This episode was beyond trash
/trek/ Worst Episodes Edition
i hated how belanna got triggered over the doctor's family. i would kill and die for that perfect family
>write "family values" into the plot of a starship lost in space series
star trek on upn was a mistake
it was bad because who would ever want to kill off that cute smile
>tfw based Francine mom in a VOY episode
The worst episode imo is Sub Rosa
I heard that one is most hated by guys, that women viewers liked it.
Do female crew members replicate tampons? What about on Voyager when they were conserving energy or whatever?
no errm.. talk to barclay about that
captcha: toilette park
sub rosa has some nice gothic romance feels. It is departure from normal star trek episodes but it isn't entirely bad.
So 95% of the audience hated it?
>It is departure from normal star trek episodes but it isn't entirely bad.
Literally an STD-level defense.
i watched all of TNG but when i got to that episode i skipped it with no remorse. never even watched it. and this was before i came on here and realized everyone else hated it too.
like i started watching it. realized what it was about and just said NOPE
Well it wasn't great by anyone's standards, but Sub Rosa was distinctly more well liked among female audiences I remember reading somewhere. It's a weird episode, but I guess the spooky forbidden romance angle appeals to women viewers.
>Great job, Reg. And what? Only 6 weeks of training?
Why was Geordi such a sarcastic asshole to Barclay?
>Sub Rosa
Is that the dr. crusher ghost romance episode?
Broccoli is the only person on the ship more autistic than him.
Yeah, this handsome apparition (well, alien because trek) has been obsessed with Crusher's family for generations, and gives really good head I guess.
Turn off you computers and get in the box.
Can I have some water first?
captcha: 435895 DYKE
She's like a cross between Julianne Moore and my uncle Frank.
Anyone got a picture of Banana's nipple that somehow got put out on air?
Ha, you wish. That never happened.
>Ha, you wish. That never happened.
that's a large mole
If you had kids with someone while you were a lizard, would you try to find them later and see how they came up? Maybe they stopped being lizards too, and are renowned bounty hunters or something.
Hopefully better looking. But sure.
>that's a large mole
It's clearly about an outer 1/4th of her areola you verd-nirgin.
nah it's a big fat mole on the outer 1/4th of her aerola. why do you think they let it through?
>why do you think they let it through?
you know who was in post?
sorry to break it to ya virgin but some women have moles in the weirdest spots. one of my ex's had a mole right on the outside of butthole
Men too? Can a guy have a mole on his very penis? And these moles, can they spread to other areas?
What about voles? Can you find them in strange places? I'll bet they're hard to get rid of.
I'd certainly keep the daughter around...
That's areola at best.
>That's areola at best.
That's what I said, but an areola is censorable.
*forces you into slavery*
Yeah, but still not a nipple.
Did banana ever fuck chipotle? Ive never watched all of voyager
It's implied that Chakotay gave the koo-che-moya to pretty well all women in his Maquis cell.
I am, uhhhh ROM.
Son of MOOOOOOO-geeeeeey.
that was explicitly why he was created too.
I'm about halfway through season 3 of DS9 now and after much deliberation I've come to the conclusion that Kira is cute.
Do you think Frakes ad libbed this line? Their laughter seems a little too genuine for it to be scripted.
You know what I hate about modern Star Trek (and most modern shows in general)?
No (or not enough) old people. When some outpost contacted Kirks enterprise, or the Enterprise D, more often than not it way by some senior citizen, Someone with lines in their face and grey in their hair. Everywhere in the universe you would find these old people. Sure they had lots of younger men and women around them, but even they seemed of a ripe age, time worn and experienced. A young person tended to stand out, with more energy and a smooth face.
Now everyone, even most actors over 30, look so well preserved and fit that it seems like the ships and outposts are manned by groups of babies.
TNG had lots of old people, though. It even had an elder captain.
I even mentioned TNG in my example.
I was more thinking of discovery where everything seems fresh out of the academy.
I dont know why this made me laugh
how they get away with it?
u will be assimi
resist is futtte
bittrest character?
>Data doesn't age.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
penis & balls
Hu-maaan! *hiss*
What a fucking loony. The worst part is that I'm sure she could have easily found several dozen like-minded people to voluntarily create a technology-free "paradise".
We use natural remedies, not drugs
>Colony has a civil war over whether or not plows count as advanced technology and should be allowed
>Anti-plow side only has sharpened sticks, pro-plow side has bow and arrows, forged metal, etc.
Stop using the holodeck
so can we agree at this point all these posts are made by a bot, right?
No, but the person might as well be a bot.
Trekkie229 is a faggot, not arobot
>it's a Dax talks about how she used to be a big manly man-man episode.
I love ds9 Ferengi episodes. Its like TNG draw this race as utter trash people spae jew backstabbing disgusting cunts, but Moogies descendants are the best Ferengi to exist.
uh hey brother
We need to start asking questions.
How could Worf marry her? It's out of his character. He'd never marry a transgender person. That's against Klingon values.
>Gene Roddenberry comes up with an idea to replace Klingons with literally retarded space-Jews
>He dies
>DS9 turns them into one of the funnest species in Trek instead of portraying them as villains
Good riddance
non of it would have been possible witho ut gene tho, user. dont forget
Whats in the box
Gene Roddenberry is responsible for some of the worst science fiction in the history of television, even if Trek overall is not defined by horrible moments like Profit and Lace or Threshold.
>names episodes from DS9 and VOY
He's been dead for years, when these episodes were written. T. brainlet.
>changelings can turn into tons of different stuff and animals, perfectly. can't do ears or human face well.
Well done, little buddy
He did stuff wrong. like trying to kill his own daughter
Every episode of TOS with maybe 10 exceptions, that are exceptional only in retrospect as cultural touchstones, is bad.
positive rolemodel blac
what does this do? is it just decoration?
>Oh, it's that kind of episode...
based Dukat
Because Worf is an idiot and he doesn't understand the Trill/symbiote relationship so he just sees HURR DAX IS HOT AND SHE LIKES KLINGON SHIT LIKE ME
Hmm, perhaps you are right. I would go for her too.
Worf is actually a pretty thoughful and comassionate guy. your description is unfair and unhelpful in this discussion. thank you