gf.

Why are you pretending to be me?

I want thing bodyguard. And thing worker drone. And thing gf to bring to my folks for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Only the thing would reply to this post.

Imagine if the Sopranos crew had to deal with the Thing.


Wasn't that the plot of the Pine Barrens episode?

you mean Thingsgiving


>implying that would work
Common belief is that The Thing sees individuality as a curse and seeks to unite all lifeforms through assimilation into one big, happy organism.

Shit theory

Didnt it just want to get back on its ship and leave but was dug up and assualted by evil norwegians? Norwegians are bad people. Imagine waking up to someone screaming a bunch of vowel ending words at you while lighting you on fire.

pee in its butt

Did Mac's hate survive?

I'm not even /tg/ but that looks awesome. Is it normie compatible?

Cleanse everything in fire. Out to 10 miles in all directions and for 2 weeks. The flames must be sustained throughout.

This really otherwise you can't beat it.

A Xenomorph nest showing up in your country is laughably easy to care of in comparison. If the Thing where to show up in almost any country on Earth humanity is fucked.

>digs underground
you're fucked

Ask it if traps are gay or not.

This looks based. Gonna buy it desu

Buy the blu-ray. It's worth it

Gentlemen, we need to do a test, somoene here is the thing

YES, traps are fucking gay.

>how to defeat The Thing
send it to another planet

that is fooking AWESOME
I want this now



Freeze it, scoop it up and place it into an air tight steel container. Dump into volcano!!!FACT!!!


With a threat like that, we'd need awareness and existing industry. There was a guy who tried to make a BLT from scratch (i.e. grow the wheat, make the cheese, raise/slaughter the pig) it took him months and IIRC $13,000. Or he could have walked to the corner market and bought one for $5. My point is, with awareness of the threat and cooperation of industry/military, we'd make short work of it.

Ah so you just figured I’d trust you so easily? Break off a portion of yourself and dispose of it, noone’d be any the wiser. Think we’d destroyed it.

Next week, your neighbors all walk on all fours and’ve got eyestalks sprouting from their buttcheeks while their arsehole’s a mouth.

Nobody’s leaving this facility mate. You’re gonna let me use that radio and I’m gonna tell ‘em to drop the nuke. I’m gonna tell ‘em to pour all their napalm out of helicopters all over this bloody ice cube.

sounds like the plot of fallout 1

There’s no making heads or tails of a situation involving the thing. The situation depicted in the film is literally the only possible situation that isn’t instantaneously apocalyptic.

It is impossible to construct protocol to maintain an epidemic of the thing. Not when it finds insects. Not after it finds birds, diseases.

We’ll have to replace Antarctica, sure. But it’s no worse than the alternative no matter the cost.

Hell, bacteria

Fire idiot

>It is impossible to construct protocol to maintain an epidemic of the thing.
I beg to differ.

Good you passed you're not a thing

Did MacReady manage to kill it in the end?

This works in a vacuum such as the isolated outpost in Antarctica but if it were to appear anywhere else, instant apocalypse.

Unfortunately it is necessary to study it in order to find some better way of preventing it from assimilating organisms or a means of destroying it utterly and comprehensively like blasting sonics or something

I figure he burnt the other dude then himself(or patrolled the station burning everything then himself), at least I hope so

That's thing talk son.

I always figured the Thing for a psychopathic space criminal I mean, it was tryin to make a ship to leave Earth right? So it had some sort of motivation

Or just to fly to another continent and infect the entire world

The Thing is basically a Riddick prequel



would probably just freeze itself until life evolved again


Send it into the sun

the other guy's joke was funnier

Is Angela Merkel the Thing

The only reasonable answer ITT

send it to africa so it dies of AIDS