Harry Potter is the comfiest cinematic universe of all time

Harry Potter is the comfiest cinematic universe of all time

Never seen it. Will never see it. OP is a faggot.







/soy boy/ general


Seriously though, after the first two it goes downhill fast

don't remind me of that trash that Akabur shat out

yeah, I really didn't like how reserved all the characters were. they were much livelier in my minds eye during reading.


Ah no. Also comfy is subjective so kys gaffer scum.

Fapped hard at the end

the books are childish and dull

being a Patreon millionaire kills all creativity

Which is Duller? Harry Potter Cinematic universe or MCU ?


That's not the Akabur one, that's the Sad Crab one.

Literally the same shit nigger.

Literally a different artist double nigger.

sauce on pic?

That is using the same style, shade, model, background, theme, story etc. Simply because he can draw features more intricately doesn't make him different to the faggot he's imitating.

Harry potter is more like the cinematic dulliverse of all time in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.


is Innocent Witches any good? Seems like really early development

Princess Trainer is better though

Nope. Wait 6 months and ask again.

A universe can be comfy and "dull" at the same time you mongs

i wish i was the jewish producer who got to fuck her when she was a kid

Ron shuffled his feet uncomfortably as he stared at them, hands tangled in a worried knot
>"What the fuck you doin' Weasley?! You better not be looking away from them!",yelled Malfoy as he stroked his rock hard member as it protruded proudly from his wizarding robes.
>Ron glanced up sheepishly to see Harry vigorously pounding Hermione from behind on the Gryffindor commons table.
>Harry looked over his shoulder at his friend with a slight grin on his face.
>"C'mon Ron", Harry grunted in between his rapid thrusts, "no need to be coy. Take it all in."
>As he plowed deeper and deeper into Hermione's beet red pussy he looked over at Dumbledore, himself deeply entranced in the act taking place before him.
>"I much prefer this Chamber of Secrets to the other, professor!" Harry exclaimed.
>"FOCUS BOY!" Hissed Professor Snape, rubbing the tip of his precum glazed penis with his thumb.
>"You're just like your father. He could never take a proper inter-house fuck train seriously either."
>The look on Dumbledore's face lightened somewhat as Harry's thrusts became quicker.
>"You getting your vinegars, young mister Potter?" Dumbledore asked in his usual, calm tone
>Harry didn't have time to respond before he began to ejaculate wildly deep inside of Hermione's slick cunt.
>Falling over her back, he licked the sweat from her skin and gazed up at the clock.
>"Twenty-one minutes... looks like a new house record." Harry muttered out in gasping breaths.
>Snape's dick began to go limp.
>Dumbledore, slapping Harry on the back, exclaimed, "50 points for Gryffindor."
>Ronald looked back down at his feet, tears welling in his eyes.
>Malfoy looked over at Dumbledore and yelled, "He cheated! There must have been a spell or some such!"
>Tucking his willy back into his robe he stormed passed Snape and over to the common room door.
>"My father will hear of this!", Malfoy whispered as he stormed out of the room.

Wrong, faggot.

I remember watching them when I was 12? Haven't since. Don't understand soyboys and manchildren that still care past that point.

Look at how stealthy this dull nigger is she can't even see him hiding behind a drawer half his size

Everything after the first book is loldark and angsty, and hence not comfy.
LOTR is the comfy GOAT

just go to any rural english village

>you will never spy on a teen girl gagging and pleasuring herself

Why even live?

he has that spell or something

LoTR is. HP really started get boring after the first movie.

It was a pretty dumb game, but had one of the best anal scenes I've seen in a western h-game. Not graphically of course, but thematically.


this is the comfiest fucking video game of all time

It's literally MCU tier

Came out of the proverbial cave to say that I second that. Wish I could go back in time and experience it for the first time.

this is some Walking Dead tier cgi

>a proper inter-house fuck train
gets me every time

Hi Kevin

thats because they where

also the teenage angst really didnt translate well

How was it compared to the first one? First one had some of the worst mini-games i've ever played to date.

>staring right at the basilisk
did nobody else catch this?

catch what?

Harry Potter sucks ass.

>How does it feel Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny?
What did Hermione mean by this?

>you can kill someone with a single two-word spell

this was always bullshit, what if some kids figured out by reading on the wizard internet or some shit

magic should be powerful but not instantly being able to zap someone like that, maybe muggles, but not people with wizard blood

looks like Akabur

Could you use the room of requirement as a rape dungeon and keep any of the first and second year female students you desire there, without anyone ever finding out?


I think you need an intent to kill though as well. a young kid wouldn't really comprehend it enough

>this is the comfiest fucking video game of all time

You can kill someone by stabbing them. There's nothing imbalanced about that.
Imperius is the real OP shit.

Also there is no wizard internet because wizards are a bunch of ignorant savages.

>book 4
>Any usage of the unforgivable curses, (outside of this officially government sanctioned teaching environment) will land you a life sentence in Azkaban

>Book 7

what did Rowling mean by this?

the books take place before internet was a thing, underage b&

I will never not love Hypershpere being in this

>tfw harry could've just gotten hold of a sniper and shot voldey

This always shat me. It never made sense to me why there weren't any wizards that would blend real world shit with magic shit.

It's not actually very easy for a child to get hold of a sniper rifle in Britain.

Does that make Potter a war criminal?

watson is worst emma.

Harry was always an asshole. What felt really out of character was Professor McGonagall casting "unforgivable" curses.

>cinematic universe
capeshitters gonna capeshit

Fantastic Beasts is such a comfy book, especially when Mr Kuwalski goes into the suitcase for the first time with Newt

Isn't it rumored in HP II that looking at the basilisk will kill you, so harry has to use a mirror to track the snake's movements?
unless I wasn't paying attention that's what happened to one of the groundskeepers's cat
Its a powerful curse that requires intense training and focus, some of these hogwarts retards can't even lift a feather with a simple levitation spell. But, again correct me if i'm wrong, they still teach you the spell and two others and ask that you never ever use them no matter what forever.

It's thematically inconsistent with the children fantasy books that HP was. Asking "Why haven't they just x" only shows your incapability to think abstractly, books aren't supposed to be 1:1 realistic recreations of what would happen IRL.

True but the second movie established they had a magical flying car, and the third movie established floop travel or w/e it's called. He could've, if he was so inclined, found a way.

She was in love with Ron, and wasn't even subtle about it

Now for the life of me I cannot understand

What is it like to read?

it starts in what, the early 90s? bbs was popular by like 94

muggleborn edgelords trading icq nunbers and copies of deatheaters_cookbook.txt


almost exactly the same since JK Rowling wrote the script for the movie, but a lot more vivid and descriptive

The movie is super comfy too

Yeah and? Being a childrens series doesn't negate the fact it's somewhat boring and cliched in it's approach. If I want to ask stupid questions about a stupid series, I'm perfectly In my stupid rights to do so. So blow me bitch or cry moar.

Is Hermione a dominatrix that wants to fuel Harry's cuck fetish?

Came here for this post

maybe pre ww1

BLACKED and probably RIDDLED too

I couldn't handle the main character being autistic and the weird filter on top of everything

No i mean, to read a book, whats it like?

September 1993. Harry sees a Dementor for the first time. AOL begins offering Usenet access to users, ruining internet forever. Coincidence? I think not.
There wasn't wizard television, either, although wizard radio did make a brief appearance in the last book.

Iol, triggered brainlet
of course HP is crap, doesn't mean that your questions are even crappier than the shit that HP is, and if you ever had artistic freedom to change HP it would be autistic tier fanfiction

Because it results in their big bad being defeated by something he hated, normies. It's poetic irony

I thought for sure this was gonna be a Witch Trainer thread but you stayed on topic. Fuck you Sup Forums

so whats worse

getting an entire generation to read crappy books
or having them read nothing at all

>walking dead; 2017
>lord of the rings; 2001

Well the teacher who showed them to the kids turned out to be a secret Death Eater, so maybe it's not meant to be part of the usual curriculum.
He didn't get fired, but neither did Binns the history ghost. Teachers have really good job security in this setting.

People have always read crappy books, what do I care? Maybe I would prefer if it wasn't fantasy, or sci-fi though, "nerd culture" was a mistake

The Ministry was taken over by Hitler at the time. Remember, history is written by the victor, and Harry became an Auror after the series ended. Not to mention he murdered Voldemort.
Why the fuck did I hesitate to type Voldemort?

come to think of it

what other jobs in this universe actually involves you using magic on a daily basis outside of teaching

i'm not sure any of those magical accountants or bureaucrats at the minstry did any sort of magic during the day

imagine graduating hogwartz and still being stuck in some muggle 9-5 shit hole

>dream i was at hogwarts
>wake up
>depressed all week due to how like sucks in contrast

You would think that academic tenure stopped at "taught children how to torture living things and made them practice on insects in class for a grade".

>muggleborn hogwarts graduate
>no connections in the wizard world, can't get into the ministry
>can't get a job teaching, the turnover is near nonexistent
>no muggle education or qualifications
>work in fast food untill one day you snap and avada everyone in the restaurant

There are the space wizards that are trying to colonise Mars from the evil alien wizards.

Based user delivers delicious traditional pasta

Ron the bear was originally the best character

You can cast spells to assist in working your shitty dead-end 9-5 job. Probably required. Casting magical PowerPoint presentations and shit.
Most of the things they teach at Hogwarts probably aren't very useful in daily life, but that's also true of muggle schools.

What was her problem?