Whedon is a cancer manchild

Why would Superman describe death as "itchy"? Why would he quip about wanting to be dead again? This makes him look like an extreme asshole completely distanced from what death means. Snyder's Superman joked and smiled when appropriate but he was also very sincere and empathetic. This is rape.

>Snyder's Superman joked and smiled when appropriate
This is bullshit and you are a giantic manchild faggot that doesn't "deserve" anything. Snyder sucks.

>This makes him look like an extreme asshole completely distanced from what death means

Only someone alive would be arrogant enough to think they know what death means.

Suck my dick you autist manchild. I hope Whedon's cock was worth it.

>A Snydercuck calling anyone else a manchild
Top kek

>You can show genocide and torture but for the love of God throw in a joke there

-Actual Joss Whedon quote

I love JL for nothing but how well it exposed the pretend fanboys like you. Whedon Marvel cocksucker.

What the fuck ia wrong with his face?


Beard is too "dark" so they reshot Cavill's scene with his beard removed to make him look more FUN for Marvel kiddies.