What exactly is partying?
What exactly is partying?
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Real talk OP: why are you browsing AVClub, especially since the Kinja takeover?
Snorting coke off bmc (big Muslim cock)
Snorting coke.
Drugs and sex
> especially since the Kinja takeover?
I haven't been to avclub since 2009, can you give me a quick rundown?
Why are british slags so hideously disgustingly ugly
It's some Mexican conglomerate and not gawker so who cares anymore.
its just really heavily a sjw site now
They got assimilated into some empire which technically owned them for ages, requiring them to shift their comment system over to Kinja
AVClub had a really active and large commentor base, moving from Disqus to Kinja basically killed that and users left in droves
I was reading a blog about this somewhere recently, it's all part of the Big Internet plan to kill off or control any kind of user feedback online
Well she is British so probably praying to Allah or something
>user feedback
>on the fucking AV Club
Wasn't it always? Unless you mean they inject polotics into shit unnecessarily, like what happened to cracked, only cracked was always a shitty site so I don't know why I brought that up.
is this most an actress has done for a role?
A lot of AVClub was obnoxious one upmanship, but stuff like the reviews of old Twilight Zone and Trek episodes spurred some pretty great discussions from the community. Now all of that is lost forever to fucking Kinja.
Link to the blog post you read?
How do girls party so much? I literally get invited to one every couple months a d i consider myself popular... does clubbing count as partying?
She's rich and an actress, that means she's invited to literally everything everywhere.
Partying is basically just a nice word for drinking and drugging
>Partying = Shoving things up her pooper.
black cocks
phoenix dust
Why are British women under the age of 60 all so repulsive?
what the hell? "had to give up" being a degenerate and be somewhat sober for the waking hours of the day?? goddamn what a life that would be, no wonder hollywood burns through so many young actresses
Something you do when you're not an autistic shut-in.
Something I haven't done for approximately 4 years.
Thank god this shit is getting rebooting.
Blowing cocks while stoned out of your mind on coke
Molesting little girls.
And not only girls
Banged by chads while drunk or high
It's so unfortunate she didn't came out as a lesbian, so much potential wasted.
>tfw partied like a year straight from 17-18 with my friends, had sex with random girls i never saw or spoke to again
>tfw now 21 shut-in NEET only play videogames and watch movies/tv, never go outside, haven't bothered to keep in contact with friends, literally haven't gotten laid since i was 18
soon she'll have to give up that lifestyle if she keeps up that lifestyle, she's going to turn into a used up baby factory and no one in Hollywood will hire her
lol, thanks for the clarification
Probably drinking. She was fat in the last one. Her diet included no alcohol, so she stopped clubbing and going to parties etc.
Girls are always invited to parties because guys who party want to get them drunk and fuck them. Most girls could walk up to a random party in the middle of the night where they don't know anyone, and they'll be five lines of blow in getting DP'd in the bathroom within the hour. Every girl you know does shit like this, fyi.
How the fuck did she not get dropped after the pathetic attempt at acting in Apocalypse?
dude, sophie is literal super model tier, what are you talking about?
For every generation of starlets, maybe one in 50 doesn't go down this path. The fame always gets to their heads. Even now, with all the cautionary tales out there, it seems like every young actress thinks she's immune.
you're supposed to be everything that's pure in the world Jean!
end this madness!
you aint missing shit, you already experienced what it is. it doesnt change, except for more random older rich guys start banging your 20 year old girl friends at their places.
Yep. girls are auto invites to every party. guys are only invited if theyre friends of the host. thats why girls are always at a party every weekend and youre not.
shut up, Patrick, I'm a woman, I'm young and it's my body, I can do whatever I want! I'll settle down when I'm older with a rich man who will take care of me!!
I (((party))) every night despite being a virgin recluse.
At least you got to fuck chicks.
All the parties from high school were sausage fests because all of my friends were geeks and losers.
god i hate women
Do Brits like Mexicans? Asking for a amigo
>season 1 Sansa will never snort coke off your cock before shoving it in her mouth
why do we suffer so
pic related
>most girls do this before they settle
found the beta cuck
its part of the appeal
Drinking $2 catering brandy that's been poured into Hennesy bottles, and pretending to be attracted to black guys to look cool.
>According to bong standards of beauty
Found a disgusting roastie/soycuck
youre incorrect
quads of truth confirm
Great Shitstain was a fuckin mistake
Glad they're getting eradicated by the very some shitskin countries they colonized LOL
Relax girl you are overworking to much
How does this qualify as news?
>Gemma quads
I'd put money on her being bi.
Those quads
except Gemma isn't a Slag, she's a goddess. fuck your stupid quads.
Acting like a whore for blacks in the uk
Why? Her partying is clearly helping her lose weight. She needs to do more drugs.
Basically she stopped doing quite so much Peruvian marching powder
She's still probably a massive sniffhead though
Boo hoo white girl had to work instead of actinv like a slag
didn't she get in trouble for calling someone a nigger? She likes chav guys and cute brunette girls, not black guys.
I could believe that they've fucked. I think they mostly do it to tease their fans though.
why are girls so cute
>Britain gets mentioned
>2 females
that's not how it works, sonny boy
you know what I mean.
And strap-ons exist.
Great Britain effectively colonized America
> the very some shitskin countries they colonized LOL
Did you just admit yourself that America is full of aformentioned "shitskins?"
I'm not an Amerimutt you utter retard
She's german-jewish, nice quad tho m8
Look at the top of her head!
Depends on how much columbian coke you can provide manlet
>Great Britain effectively colonized America
Until they got their ass kicked for it by their son. Also niggers and germans did to the same degree
oh no the roastie cant go "partying" anymore
how will she manage
>Until they got their ass kicked for it by their son.
great shittain's son is France?
>GOT "quality" actors actually having other roles
What the fuck, did Hollywood lose any sense of making a good movie ? Do they really care about nothing and nothing but money to the point they hire shitty TV actors ?
this is the dark ages of Cinema, nothing but mass produced capeshit flick number #2863 on the horizon
>Sweet guy
Such plot