Rock Candy Mountain #1

New Image series about hobos






My only knowledge of this song is the burger king commercial with Hootie .








Mine was O Brother Where Art Thou.















Thanks for posting, you don't see too many hobo comics.

While i don't mind the simplistic art, i really don't like the faces.
Anyway thanks for the story-time, premise at least seems interesting.

I don't mind the art either and love the premise, but the writing is really not doing it for me. I'll keep reading in case it improves and I'm working on a story with a similar premise so naturally I'm interested.

Clark Kent?

I don't see Clark calling a train a metal cocksucker. But for some reason I don't think I would mind it if he did.


big bump candy mountain

Mah Nigga, I honestly love this fucking song.

Promising start. I'm interested in seeing how this goes.