Other urls found in this thread:


>desaturated visuals LITERALLY just so it can look like da old 70's/80's mobies

I hate fucking everything

oh i guess the interracial thing too blahblahblah

>star wars fans will not only defend this, they'll pay their money to see this

wow they really went there
i just think finn's too ugly and a total fag, if he was a better looking black dude and treated rey like shit then i'd be cooler with it

Now I'm not going to see the movie,


>they don't know it's cosplay

This is a married couple doing fan fiction.

Your shit posting skills are weak.

Your thread is garbage.

Are there any good porn parodies?


Your point?

white women getting coupled with men of color is the best thing to have ever happened to cinema, I'm glad it's getting pushed. seeing all of the angry white bois online is hilarious. it's even more hilarious that they can't do anything about it lest the get vilified for it

I refuse to believe you're this fucking stupid

this, fucking calm your tits you fucking retards, this is a couple cosplaying. Man you're so gullible it hurts.

>posts something from the fucking 60s when white male dominated racism was at a all time high

Sup Forumstards really do fall for everything huh?

What kind of """person""""" thinks this is real?


But they don't though as this is a false flag thard.


I remember someone once posted an anti-semitic rant by a guy who got convicted for running a child porn said and attributed it to Benjamin Franklin just as a meme.

It';s still posted on pol to this day, despite the obvious 20th century language and the absurdity of what it's said. They literally have 65 IQs

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?

>white boi says it's okay because it's only cosplay

for real
>she doesn't have her new haircut
>they're back on jakku for no reason
>her ass is better than Rey's
at this point, I think that capeshit and star wars haters are just as gullible and stupid than capeshit and star wars fans

Ones that aren’t so autistic that they can recognize their le epic Star Wars flicks characters from the backs of their heads




i dont see how its supposed to make you dumb to think this is real


that's a sikh right?

Here we.go again

She ain't all that pretty anyway

it's a fucking star wars thread nigger stop crying

and now that the average Sup Forumstard has been proven wrong, he retreats into the good old

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?

I want to FUCK femShapiro

ah bloo bloo bloo


>haha some people have been fooled by some cosplay pic
>so Sup Forums is wrong and we should all be leftist
The absolute state of the libcuck... The full cuck propaganda remains anyway, you massive dumbtard shill.

>this is how /po/tards react whenever they aren't right, by calling people cucks and shills

Damn... you got him good

calm down

who is this blinky babe

how new are you

So is Daisy now Hollywood's go to actress to get blacked?

only first borns have to wear the headwrap.

i bet this will happen because (((reasons)))

I mostly stick to /m/

>white guys see white woman with a black man
>they go absolutely apeshit

white bois - the most insecure people on the planet

The amount of retard in this thread is high

Oh and OP : in the oven please

it's Ben Shapiro's sister

>this thread

stop crying niggers

Now i'm glad i never got into this shit franchize

actually a decent edit

>let's pretend we didn't look at the pic
If you need any more proofs star wars is full sjw, it just means you are just leftists yourselves, and you are obviously. The libcuck now sides with the most capitalistic companee ever... How does it feel to be on the wrong side, guys?



>original validates slipperly slope of media.
>new one validates slipperly slope of media.
what did dipshit libtards mean by this.


so he was gay for his bully the whole time?
if this is some kind of political message its lost on me

look, here's the original.

>implying negroes in white nations is acceptable

fuck off nigger

ah okay.
the edit is kinda funny then

I know people meme about khazar milkers or whatever but she has a really emotive face, it's almost crazy. she looks like a disney character.

for the last 'hand snap' she seamlessly transition between two very 'readable' expressions, going from 'inexpertly masking feelings of incredulousness' and ending on some sort of condescendingly skeptic expression

she should do live action disney movies instead of opera

ITT: A very sad, lonely and pathetic try-hard same fags the he’ll out of his own thread, posting from both his phone and his pc, playing both sides of the argument, because he’s desperate for human attention, because he’s sad and alone on a Saturday night.

This is literally the saddest and most pathetic thread I’ve seen all week. Made by one retard with severe emotional problems.

pretty much
>neck bread that's too ugly to get laid and only post autistic comment on the internet

Forsake your false editions, for only that which is canon is True. That is canon than which is the creation of Lucas, of Zahn—even of Kevin J. Anderson and the blaspheming Slavicsek. Disney Star Wars is only such in name and name alone. True Star Wars is that which remains undying in our hearts, immutable. No SJW corruption can ever touch Star Wars for it is safe in the past, with enough material to fill a lifetime.

I can think of a live action movie I'd do with her. Our wedding video.

I come on Sup Forums and then get upset that people are insulting my race, how AWFUL.

>moving goalposts so he can make himself feel better

The fuck, I thought Finn and Po were going to be a thing? Is the racemixing agenda greater than the gay agenda?

They are going to take a gigantic hit in China because of this.

>ill become a hot girl that will show em

fucking hell

the ultimate soyism

>"This is how Sup Forums dies....with inter-racial kisses."


you people are so fucking pathetic

Isn't she Rachel from UMass?

why are you here faggot?



is blind or dumb