Is this Star Wars kino?
Star Wars the Clone Wars Show
some of it is but a lot isn't
I want to impregnate Ahsoka.
Let's say at least it's comfy.
that would rule
Is this shit worth rewatching?
How do you know your human seed is compatible?
absolutely, esp s5 and s6
Most of it, yes.
clone wars > the clone wars
I honestly think ahsoka is way better than any other woman in star wars, and Anakin should've made his move on her when she turned 18
What are the bad parts?
jar jar episodes
padme episodes
and that's pretty much it. the best are the clone episode imo, even though droids are superior
>jar jar episodes
>padme episodes
Oh yeah I forgot about those...
Jar Jar and Mace revisiting The Temple of Doom was kino.
Metal. Makes me wish Nu-Wars could come up with something that wasn't Original 2.0
I'm pretty sure there was an episode with a human that had mixed kids with twi'lek chick.
But twi'leks are basically a race of sluts built for breeding and both races look fairly humanoid so it should be possible.
Nothing like selling a teenage girl into slavery.
I have an image on my home pc with all the episodes to skip if this thread exists in 2-3 hours
Damn, anyone have this pic?
don't know if this is the same one the other user was talking about.
or google
didn't realize the pic was so poor in quality. here's a better one.
whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa
where's the next season?
did anyone ever do one with season 6? I actually liked that Netflix season.
this seems too conservative, I remember there only being a dozen or so episodes that were skipable
there's no season 6
the lost season could technically count as a 6th season since that is what it originally was intended to be
there is, I've watched episodes from it. its called the lost files or something, twas on Netflix but didn't air on tv. all of it should be watched, its amazing
>>Sup Forums
t. Underage virgin
This was a TELEVISION show buddy.
don't forget R2D2 and C3P0 episodes
honestly the Sup Forumsmmunity for star wars stuff is indeed pretty fantastic
I've seen 4 episodes with placeholder animation, is that what you mean?
He didn't tho
I remember the one in the first season when the clones free some twileks, the one with the twilek child, if I'm not wrong it was defenders of the peace
Humans can crossbreed with twi'lek, they probably can with togruta.
al I member is that it involved fives finding out about order 66 early, and Yoda talking to darth Bane's ghost
oh fuck off it's a show based on a movie
oh i was thinking of s 6