Did they seriously make breaking the law look "Cool"? What the fuck?

Did they seriously make breaking the law look "Cool"? What the fuck?

As someone who has family in the police, this is seriously not fucking funny. Fucking around with the police to get 'respect' is not a game. I really couldn't believe this episode when I saw it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, I didn't know soccer moms browsed Sup Forums.

If you were actually triggered by this, you need to sort out your priorities.

mind giving us some fucking context? Contrary to popular belief, not everyone on here watches this show.

I think the point was to show that Beach City actually has a police force

If you have this concern because you are a parent, maybe you should do your fucking job and not let your kid watch this cartoon meant for kids.
If this is not the reason, you are a lost cause.

desu I actually miss the meager censoring for the angry soccer mom crowd compared to the absolute blatant new-age 'social justice' pandering we have now

I was raised in a police family. Literally the most racist pieces of shit I've ever met. Me and my brother were called "little beaners" for the first 13 years of our lives to our faces because our mother was Irish/Mexican. Also had to deal with shit like "the NBA should ban dunking but monkeys love to swing".

I'm in my 30s now, haven't talked to any of my father's family for years, but the last time I did I made my uncle cry crocodile tears because I told him I remembered all their shit from my childhood. He thankfully killed himself around Christmas, i skipped the funeral

I know you wrote that post in English but all I can read is oink oink.


Pearl is driving, she's an alien so she doesn't have a licensee and I think she ran a red light because by accident.

Police car pulls out and Pearl pulls some impressive driving to dodge the cops.

Amethyst is all for it.
Pearl is a bit worried.
Steven keeps loudly saying that they shouldn't be doing this and gets upset when they get away. He's not OK with it and looks haggard when they get out. He calls them out on it too.

Pearl drives through a red light, gets caught by the cops and then speeds away because she doesn't have a driver's licence as she's not a citizen.

Heh. Nothing personal, kid.


Cops are all worthless crooks anyway. Homeless bums are cooler than them.

Fuck dude.
That's brutal.

>Sup Forums will get up in arms when something is racist or "Sup Forums"-ish
>but will become almost exaggeratedly anti police when a cartoon is called out on bending perception to make breaking the law look cool to a character
>calls police 'pigs'

>I think she ran a red light because by accident
bitch had a boner



I can't possibly tip my fedora hard enough

Cool story, bro.

Up yours, pig. Why don't take a second from beating your wife to go buy some more donuts for your fat pig face.

>this thread


>breaking the law

Oh please, that's extremely ambiguous and you know it. That ranges from raping and murdering an entire nunnery, to having oral sex with your spouse (in certain shithole states mind you, but still).

She ran a red light, and sped away from traffic police because she's not a citizen, due to not registering in the many years she's been doing community service out of the good of her heart.

3/10 for effort, a particularly poor mark considering SU is kryptonite to everyone on this board.

And that sounds awful user, I'm sorry. Why did your dad keep inviting family around if they were just going to harass you and your mother though?

go on, I want more details. I need more depression to add on to my own.


>Ocean Town: The town no longer on fire

We need more of these sight gags. I miss stuff like this.


Yeah really cute sob story.

I was raised in the deep south, and down here it's nothing but roving gangs all night. I had a friend who was raped by a man walking home one night and you can bet would've gotten away if someone hadn't seen and actually called the police.

Same when some thugs busted down my neighbor's door and held him at gunpoint but you know who drove across town to catch them?

It wasn't you fucking anti-cop assholes.

Oh yeah she was feeling bad about being so uncool and lame.
Also a giant pink haired girl was there and she did indeed get a boner.

>Pearl drives through a red light, gets caught by the cops and then speeds away because she doesn't have a driver's licence as she's not a citizen.

I thought this show was just about fun alien bullshit and anime fights, not like, real world crime drama problems.



>all this moralfaggotry


Fuck cops and cop sympathizers

I love reading your blog user

Who's this semen demon

>cop cucks
>on my Sup Forums

So do people actually eat bait this obvious or is this like double layers of irony?

really sounds like something the fryman would say.

Hahah, get fucked little beaner.

It's normally not, but Pearl was trying to prove herself as a badass.

The pendulum swung to the right, so we are now getting the outrage culture version of the right.

Sup Forumsp thread?

So I guess it's hip now to support moralfaggotry or something? This is new.


I also had a problem with this. The target demographic for SU on it's regular hours is like 8-13. Illegal street racing and running from the cops is not a cool thing for such characters to do.




>girl of middle eastern decent is radicalized into culturally enriching her fellow student by illegal aliens
>now illegal aliens drive without a license and now flee from the cops

And I thought promoting sexual promiscuity in teens was bad

Is this just proof when your a lesbian and act on lesbian influences from Shallow traits (pink hair) you become a law breaking degenerate of society?

That's what I got from this episode

Also illegal aliens

Why the fuck was she driving without a license anyway?

Are we gonna get an episode where the gems vote in the election?

show sucks anyway

About time someone said it
One second the show tells us that love and understanding change the world.
Then it promotes this selfish crap

Fuck the police coming straight from the underground

>inb4 salty police

Why the fuck would gems want to drive or learn how

Pearl hates like all humans, is she just that thirsty for Rose. God fuck Zuke

ben levin wrote the episode
she's good with tech and stuff and wanted to go to a concert

Proof that this show is warping kids minds

>tfw you will never commit police brutality on pearl

Huh I just guessed by the Amethyst

Not sure if you're joking as I genuinely agree. This show preaches love and acceptance and such, trying to teach kids lessons and then it idolizes Pearl breaking the law and how cool she was.

>The target demographic for SU on it's regular hours is like 8-13

more like 16-20 year olds who still act like 13 year olds

I'd let her beat the shit out of me so that she could look cool in front of her friends

This episode was so fun.

>An episode written by Zuke.

What kind of ass-backwards universe did I end up in?

nah, he wrote on his tumblr that he always wanted to do a concert episode and pearl was perfect for it

What is the worst episode of Steven Universe and why is it

beach city drift?

Thanks me too

user I already got proven wrong, don't pretend to be me


>that big guy singing his heart out in the crowd at the end

Zuke has written plenty of passable episodes. You're just blinded by shit like Barn Mates.

Breaking the law is not necessarily immoral.


it felt like the last episode the crew really had passion for this season.

I'd beat the shit out of her so I can look cool in front of her friends

This. Early Zuke was pretty gud

I personally love Historical Friction, she drop really far from grace though

keep her far away from lapis and peridot and she's okay

they are rebel/terrorists that fight a super powerful regime that by rights own the earth

they are occupying the earth, and that make them the facto the actual rulers of earth

also they are so old they predate any human law

and Lapis could decimate almost all world population alone

dude breaking the law is the COOLEST, nothing makes you cooler, ask George Washington

Nothing is worse than Onion Gang, and
I usually like Onion.

I don't dislike any episode she ahs taken part in. The only episode that I find unforgivable is Onion Gang.

>and Lapis could decimate almost all world population alone

lapiss is too depressed to do that.
Besides, the gems would not survive being glasses by humans.
The CGs are allowed to live on earth with humans.

He is the youngest of 12, desperate for approval from his older brothers, even as an adult

BCD was fun. Fight me.

Onion Gang


Keep beach city weird

Any of those

>Ben wrote the episode.

Really? Who'd have thought it.

But the fact that MG's design comes from Zuke's character in WoW kind of kills it, though.

It's typical white privilege


pearl is jewish

Is this bait or do you honestly think kids are gonna go on a joy ride after watching space lesbians do it?

Literally the most subjective term you could have used to describe something

I hate Ronaldo episodes, but Rocknaldo wasn't terrible. RTCS was my least favorite Ronaldo episode.

What would you say is "necessarily" immoral and why?

eh, just the piercings.
it seemed to be a group collaboration

D-Do you want to fight tho?

One of my cousins was born blind, so my aunt (not his mother) would take every opportunity to scare the shit out of him. No one stopped her, everyone laughed at the woman in her 40s making a 8 year old sob.

Every male in my dad's family was in some sort of enlisted service or was a police officer, every single one of them was white trash.