So is there any possibility left of Kylo getting a goddamn redemption arc...

So is there any possibility left of Kylo getting a goddamn redemption arc, or is the best case scenario at this point a re-hash of Vader in Ep 9?

meh they'll copy paste ATLA and make him Zuko

>no incredibly hot, batshit insane sister
Why bother?

I like how Disney clearly doesn't give a damn about parts of the other characters' plots leaking, but most of Kylo's arc is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I wonder how it feels to know that a villain 50% of the audience thought was terrible is now the most interesting character.

>but that's rey after turning.

We basically get ep IX with Kylo becoming a Jedi Knight with a green saber and Rey becoming a darkside user.

What kind of reason does Rey have for turning to the Dark Side? I know they'll asspull something since they've been hinting at it, but what *real* reason is there? The bullshit about her parents? She got over it in TFA--it barely mattered.

>he hasnt read the spoilers


Kylo Ren is a shit character because he had absolutely no motive for turning to the dark side.
Being the son of the heroes of the resistance and nephew of Luke Skywalker and all that but noo, instead he wanted to be a vader fanboy.

I'll bite, which spoilers? LARPers claiming to have seen TLJ don't count.

They actually have provided some shitty reasons. Snoke was apparently aware of him since the beginning and influenced him, and his parents didn't pay enough attention to him. Weak as fuck but there you go.