My boyfriend and I are marathoning this show, and it makes no sense...

My boyfriend and I are marathoning this show, and it makes no sense. Why would he choose to make meth instead of just accepting the money from his rich friend?


It's not about the moneyfucking retard

Because the whole point of the show is that Walt is an egoistical asshole who wants to act hard and be "badass" to compensate for his pathetic behaviour and cucked life.

Pretty clever attempt at a "things women will never understand" thread.

fucking faggot

Literally nothing to do with the money. The whole show.

Op is a faggot, not a woman.

Its deeper than that you fucking cunt shit sugar titty cuckold heapload of shitty cumdump pussywagon witchtit fucking fucker fuck

Suck my dick you fucking bitch fuck you!!???!??????????????? lols

does anyone know what to press in the microwave for pizza I lost the box :(