Where were you the day Artie Lange died?

Where were you the day Artie Lange died?


Can anyone explain the nose?


Snorted a line of bees, it looks like.

He snorted glass and had to have surgery. A hooker/some girl smashed some pills up with a salt shaker and it broke.


Why does everyone think he's dying? Just looks tired

maybe I shouldn't kill myself. at least i'm not that guy


Shrek live action movie lookin good

Your nose gets big then eventually lumpy and red due to alcoholism.


why can't he get his shit together? what is wrong with him? fuck drugs, just play some video games or post on shitpost on an anonymous message board, for fuck sake.

the guy is seriously mentally ill.

ironically, getting huge showbiz opportunity after huge showbiz opportunity, no matter hoe big he fucks it up, is the worst thing to happen. Its fueling his narcissistic guilt complex.

I would make a great celebrity self destruction victim if i was good at anything.

And the lips?

Right? I'm drinking myself to death over here and nobody even notices

Hurry up and die already you fucking attention whore.

not until I find out who the last jedi is

He looks great. Barely any wrinkles.

so did Artie PEAK on unmemorable MadTV or as a hack sidekick in never-seen Dirty Work?
By the time he was a regular on Howard, that's all he'd ever done but would always wax endlessly about his "Hollywood" days....

This is what living off Beer League royalties looks like, Scott Baio

what the fuck happened? what is the tweet in context to? did someone punch him in the face?

I've been drinking heavily for a decade and my liver is completely healthy :(
I do have seizures from the withdrawal sometimes so I'm on my way, glass half full

wouldn't put it past him

Not your blog, fuck off.