ITT: Villians that did nothing wrong

>Leads one of the most successful war camps in the wasteland and rations life giving water to the mutated rejects who live below him keeping them alive.
>Access to genetically pure women.
>Wants to breed with them so as to create future leaders who would create order in a hellish wasteland.
>Females stolen by radical feminist.
>Leads a war party to chase after them so as to secure his females, one who is pregnant with a genetically pure child.
>Feminists take over his warcamp and lets all the mutated rejects into the keep.
>Mutants don't understand rationing and presumably drink all the fucking water destroying what little civilization existed in that part of the wasteland.
Feminism truly is cancer.



Would have been a great after credits scene though, it pans out to that one armed cunt wasting every last drop of water and then she just sits there like an asshole while the entire community quickly dies of dehydration

One million percent this.

>Joe inherits dust and stony wasteland
>builds industrial society

>Women inherit fertile green land
>All but a handful starve

The people who thought this movie was pro-feminist were the biggest brainlets of all.

>>Mutants don't understand rationing and presumably drink all the fucking water destroying what little civilization existed in that part of the wasteland.

When was this in the film?

>Immortan Joe steals Citadel
>Citadel run by warboys and titcows
>great man

>Furiosa steals Citadal
>Citadel run by warboys and titcows
>women can't do anything

>Leads one of the most successful war camps in the wasteland and rations life giving water to the mutated rejects who live below him keeping them alive.

Distributing through a fucking waterfall, therefore making most of it just splash all over the sand? really great way of distributing water bro.

>Leads a war party to chase after them so as to secure his females, one who is pregnant with a genetically pure child.

What you mean genetically pure child? Joe was all fucked up all his sons are fucking retard bro, he just wanted to have sex with gorgeous woman and laugh at the peasants fighting to get a drop of water from a fucking waterfall

this however is a point that I agree with

>run by titcows
Pretty sure they were literal cattle user.
