Inb4 the sequel trilogy comes out, Sup Forums hares it because it's popular...

inb4 the sequel trilogy comes out, Sup Forums hares it because it's popular, and then starts praising TFA and TLJ as "the good ol' days"

This is old news. We already knew that Rian Johnson got tapped to do a trilogy that's following a different plotline.

you completely missed the point

There will be Star Wars forever and after the 9th movie I think people will stop caring about Star Wars so much.

No one with any sense will ever praise the TFA trilogy. Okay, sure, it's watchable. So are most of the MCU flicks, which are consummate mass-produced garbage.

and then episode 10 is a remake of TFA

nobody with any sense would ever praise the prequel trilogy but Sup Forums is contrarian so here we are.

Depending on how TLJ is and how the films disconnect from the previous ones. This could either be a good or bad thing

>everyone here disagrees with and hates me because they are contrarian not because we operate on entirely different intellectual levels

It's disney. It will be utter garbage that has enough quips and explosions to keep the plebs off their phone for 5 minutes