>Nothing Happens: The Movie
Why was Sup Forums jizzing all over this again?
>Nothing Happens: The Movie
Why was Sup Forums jizzing all over this again?
Other urls found in this thread:
the explosives were the lowest point, power rangers worthy, looked like the enemy was throwing granades on them
Because it celebrates the cowardice of the Allies
:_; poor French guy
I am never listenning to One Direction again
>Nothing happens.
That's not the point, if you didn't see IMAX, you missed out.
Anyway, the whole of the BEF getting rescued at the last minute probably saved the war for the Allies. Having the bulk of your army in enemy hands would be quite the hostage situation.
Inb4 the Sup Forumstatds:
>gud guys lost
>russia won the war by themselves
>muh english cowards
t. Michael Bay
But there is something happening from the first frame right up until the last one?
if a movie needs a giant imax screen to make it seem better than it is, then it is garbage
i can watch lawrence of arabia on a phone and it will still be a good movie
ITT: Sup Forums's basement dwelling neckbeards inevitably come with their empty meaningless overly general "boring and nothing happens" brainless statements who just saw the film on an atrocious compressed artefact filled torrent encode on their 13 inch Toshiba laptop with one earbud on while simultaneously shitposting on Sup Forums
I highly doubt you would enjoy a film like 2001 if you watch it on your fucking phone user
why wouldn't i? are you so much of a pleb you need a giant meme screen to appreciate a movie?