Cast it

Cast it

The only thing I know is that Ezra Miller is a fucking retard, he wouldn't be able to portray Elliot without bias.

rebel without a cause

Me - The Chad who bangs Elliots sister while Elliot listens through the door

It's impossible to portray Elliot without bias.

Miles Teller


I feel he could pull it off my dudes

Keep posting it, you'll get a white gf in no time!

>left side
>literally whos, except for Keanu
>right side
>literally whos, except for Elliot
really makes me think

Idris Elba

Idris Elba fucking his sister.



Kek. You made that? Cute.

for you

I thought we all agreed Cage's son would use this for his break out role.

Based froggo

This summer

He's not getting sex, You're all getting wrecked

I'm a white guy with a pretty strong case of yellow fever. Why all the anger? I hope you get as many white girls as you desire, we both have the same cross racial desires just from opposite sides of the aisle. Get some white sluts my asian brother.

Honestly irl, should who you choose to sleep with matter? I mean it's all pink on the inside

I really, really, like this picture.

I just think girls with flat faces are prettier is all, theyre the same as any other girl aside from that.