what the fuck did you just fucking say about weed fuckface? i will beat your fucking ass if you don't smoke weed bitch hey jamie pull up that article about how everyone who doesn't smoke weed is a little bitch fuckface piece of shit. yeah what now? i'm gonna kick your shit in mma style fuckface
What the fuck did you just fucking say about weed fuckface...
i agree with him. if you are anti-weed, that means you are ok with a cop shooting somebody for using a plant that's less dangerous than alcohol. and you are also oblivious or agree with corruption
Jfc im already hurting my wrist looking at that
Don't expect anybody on Sup Forums to agree with you since they despise weed for some reason. I think it's because most people who come here don't have any friends. That or they're riding high on the "conservatives hate weed" stereotype.
Being against weed doesn't actually mean I'm okay with cops shooting pot heads.
im high right now. :)
you are taking the side of corrupt people who want to profit from more dangerous drugs and the prison system. thats even worse
>That or they're riding high on the "conservatives hate weed" stereotype.
Sup Forums pretends to be christian because they think thats what the "white conservative" thing to do is, so yes you called it.
so you just want people locked up for it? why not lock them up for drinking?
>if you are anti-weed, that means you are ok with a cop shooting somebody for using a plant
I pity you and your shitty state/country.
Hello liberalcuck. Don't forget to jerk off to Bailey Jay today.
Wow, you enlightened me. Pass the doobie bruh!
so how do you want people to be punished for using illegal weed?
I don't think smoking weed should be a criminal offense. I'm still against smoking pot though because it can be horrible if abused. Just like alcohol.
>be American
>get shot
That's your problem
Joe Rogan seems like a brainlet.
Stop it, stop acting retarded. I support weed too, but the ignorant black and white group think you're spouting is not helping anyone, trust me.
weedfags deserve to be shot so i don't see the problem.
>be non-American
>get stabbed and die a slow and painful death full of dozens of bleeding wounds
>I really really like pussy
Guillotine obviously
But weed is illegal where I live. You don't get to break the law just because you dislike it.
Joe has hinted at being bisexual several times. Your point?
it's a meme you dip
guys that shit on dopesmokers are just larping as straight edge faggots for (you)s
>be American
>don't realise that Americans get stabbed just as much as (I'm assuming you mean Europeans) do because it's so heavily outweighed by the number of shootings
>think that even if this wasn't true that being shot is justified because it's a relatively quick death
The fucking state of you brainwashed septics
what the fuck did you just fucking say about fags fuckface? i will suck your fucking cock if you don't like queers bitch hey jamie pull up that article about how everyone who doesn't like boypussy is a little gay homo piece of shit. yeah what now? i'm gonna suck your cock boy-scout-camping style fuckface
Imagine being such a braindead pothead that you actually believe this. Why don't you just bash your head with a wrench bro it's cheaper and you get killer headspins bro