Sunday Jurassic Park Thread

It's Sunday
Comfy Jurassic Park thread.

Anyone seen any rare photos. I keep seeing normal stuff,or cut scenes, original script or storyboards?

all he wanted was a pound of flesh

i wish they had left all the sets standing after the shoot

Bob Peck had some great legs.

Also someone cut out his face for a reaction image.

Was there more cut from this scene?
In the cinema it looked like a longer shot after she runs away.

When she meets Alan. You can see the bunker in the background.
Not on DVD. Anyone got the Blu Ray?

Reminder that the t-rex from the movies has actually met and fought Darth Vader

In the book he solos the entire island with an rpg and machine gun. Didn't like seeing him getting jobbed like a punk in the film.

>slight turd protuberates from anus through pants
>turd pushes against pants, forming a slight but erotic tent
>turd pushes even further
>something has to give, it's either gonna be the turd or the pants
-Omg Ellie, I think I'm having a type 2 on the Bristol scale, it's lumpy and sausage like. I feel slightly constipated but I think I can push it out through my khakis.
*takes big breath*
>turd won't budge, the tensile strength of the pants won't allow it to push any further
>turd refuses to go any further
>turd painfully retracts into anus
-Omg Dr. Hammond, it went back in. I think I'm gonna need your help to get this one out. Can you spot me :^)
*winks and farts*

I really want that shirt Spielberg is wearing

m8 please keep the autism away from this thread



>chilly seep-ass
wtf Hammond?

Fucking redditors, fuck off

what the fuck is going on here?

movie was total shite though


>activates goose pumps

Which ones are the redditors

The autists or the fans

It's hardly autism if it's true.

Walking with Dinosaurs was dinokino

bump for dinos

>the baby rexes getting blown away by the shockwave

why on earth is this not an opening post for a thread right now?

Because it makes jannies shit themselves harder than Dr. Grant

Could mountains like these exist on an island? They seem so steep.

are you retarded?

keep your scat fantasies away from my vulnerable mind


Could mountains like these exist on an island? They seem so steep.


>Muldoon spends most of the novel riding around the park, drinking whiskey and attempting to restore order.

Why did they butcher him in the movie? Still love bob peck tho

I knew dinosaurs were special to me when I auto-erotic asphyxiated myself to the first Jurassic Park movie. Ever since then I have re-occuring dreams of having an orgy with velociraptors.

>Walking with Dinosaurs was dinokino
It was my childhood m8, every Sunday morning with the vhs

One problem with the sequels is that the hervivors are too tame, especially in jurassic world, they are tamer than fucking bulls

Cause spielberg is a hack, in the novel Hammond wants to make money and gets eaten by compsognatus, wu gets killed by a raptor, genaro survives, mukdoon survives and blows up a raptor with a rocket launcher

>improves on the novel by discarding the garbage parts
>is a hack
yeah nah

Not that user but having hammond live was a mistake.

That said, not killing off Ian from dysentery was a good decision

no it wasn't. hammond didn't deserve death and the story didn't call for it, especially not some gratuitous violent one

How is any of that garbage?

Oh so dinos only eat those that deserve it?

Where to cop Spielberg's T-shirt??

>characters should just die for no reason
what is screenwriting

blowing up a raptor with a rocket launcher sounds like something out of a cartoon. the movie would have to be completely different in tone for something like that to work

He created the park, he was responsible, more than genaro, muldoon or samuel l jackson. Why exactly was killing them ok but not hammond or wu? If anything they were the ones that deserved it more

i didn't say they 'deserved' their fates either. my point is hammond dying would have been very weird

No, it would be realistic, thats what most people would do if they had one, going out with a shotgun and not even have it ready until you find the raptors, geting the worse view and position possible and not even shoot when you have a clear target, now thats silly

'dis Ethan

so you're saying having muldoon grab a rocket launcher and blow up dinosaurs in an explosive action sequence would gel with the rest of the film?

No, its a common trope, the creation eats the creator, but becauase spielberg decided to made him a father figure close to santa claus you find it weird, also cause youve seen his enviromental phase in Lost World wich was made up

Yeah why not, the lawyer gets eaten pretty badly and so does samuel l jackson, why not exactly? Oh cause guns were out of the question huh? Muh evil poachers and evil guns

no shit it was made up. i'm aware of the differences between the books and the films. my argument is that spielberg and koepp's interpretation is better and far less trashy

What is trashy about killing a loose raptor

exploding dinosaurs is trashy. a moody sequence with a hunter in the jungle, like what they did, isn't

Not that guy but as a balls-out action scene it wouldn't make sense. Handled well then there's no reason Muldoon couldn't have set to killing the pack. He could even have had a moment of pity and remorse when killing the animals he was so invested in.

That's a Utahraptor

also i didn't say anything about "evil poachers" or "evil guns." i don't have a problem with muldoon trying to kill the raptors, my concern is with the tone and the way it's depicted

No it wouldve been engaging but the peta audience loves animals more than humans and spielberg knows this, he is fucking dull, always playing it safe, his movies never take a risk, ever, and it works sadly

You know it those scenes were shot in Hawaii, right?