Why are there always at least 5-6 posted threads with images of young children (with obvious implied pedophilic discussion in the main body) on the last half of Sup Forums at any given time?
Do we know who's doing this?
How can we stop it completely?
Why are there always at least 5-6 posted threads with images of young children (with obvious implied pedophilic...
Why don't you simply hide threads you don't want to participate in?
Tell mods to do their fucking job, or get new ones who will ban that shit
It's our culture here on Sup Forums.
board culture
Banning doesn't help when that pedo spamming fucker is always changing his ip address. This board needs more mods, but I doubt that'll ever happen.
Lurk more
I heard it's a bot. It's been here since 2012-2014.
this is you baiting for some pics isn't it?
>Sup Forums crossposting newfag bitching about a timeless staple of Sup Forums culture
Pedophilia is just a staple of Sup Forums. Either ignore it or get used to it, new fag.
I'm and a Sup Forumsack. Even I don't want to disrupt board culture. I've been here since the "this was ruled a work of art by the New York Supreme Court therefore you can't ban me" days.
bottom left is a good looking lad
Yeah. I bet if he looked like that, he'd have much more support with women.
Imagine 14 year old girls swooning over their history books.
they could easily ban thread titles or comments but choose not to
dont defend those fucktards
You have to go back
Because the mods are pedos.
>bottom left
biopic staring ryan gosling when?
This is a liberal subreddit, ofc we are full of pedos
It's a guy called Jason Levy.