Update on one lil eggroll

Update on one lil eggroll


I don't give a shit about this dude, I just hope his daughter bails on him soon and starts her own life.

how do obese people get so fat?
who's feeding them?
who pays for it?

The physical therapist who took on the reality TV star ended up carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders.

they're only feeling through eating, it's the same mechanism as cutting yourself.

I gave up once and hit 280lb

I just stopped moving, dropping it wasn't so hard until I hit 220lb then it became a struggle can't even eat how I used to eat before I gained all that weight

>be a physical therapist working with a bed bound fat fuck
>Have a stroke

Thin people.
"I'll just put food in front of him until he stops eating. That means he's sated."
"Man look how hungry he is! he ate it all! ...he probably wants more! I'll buy more food!"
"Well someday he'll be less hungry, stop eating what is right in front of him, and get thinner on his own. In the meantime I'll keep putting food in front of him (I'M NOT FEEDING HIM! HE JUST EATS WHAT HE WANTS HE CAN STOP ANYTIME AND LEAVE IT ON THE PLATE)."

T. formerly fat man. I had to yell and argue with my mother for a year to stop her stuffing the fridge with sweets and the cupboard with cookies. Her excuse was "YOU CAN JUST NOT EAT IT I JUST BUY WHAT YOU EAT".
She was really mad at me.
Now we have no more junk food at home all the time. And after a while the craving stops.
I spent months literally throwing the ice cream she bought in the trash in front of her. No, she never ate ice cream. It was all for me.
Now I'm thin but it was a struggle.

>junk food intake reduced
stopped reading there. the writers of this article have no fucking idea what they're talking about and this is what pisses me off about weight loss. everyone has been tricked into thinking it's junk food or greasy food that makes you fat, and if you want to lose weight you need to 'hit the gym' and 'eat healthy'. hitting the gym can help by increasing the # of calories burned per day, but what it really boils down to is calories in vs calories out. You can lose weight eating only mcdonalds. You can lose weight eating only deep fried twinkies. So long as you're eating LESS calories than your body is burning daily.

It only takes slight overeating for a long period of time to gain lots of weight. Most people who get fat accumulate for years. And diets are pretty hard when you consider you have to eat less (1500) than what normal people are eating (2250), which could be less than half of you were accustomed to (3000).

It's not like fat people aren't feeling disgust when they look in the mirror, it's that the amount of effort it takes to lose weight is substantial, especially when you consider that you are giving up one of your comforts (food) to do it.

People often forget that your mom is just as much of a woman as all the other roastie cunts out there, are and totally incapable of logic and rational actions.

This. While I do believe in personal accountability, there is such a thing as obesity by convenience. Ever since my sister moved out (a rail-thin girl, I'm the fat one of the family) I've lost fourteen pounds in a month. How? Because she did most of the shopping, and now when I feel like eating I just have fruit, crackers and water instead of gorging myself. It's all about portion control, and slowly changing habits. Remember that one passage in Stephen King's IT, about how the fat kid got healthier by getting his mom to buy salads more? He still ate lots as his mother would worry otherwise, but he ate healthier. I started chowing down on spinach and lettuce with almost every meal I have - it's good for you, and it fills you up. Then a month later you're standing there, pants sagging and getting compliments from people who never noticed you before. We're all gonna make it, just accept a positive change when it comes.

but you will feel better if you eat healthy and that will help you stay on the right track

>slight overeating
>3000 calories

Alright tubster

had to go veggie because my mom has literally said to my face that she wants me to get diabetes and high blood pressure so i have to suffer the way she does. buys processed junk so it's the only thing in the house. oh but drinking is a horrible waste of money because she cant enjoy it because of all the medication she's forced to take. people are scum

>tfw to intelligent two loose wait

Try to get fat with a diet that consists only of vegetables and a little meat. It's almost impossible.
Also junk food is bad for you in other ways than just getting fat.

>Go to Dr Now
>Says you need to lose 50 pounds by next month to get surgery
>"oh shit I only have so much time left to eat as much as I want"
>Eat so much food over the next month that you're in constant pain from over eating
>See Dr Now at the end of month and realize that you gained 150 pounds
>Hospitalized and starved for a month before going home again
>"Oh man I'm so hungry and I definitely deserve a cheat from all that dieting"
>Go back next month and realize you put on more weight
>Dr Now kicks you out and everyone who watches your documentary hates you
>Instead of feeling remorse you continue to fuck over the people around you including your physical therapist who pours thousands of dollars of his own money to get you better, but you just can't stop eating even for all the effort this poor physical therapist puts himself through
>Physical therapist has a stroke, just like your own father did when he saw you for the first time in years, because of how hard he's trying to get you to lose weight and how it's just not working because of all the food you're sneaking
>After all of this, you continue to over eat and gain weight

She seems lovely

Good for you. Great example, too.

>getting the 800 pound man to "hit the gym"

true that junk food isn't as nutrition as other foods, I'm not arguing this -- however for weight gain / loss you can certainly gain weight by eating only vegetables and a little meat if you just consumed enough. what might make you think it's almost impossible is that the caloric density of vegetables is very low. ie the number of calories a 1cm^3 of chewed brocollie is very low in comparison to say a 1cm^3 of chewed deep fried twinkie. Both will fill your stomach at the same rate but when your brain sends you the "I'm full stop eating" signal, you'll have consumed less calories with the "healthier" food. But if you just ate enough "healthier" food you could still gain weight just as easy.

That's some freudian shit yo


>Thin people."I'll just put food in front of him until he stops eating. That means he's sated."
As a thin guy it took a long time for me to realize this wasn't a de-facto standard for everyone. It really didn't click even with a lifetime of asking myself how so-and-so could be hungry when he or she ate only an hour ago. Or how even after eating how people could get excited for desert. I kind of pity people who don't get to experience what it means to be sated, to not want to eat anymore and to go for hours without thinking about food at all.
