How does EVERYONE on Sup Forums seem to know I'm from reddit? What gives it away?

How does EVERYONE on Sup Forums seem to know I'm from reddit? What gives it away?

The resolution of your frogposting.

we hacked your webcam.

stop doing that with your fingers.

>I'm from reddit

dead giveaway right there

You forgot to do double spacing

your shitty takes

your shitty memes

your shitty taste

>Im from reddit

Your trip.
Your spacing.
Your spacing.
Fuck, that one's tough.
Your spacing.


That's the thing...

...we're all from reddit

You are the personification of "LOOK AT ME, I'M FROM REDDIT" you Egyptian rat fuck

you don't know the password for the house

Thanks for the reminder Satan. Maybe my brother will be luckier.

This shit is going right on reddit, say hi to everyone

Did you guys like Baby Driver?

I double-space all my posts, and get called out all the time here.

Admittedly use to post obsessively on Reddit History Porn, haven't for around a year.

Did "reddit" spacing even before. Know why?

Double-spacing is the norm in academia, and is a generally appreciated feature in occupational emails.

Had idiots here completely ignore what I've said simply because I double space. If Sup Forums is happy to read a wall of words in order to not be "reddit", let them. The rest of the world seems to prefer double-spacing, so I'll stick with it.

Have a rare pepe, Sup Forums, on the house

why dont you redd1t fags stay on your website srs

I'm here to harvest memes

the metric i use is if i know what the actual opinions and beliefs of the person posting are they are probably from reddit

if i have no clue because they have gone through so many layers of irony then they are certifiable Sup Forums posters

i would like to conclude i really dislike the use of the term "soyboy" and i am sick of people using it and would you fuckers like STOP fucking seriously

1. Reddit spacing. Most anonymouses reply to a post as follows:


When you double space to make it neater to read, you are obviously from Reddit. It shows you're hugely insecure about how you're perceived. You think the format of your post somehow enhances your point here. But this isn't high school tier academia. It's a cesspool where no matter what you think, you're a huge faggot.

2. Hivemind/populous opinions, and the perception that your vast majority opinion is somehow unique or impressive. See: Rick and Morty, Christopher Nolan.

Redditors think they have brilliant minds for understanding such deep, philosophical, artistic achievements like Rick and Morty and Christopher Nolan films. Their faux-love for "science" and general concepts that Nolan incorporates in his films is a badge of honor to them. Little does the Redditor realize that every typical high school/community college moron shares these opinions and it's the instinctive reaction of the most average American mind. Doubly, the "I love science" type crowd miraculously never follows up with an actual career in science. They'd much rather be a barista.

3. Outdated, or poorly used memes.

Your original post is Pepe the Frog. This was a popular meme on Sup Forums years ago. It still is now for sure. But it wasn't until recent years that Reddit and normies started picking up on it, at least in the degree they do. Most Anons would use Pepe in its classic form, like a greentext story. Redditors tend to just throw it around to try to blend in. Little do they know how much it gives them away. They're also probably Twitch babies that love typing monkaS in twitch chat because it's "simply epic Kappa." Notice how redditors still rarely use Wojak. A much better, more authentic Sup Forums meme.

There are plenty more but these are some of the most blatant, dead giveaways. Ignore my Reddit spacing and punctuation. I'm only trying to speak in a language a Reddit shithead understands.


no u

Sure know a lot about reddit