What the FUCK was wrong with him? He wasn't a bully he was a straight up psychopath from the start of the movie. Is this how people get bullied in the USA? Getting names carved in their skin? Or is it just King being under the influence of coke?
What the FUCK was wrong with him? He wasn't a bully he was a straight up psychopath from the start of the movie...
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Just King on coke, as usual.
Did you not hear about those two girls stabbing a third almost to death out in the woods because they wanted to sacrifice her to Slenderman?
Kids are fucking stupid, impressionable and sadistic.
what movie is that? anyway if it's "It" there's a guy that's an actual psychopath and another that's just a bully but kind of on the crazy side on the book
if i remember correctly the psychopath makes the bully jerk him off or something similar at some point in the book, i'm not even kidding, or maybe it's the opposite, the psychopath jerks off the bully to make him uncomfortable, i don't even remember
yanks are fuckwits so it's understandable
It would make a good premise for a South Park episode of old.
Yep its IT, the guy from the pic is the most important bully that later becomes a "servant" of the clown
USA is very degenerate and violent, King wasn't exaggerating.
It's not normally this bad anymore, (IT was written in the 80's and the child parts were originally set in the 50's) but yeah, bullies like that do exist. The exact same thing with someone carving words into someone else happened at my middle school back in 2007. Kid didn't get expelled either. American schools are a fucking joke and bullying is a massive issue.
>Clown is able to kill 80 people at once with an explosion or some shit
>Somehow he isn't able to eat like 5 retarded nerd kids
>not having that one known psycho at your school
Its like you never had a normal childhood
The Turtle was protecting them. God I fucking hate normies
Is that Henry Bowers from the new movie?
In the book he is legitimately insane and he gets put into a clinic.
nice generalization, vikram
He was an already bad kid under the influence of what lies under Derry. Did you read the book?
>Sup Forums
The book is fucking garbage
Holy shit, I hope Hell exists
Why is foreign scum so ignorant?
Sure, this is how we are dumb bitch. You'll tell all your mongoloid hue friends that's a fact anyway.
This is what I was talking about
Ignorant foreign subhuman scum
its based on a stephen king book, in stephen king books all bullies are unredeemable turbo psychopaths, no exceptions.
He's the best and most handsome character. Everybody loves him.
i only saw the movie but the prison captain from shawshank was pretty based t b h
I wish he bullied me (and my penis).
kids literally believe santa clause and the easter bunny exists
The whole town under Pennywise influences. That's why other than "outsider" and little kids, the rest of inhabitants are acting like deranged person.
Does shit like this honestly happen in america? I live in Turkey, and there is not even a word in Turkish that can be translated to "bullying". The most violent thing that can happen in middle/highschools here is 2 kids beating eachother. Like the first time i saw some kid beating another kid and stealing his money or shoving his head in the toilet was when i first watching foreign films.
It rarely gets to this level but it has on occasions.
Did you lose your job to a pajeet? That's a very specific name to use? Did he fuck your gf or something?
How the hell do I search for the torrents of this.
Typing "IT 2017" just gets me porn.
And that's why you don't write for south park, retard.
how do you pull off a mullet?
usa is a sick nation
He was being manipulated by IT to perform violent acts.
This is a thing that IT can do. Read the book. He does it multiple times throughout the history of Derry.
>bullying is wrong
>gang raping and executing a woman in public is fine
What did turkroaches mean by this?
It was a different time
You have to keep in mind that King is a jewish, anti-white, liberal city boy. He is DEATHLY afraid of white people, and this is what he believes would happen to him if a white teenage bully got a hold of him.
>stab a 12-year old girl 19 times
>she lives
This is a new level of failure
Here in brazil people kille each other because of FOOD in our schools
even the teachers are killed because of grades
You mean right now?