Why does Simon have a tattoo if he's Muslim?

Why does Simon have a tattoo if he's Muslim?

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Why do Christians eat shellfish? Sometimes they don't follow all the rules.

he is a casual also third best boy

He's not very observant/devout.

Read the book.

Muslims aren't supposed to steal cars, either. He's obviously not that observant.

Athetist muslim.

Same as johns.

He's just culturally Muslim, like people who celebrate Christmas but don't go to church or pray.

Is he even a Muslim? Or does he just have a "Muslim" background?

What do Muslims even celebrate? Besides 9/11.

Ramadan is the only one I know. I guess they might have some other things though.

That rule was for Old Testament Jews not Christians, read the New Testament.

That's one great and unique thing about Simon. He's diverse without being a shitty idealized version of a minority.

he's not a very good one

>Besides 9/11
Its not muslim if its a world wide holiday

Because all religious people are fucking hypocrites who cherry pick which rules from the religion they want to follow at their own convenience.

It's a human thing. Human's don't fully pay attention to anything around them. They pick and choose the reality they like and ignore the one they don't. So it leads to these situations.

I feel like that applies to most of the DC ones. Or at least they do have more personality than "the best at x".

Well duh, all the "good" Muslims are in ISIS.

He just like the culture of muslims, or rather just his families version of their culture. He doesn't care about other muslim cultures, just his families.

they celebrate eid, after ramadan

>tfw muslim seriously considering getting a tattoo

You are retarded, Johns Lebanese family is Christian.

Johns is just a extremely ignorant and stupid person.
That's why his Arab and Latino lanterns are Americans too, the guy imagination is extremely limitation and he doesn't bother with investigation. Thankfully most if his fans are as dumb and ignorant as geoff himself.

The New Testament never really revokes Jewish eating habits from what I recall. There's some line where Jesus says everything God has made for us is clean or some shit like that, but he never really endorses sitting now and eating hog. A lot of loosely applicable things from the New Testament are used to ignore hard laws put forth in the old testament.

Johns confused the Romans and the Greeks, the guy just didn't knew the tattoo stuff, when designing Baz, he gave him that to make him look cool. Nothing else

Stay mad fag.

Johns family was muslim.

Anyway simon only cares about muslim culture. You stupid fag.

This is not ignorance. It's part of the story that Simon isn't devout.

>b-b-b-b-but Christians!

Every fucking time like clockwork.

I have seen no evidence of that, he is as Muslim as Shakira or Carlos Slim. Johns clearly doesn't know shit about Muslims

I know you just want to shit on Johns and he deserves it sometimes but this isn't one of those times. Chill out man.

I don't think it was really meant as a dig, just a way to put it in reference for a site where most of the users are white Americans who likely grew up or around Christian households.

Prove he is Muslim. Most of Lebanese emigration is Catholic.

>muslim culture
only his families interpretation of muslim culture, the greater muslim cultures he doesn't care or seem to respect

Do it, brohammad.

10 seconds on google. His arab family is christian.

Ayyrab here . tattos are haram according to most sunni and shia scholars . also thats only ugly normal tattoo . he should've had that tatoo in some form of araboc kufi or persian or north african arabic caligraphy and not a normal gay ass script that just says courage

There's ambiguity (or, contradiction, if you prefer.) The Old Testament has the Noahide laws, which are applicable to all descendants of Noah, so the entire world. Those are fairly simple, and are very broad. Leviticius and Deuteronomy etc. specifically detail Yahweh's covenant with Israel and the Jewish people, and that is where commandments against shellfish and so on come in. Those laws are incredibly complex and specific. Jesus came in and seemed to overturn a bunch of them (sabbath was made for man not the other way around, what has God made that is unclean?, what comes out of a man's mouth defiles him but not what goes in, etc.) But he also mentions that not a single stroke or letter of the Old Law will pass away until heaven and earth do, and anyone who breaks even the smallest part of the Law will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But he may have been speaking specifically to the Jews in that context, since he is often unconcerned with Gentiles or dismissive of them. After that comes Paul and James. Paul held that Gentiles did not need to follow OT Law at all, James wanted Gentile Christians to convert to a sort of Judaism (get circumsized, keep kosher etc.) At the Incident At Antioch, Paul mostly won, and Gentiles only needed to not eat food sacrificed to idols and a few other minor holdovers from OT law. But, that is hard to square off with Jesus' own words in one context (but strangely fitting in the others.)

I'm Arab too m8, yes, that's a shitty tattoo, the funniest part is that out of all Muslims from the Arab world Lebanon is probably the one with people that dislike Arabic more. This is like if lady shiva had a simplified Chinese tattoo that says "concentration", it's clearly just a shitty choice to make him look different, like the mask or the stupid handgun.


you are supposed to pray 5 times a day and go to moque on fidays

Christmas has practically been completely secularized though.

There are still what people call twice-a-year Christians, where they actually show up to church on Christmas and Easter but only then. It is a real sore spot among more hardcore Christians.

Why doesn't he have a beard and wear sandals?
We'll never know.

The thing is, Simon was an edgy teen. So this shitty retarded tattoo is actually exactly in character.

Or plain old bad designe

His family was Christian but was forced to convert when their village was taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Cmon Johnsfag, I'm waiting for you to accept that you were wrong.

I think it's more that aside from his intro, they dont really lean too hard on HEY HES MUSLIM HEY LOOK HOW MUSLIM HE IS.

he's just "that one green lantern with a gun"

Unfortunately this isn't Lebanon, it's Michigan and it seems it's popular with the "natives" there. More a testament of how horrible immigration is and turns people into trailer trash.

He's a BAD muslim! He doesn't represent the muslim community at all!

they weren't. johns family were maronite christians, but that seems to be limited to his dad's side.


Well maybe if they weren't the biggest hypocrites alive...

I'm pretty sure the religion of peace made up of suicide bombers and founded by a pedophile warlord is a bigger hypocrite dude.

But tell me where the priest touched you.

Both Jesus and Paul directly contradict Old Testament eating habits. Jesus says that what passes into a person cannot make them unclean, which yeah while that isn't an open endorsement, it doesn't need to be. He already says enough to conclude that kosher laws no longer apply.

Paul goes further and says that all Old Testament laws that aren't stated to be still in effect are not required to be followed, and indeed should not be followed at all. He uses circumcision and eating laws as examples of things that believers should not follow and says that someone who still acts as if these are binding laws brings condemnation on himself.

Is he trans? What's with the face covering?

Is he Sunni or Shia? Shia Muslims believe that tattoos are discouraged but not forbidden.

There are also Sunni communities in Africa, Syria and Lebanon with a tradition of just ignoring the prohibition on tattoos. Especially in Bedouin groups.

Source: fucking Google it.

He's not even a practicing muslim.

he already knows god doesn't exist and the universe was created by superman when he went back in time, so he doesn't give a fuck about religion anymore

Muslims are the biggest hypocrites in the world

and the most degenerate


He's a Caldo from Dearborn you idiot. Dearborn used to be the largest Middle Eastern ( Lebanese, Arabic, Syrian, Paki) population outside of the Middle East before the refugee crisis. Dude is the same as a paddy. Just a weird Christian.

Christians can eat everything but blood, babies, and goat semen.

His mother sure is.

He's basically a street thug though.

Because Johns watched FMA:B.

I never read the Bible, but people who have, have told me Jesus specifically said all Old Testament rules are null and void except the ten commandments.