Press F to pay respects
Press F to pay respects
he was the best
how many people will walk out of the theater when it happens?
All of them. It's literally right at the end.
It's about time somebody killed dat whitey
Hope the kill Poe, too. White men have had their time, now POC should be shown for the horoes they are
>Kylo kills Han
>Rey kills Luke
>Kylo spares Leia
>coke kills Carrie
>you just became a Jedi
>a little crossfit girl kills you in the next movie you appear in after making you wait forever
If Rey kills Luke Star Wars is truely dead.
is Disney aware that a huge chunk of the SW fanbase will ragequit if Luke is kill?
after that they will be left with a few normies and the crazy feminists.
>implying that isn't a huge chunk of the star wars fanbase now
What was his purpose then? Just to save his father and that's it? To train new jedi and fail miserably, so some random chick could finish his job?
Don't bother trying to make sense of it. It's just noise to distract the goys into buying more toys and games.
Luke burning Vader is where his story officially ends.
no wonder Hamill looked pissed/bothered in some interviews.
There is no way he had Luke being killed off in Episode 8 in his story treatments. (Or being a non factor in Episode 7) They’re both friends and Mark Hamill always defends Lucas. Fuck Disney and Fuck Nu Wars
Disney wouldn't possibly be stupid enough to kill Luke would they? I mean even if they originally planned to do so surely after Carrie's death they would go back and reshoot to keep him alive.
>to kill Luke would they?
They killed Han, so anything goes.
If Disney pulls some shit like this we should go to social media to try and turn the normies against nu-wars for once and for all. #BRINGBACKGEORGE or something.
I think everyone knows that Ford only agreed to do the film on the condition they kill him off.
OP here. Rey doesn't kill him. He just kind of dies off for no real reason. It doesn't advance the plot and it isn't really explained why he died. It was obviously just for pure shock factor.
They needed a way to bring back force phantoms because references
he gets drained of his life force apparently. Whatever the fuck that means
He lost the will to live.
Jesus how fucking cringey. I guarantee you're almost 30 and you're obsessed with a childrens' movie series. Time to grow the fuck up. If Luke dies then nobody is gonnna give a fuck besides manchildren.
So he lost the will to live._.
>Fundamentally disagree with how the writers characterize Luke
>He gets killed off
>childrens' movie series
this has lost all meaning at this point.
I'm not ready for the only guy I like from the new movies to be dead.
It literally fucking hasn't.
not kill, but maybe die doing something very heroic.
So is kylo evil or just a grey Jedi
Fuck the spoilers. Sticky now. The dirty Jews did it. They killed him. F
he's part latino no?
(the actor)
Trump curse strikes again!! Yaaas
it’s confirmed then
Snoke dies too
>falling for my troll post on an internet forum
Disney is the EA of movies at this point
>Disney is the EA of movies at this point
Not even close. Disney makes kid and family movies. The only faggots butthurt about Disney are the Star Wars manchildren who are crying about "muh EU" and "muh original trilogy"
Nice post, just like your dubs