Star Wars fans WILL defend this

Star Wars fans WILL defend this


everyone who posts after me is lgbt

Surely this is satire though.

>that scene in ep 8 when luke cuts his dick off and uses the force to turn it into a vagina

about time I say

I cancel this post.

what about the Porg?

>t. /lgbt/



sadly your gay

Person posting on Twitter can't even get it right. They're mentioning being Asexual and Pansexual, so they need to use LGBTQA

>tursting a skeleton avatar


Does anyone think the twitter nigger in OPs post watched the clone wars?

Implying he's not knee deep in Wookie pussy. He's got kids, it's canon.

How is asexual lgbt, anyway?

My picture says enough

I liked this arc in Clone Wars

Could Lucas have prevented this?

Obi wan is literally asexual by the Jedi code but the people who care about a characters sexuality don't care about the plot or lore

Lucas caused this.

havent been into SW since I was a kid, is any of this real now?

Take it back. There's no way in hell he wanted this.


>poe: rly gay

He definitely didn't want it but he's still responsible for this mess of a shit.

Except he lusts after Leia.

All of the Clone Wars is cannon, thank God. Some of it was stupid but it's really a great series.


didn't they actually state Luke was gay a year or two ago?

>any jedi besides Anakin
>Not asexual

All those be some really shitty jedi then

It's late my dude

Lack of sleep causes baldness.

Nope. Mark Hamill just said "if that's what you want to think, go for it."

I already have shit genetics when it comes to baldness. Stupid nice hair now but it'll all start falling out by the time I'm 40ish.

>There's no way in hell he wanted this.
Selling out to Disney is tantamount to consent.

Chewie has a wife, in canon.

holy shit that's Cossutius from Spartacus on the left

>muh satire

And kids

This is why autistic people shouldn't be allowed to use social media.