


snoking weend, injecting test and hgh makes you feel good too rogan, fuck off back to your board now.

>I feel 100% better
so he feels the same?

>this man is in another universe
>for talking himself out of being lazy

>tells you to not be lethargic
>doesn't go into any real detail
"Just do it" is a meaningless statement.

No amount of running will make him taller or less gay

thats good shit OP you should go for a run too

Wait, how is this life changing? Everyone does this.

Is everyone on Sup Forums so fucking disgusting, even the mildest form of willpower is considered alien to them?

its ok to come out of the closet, joe

>>"Just do it" is a meaningless statement.

nah it isn't. there's nothing more to it than that. you either conquer the voice inside you telling you to be a lazy shit and stay home and keep playing that game, or take a few hours to get your lazy ass to the gym.

the former will make you feel better now and feel like shit later, and the latter will just make you feel better. after years and years of making the right decision, you would think it gets easier, but it absolutely does not. i have to fight with myself to get my lazy ass to the gym almost every single time, and the gym is literally 5 minutes from my house.

Woah truly admirable considering all the challenges Joe faces. Such as earning a living chatting shit with his friends and being a commentator for a sport he loves, and being a millionaire. Truly Joe's hardships are beyond comparison

>"Just do it" is a meaningless statement.

this guy is like the ultimate pleb. He's dumb as a cunt and has the personality and height of a 15 year old girl. His show is only good relative to the guest star, and even that's a stretch because
>yeah dude weed I agree with you lmao
>here's Eddie Bravo, my stupid spic sidekick who manages to ruin every decent conversational flow only to voice his bottomfeeder opinion which contributes nothing and only gets him emotionally heated like the woman he is. He smokes like a fag too

no he feels twice as good as he did at first

I'm not sure your spinal cord touches your brain.

well you're right about this, it's a fuck ton easier when you're rich and your job is to bullshit with people for a living.

>just do it is meaningless

90% of men "just do it" and work hard everyday. How is this a foreign concept? If the phrase "just do it" offends you, you likely have underlying mental issues, and will likely commit suicide due to depression very soon.

Go away.

>why arent you fucking pussies smoking weed?

Hes right and he has inspired me to workout more

Ive been to the gym 4 days this week and worked out for at least an hour. Felt energetic and happy the rest of the day after. It's true, that if you feel like shit, thinking 'Im not gonna go to gym today, I just feel shitty', that if you surpress these thoughts and just go and workout anyways, you'll feel fucking great! also eat properly - no burgers, pizzas etc.

I have never really been a fatso, but I have never looked and felt better, than now after over 2 months of proper regular work outs and healthier diet.

Just shut your inner bitch, it is that easy.

>Le gym will make you feel better later lmao!!
Haha, no. I've been going to the gym for 3 years straight, most of the time I feel awful later in the day and can't get shit done. On the rare occasions I've spent a week or 2 off, I feel much more energetic and 'sharp'. It's a massive toll and takes energy expenditure, sick of all these mongs who claim it's just entirely beneficial in every way.

Go to bed Crowder

> Hot sauce on jalapenos


>hating on based Eddie

>le just do it bro, it works for me. stop being a bitch
>i know i'm a millionaire that talks into a microphone all day but you should stop making excuses and being a lazy bitch

Its just as easy. I'm broke as fuck. And I get up and walk to my gym. Its easy. Its as easy and taking a shower, brushing your teeth, cleaning your house, washing your car, cutting the lawn, etc. Wealth changes none of this.

You just fail at being a human. How is the electric scooter treating you?

Oh fuck off. It's proven that working out increases your dopamine levels.

Just pop some alpha brain

There are other things keeping people from reaching their potential aside from laziness.

No one cares. Therapists exist for a reason. You slowly trundling on a treadmill was a waste of your time and everyone else's.

I don't have one of those retard Wojack meme pics saved, but this would be a perfect time to post one.

you know Rogan and bravo are more charismatic and athletic than you could ever hope to be right?

What are with all these pro Joe shills itt? When I feel like shit and go to the gym-surprise surprise I still feel like shit. It's not a magical cure all and is like anything else. I've even gone sometimes when I had a headache, and it got exponentially worse and ruined the rest of my day. Any novices to lifting itt do not listen to these morons, sometimes your body knows best.

What country are you from?
I need to know which education system is to blame.

And they are the minority. A whiny, nasal voice minority.

lifting is for closeted fags compensate for lack of personality or excess of empty trouser space.


Now he just needs to #conqueryouroutermanlet

fuck anyone who uses hashtags

it makes me feel better. not a lot, but it helps. i like feeling healthy and fit, i feel worse when i'm out of shape.

>There are other things keeping people from reaching their potential aside from laziness.

absolutely there is, being able to motivate yourself is just one factor. the only thing i can motivate myself to do right now is go to the gym and play video games, which isn't much. life is shit, i'm depressed, suicidal, and alone, but at least i can be a little fit and healthy while living my shit life by lifting and running a few times a week.

>Its just as easy. I'm broke as fuck. And I get up and walk to my gym. Its easy.
who fucking cares? why do people that go to the gym and work out think thats something important enough to work into every conversation?

jej they both have the combined IQ of room temperature in celsius

Rogan, mildly successful in a niche game that no one gave a fuck about.
>I'm a great athlete.

Look at Edgy Brah's smug little mug. Bless him

>going for a jog is "getting shit done"

entertainers live such simple, childish lives.

But Joe did not go to the gym, he went running. You are a stupid person.

at least Im not some retarded minority who thinks the world is flat and north korea is a fictional country

>>who fucking cares? why do people that go to the gym and work out think thats something important enough to work into every conversation?

people just want to share their hobby with others, especially if it's a hobby that makes them feel like they've accomplished something. this isn't a crime. indulge them and congratulate them on getting fit, and then they'll shut the fuck up about it. that's all they want.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Exercise is like all addictions. It feels amazing at the begining and the eventually it will become normalized. Then it won't make you feel better but you still have to keep doing it just so you don't feel worse than when you started

Not sure where this projection is coming from, never said anything about cardio

Yeah I didn't say it had no positives but it IS an energy drain

You guys should read the book, "Artificial Happiness," a book which talks about the coming "Happy Generation," made through both medication and the sort of self-help banalities that fill bookshelves and job seminars. Exercise is definitely good for you, but the growing national obsession with running/lifting/exercising as a means to 'feel better about yourself' gets a pretty big chunk targeted at it, too. It's good stuff.

tl;dr Our society's contradictory values of community versus the individual has lead to a citizenship of adrift souls that have been lead to false pastures, all of which have been normalized. The book traces the history, offers criticism, and admits that the hardest but most probable road to health and spiritual well-being is through the difficult road of honest self reflection.

Just my two pennies, anons.

I don't give a fuck what /fit/ thinks, I fucking hate lifting weights and doing so has done nothing to improve my chances with women. I do like playing basketball though and I try to do that a few times per week
Lifting weights natty is so fucking taxing.

nope you are just a fat incel shitposting about a super successful athlete on Sup Forums

going to the gym doesnt mean shit. you didnt accomplish anything more then if you sat at home and masturbated

>I've even gone sometimes when I had a headache, and it got exponentially worse

Wow and you are calling me a moron? There's something wrong with you. I have only had best results with workouts. You push through the pain, you feel your muscles burn and yet you push some more. Sweat, raised heartbeat, light head... It's all part of it. I get in a car afterwards, drive for about 20 minutes, so Im sitting and relaxing. I get home, have a shower and afterwards everything is just great. I have so much energy I cant believe it. and Im 30 years old!


I really hate when dumb people are really proud of how dumb and ignorant they are

having kettlebells and a stairmaster does not make you an athlete

You really have been going to the gym for 3 years and still feel that going there is an energy drain? Either you're doing something very wrong, and should consult a PT, or you have a condition, and should consult a doctor. Of course you need to take a break once in a while, but if you constantly feel that going to the gym drains you, something is wrong.

just b urself

The self gratifying need to pat himself on the back is just such cringe overdose.
Isn't it enough to just work out and be happy with yourself, do you need to spout this self-aggrandizing nonsense.
I'll never understand the appeal of social network sites.

sounds interesting and i'll pick it up, but i don't do it to feel better about myself in a general sense, i do it because i want to be physically healthy. if i didn't go to the gym or exercise in some way, i would literally sit on my ass for 16 hours a day and then get into bed, sleep, and repeat.

bravo is a BJJ god

>tfw Joe is a bigger man than you'll ever be

>I-I would totally do that...
>I love money
>you know me
>*gets unreasonably angry when his hairbrained opinion on something is questioned by someone knowledgeable*
That's the sum total of Brendan's contribution, I swear. The man is a legitimate idiot. Beyond breathing, he knows basically nothing

If lifting isn't tiring then you're doing it wrong


That's why you always keep pushing yourself and try to break new records. I've been lifting for nine years and it still feels great. I can now accomplish things I couldn't do just two months ago. Same with running. I can do faster miles than ever now.

>I've been going to the gym for 3 years straight
nobody cares

he may be, but they're semi-geriatrics sitting on their ass spouting bullshit and doing dope all day.

It's incredible tone deaf for a millionaire "entertainer" to tell average people wageslaving for 40+ hours a week to stop being lazy bitches and force yourself to JUST DO IT BRAH

>but at least i can be a little fit and healthy while living my shit life by lifting and running a few times a week.
I like your attitude. You're going to make it.

The gym
Where you go to find a bunch of people who aren't athletic.

>I'll just pack on muscle to my unathetic body, they will never know

So, t. closeted manlet then?

No not everytime. But if I had something to get done, I'd sure as hell choose to do it on a day I wasn't at the gym rather than one I was. If you're seriously pretending that going to the gym has no strain on you by definition you're failing at it. The release of dopamine isn't a cure all

This thread is a shitshow. Who knew there were so many idealogues about either working out or not.

Try changing your diet, user. You feel like shit because you probably eat like shit. Diet is honestly way more important than exercise. Cut out as much sugar and bread as possible and I guarantee you'll feel miles better in just a couple of weeks.

Or you can continue to bash and call bullshit on people that are massively more successful than you in every aspect of life and continue to live an unproductive, pointless a existance because we all know that's working real well for you. Right, user?

working out literally cuts away at your lifespan.

I'm not saying that it is a cure all, nor that it can't knock you out for the day. But if you feel that it "drains you", you're doing something wrong. I have a lot more energy to do stuff after I've worked our. Yeah, I need to eat and sit down for an hour or so, but after that I'm sharper than if I dropped it.

>A whiny, nasal voice minority.
Great argument. You don't want to countenance those in this supposed minority because you are afraid of what their existence implies.

working out and talking about it online and through social media is the most obnoxious normie behavior imaginable. you like working out? fine. now shut the fuck up because nobody cares how many "reps" you do

But it prolongs your life. Why do you think that arnie and Stallone look great for their age? There's also an elderly man in my gym that's in better shape than anyone there. He's mentally sharp too.

>There's also an elderly man in my gym that's in better shape than anyone there
and I guarantee you he's gayer then elton john

What if someone has a accomplished a huge transformation? They're entitled to bragging rights after getting ripped. I know I'm posting my pics to r/progresspics once I hit my goal

I mean I appreciate it. I wish I was ripped. The male aesthetic is beautiful when built properly. I can only imagine how good it must feel to look how you want to look. Doing it for the women is a fool's game.
I just don't feel like it

They don't really.
I mean stallone and Arnie don't look any better than say Harrison Ford who was never known as a gym hound.

>Why do you think that arnie and Stallone look great for their age?
Testosterone Replacement Therapy.


being fit is a normie tier fad just like tattoos and listening to degenerate stuff like gucci gang or whatever


Going to a rack and lifting the heaviest shit you can until you can't anymore isn't exercise. If you can't work out properly, start running instead, much harder to fuck up

>tfw I legitimately enjoy KoRn

It's the one band from my teenage years that I still enjoy. Lord help me.

is their anything worse than late 90's/early 2000's music?

Yeah I agree Eddie is a faggot who brings the show down.

Mid 2000s - 2017 music

this. I don't get it.

>But muh Kanye is a GENIUS

does anyone else notice that whole cali crowd of are actually very feminized? They have this weird, effete speech pattern and body language.

It's not new.
Cali, was basically all tranny in the 80s.
Then rap got big and cali tried being gangster tuff for a while. Now they are turning back into trannys again.

And you're a faggot millennial shitposting on a cottage cheese enthusiast forum all day so who are you to talk

go away Eddie

Its not so much about feeling better after the workout, its the guilt of missing the workout hanging over you till you go to the gym again.

Half the time i attend simply to stop hating myself for the rest of the day