It's literally the lost world

>it's literally the lost world

good job, hollywood

An even shittier remake of an already bad sequel. I can't wait.

JP3 remake when? They fllow Disney right now.

They're homaging the bar scene (return to dino island pitch) in this one already.

Why do they have to save the dinosaurs when they can literally make as many as they want in a lab?


The trailer gives the movie away. The first two are the only ones I recognize

>this oversized rex is later tucked into a 40 ft shipping container with room to spare.

It gives away literally one big action sequence in the first half you idiot. The ppl behind the film literally had to come out and clarify this because of gullible retards like you

the rex is based on the real life Rex fossil Sue's dimensions. She would have been about 43ft long when alive. They do make shipping containers longer than 40ft.

>the hate one trailer is bringing
lmao keep crying


>tfw Rexy dies
I just know it


ignore the user my friend. the excuse has been said dozens of times in each thread, all with the explaination following. makes you think theres a smear campaign already, or a lot of newfags keep turning up giving the same opinion

Wasnt jurassic world only 90 minutes? top kek

Every Jurassic Park movie other than the first is abject garbage

no. over 2 hours.


>reuse the stampede scene right down to the log and roar
>man's greatest friend, t-rex, saves the protagonists yet again instead of running the fuck away from the erupting volcano
>all the while jeff goldblum, who was surely only brought back for a 2 minute cameo, delivers his catchphrase completely removed of its original context
Not even Force Awakens was this blatant. And am I forgetting something or was the last time a T-Rex killed someone in Lost World? I guarantee this'll make 3 movies in which that thing was never really treated like a threat. It's a superhero at this point, not a wild animal.

They'll expand on the "Alan!" talking raptor dream scene by having talking dinosaurs