Fuck Hollywood
Fuck niggers
Fuck homos
Fuck women
And fuuuuck jews
Fuck Hollywood
Dumb frogposter.
false flag
>"Fuck" Hollywood
>"Fuck" niggers
>"Fuck" homos
>Fuck women
>And "fuuuuck" jews
>Fuck women
Gee, how do I know you're a false flagging redditor?
fuck you
He even has a reddit filename
me irl
And fuck white people and asians.
Based ladypede.
super bootleg quality bait, man.
I wish Sup Forums was not part of Sup Forums...somehow.
This but unironically
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
perhaps you would feel more at home on reddit with the other faggots
>muh "everyone else is reddit" Sup Forumstard obsession
fuck off.
I respect women.
Jews are generally really smart and funny people.
I went on Tinder dates with two different black girls.
Try and stop me.
>tfw no qt redditor gf with dog
How do you Sup Forumsacks accuse anyone of being rebbit when you are the most rebbit board of all?
Says the literal redditor.
I want all /r/the_donald fags to go home
You are right desu. None of those things are good for society yet all you soyboys are letting them run the show. Enjoy your overly PC sexual harassment jew thieving allegation homo world.
How can you?
Or did you join Sup Forums in 2016 because of star wars?
When did you grow up of the jews are evil meme? The jews are actually the good guys. Theirs is the only state in the middle east remotely similar to western civilized countries. The arab states are the bad guys, on the other hand.
>The arab states are the bad guys, on the other hand.
Mainly the Saudis, from what I gather. Everyone else in the Middle East are tools at their disposal.
I agree, that's why I think all of them should go there
fuck off ahmed,jews are based, replace it with ''fuck muslims'' instead and it's good.
You're a flighty woman.
While muslims suck, jews are not innocent either. Read Norman Finkelstein "Holocaust Industry".