I believe it. Rian Johnson is a talented filmmaker who will unfortunately be stuck making Star Wars films for the next decade.
>paid reviews
Fuck off shillberg
>*This* is podracing
Oh boy.
>This is podracing
Confirmed to be on the level of Phantom Menace
anyone know when reviews drop? Are we waiting till the 14th?
Well he panned Force awakens
So he has some self respect anyway
>there will be nitpicks
translation: it's a bland, stupid blockbuster and I overlooked all the faults because I don't want the shitsorm I got when I hated TFA
Same guy who rated Blade Runner 2049 worse than Thor: Ragnarok and Despicable Me 3? Guess it's shit then.
>This is podracing
We all thought Last Jedi was a remake of Empire, but it turns out it's a remake of Phantom Menace.
So it's shit but the Disney money is too good to pass on this time
Star Wars is a shit franchise and it will remain shit until the day it stops printing money for Disney
I bet they clarify in this one that the reason Luke failed to revive the jedi is because he's a fucking white male and it has to be diverse for the Light Side to approve of it.
>tfw no more comfy New Jedi Order with cozy temples set in the Masai ruins and old Rebel bases on Yavin IV
>tfw no honorable Pellaeon running the Remnant
>tfw no glorious Fel empire
So when is Sup Forums going to stop being full of idiots and realize that Tfa was a good movie. You don't have to like it, just admit that it is a pretty well made film.
Reality won't change just because you agree with their politics.
TFA was a good movie and a pretty well made film.
I say this unironically.
Can I still get some cash though?
This month is hard mon.
>I was one of those JERKS that hated TFA, but this movie is awesome.
Literally the version of "I used to be a Drumph supporter but we can't actually hand the Rep nomination to a PROBLEMATIC DEMAGOGUE, so I am now a #CruzMissile" in twatter form.
>Caring about what movie """journalists""" have to say
Where did he go to Film criticism School ?
>There will be nitpicks
Translation: the movie is a fucking turd.
Sup Forums liked TFA back in 2015. Then more and more of Sup Forums started invading and here we are.
>uhh, it's only Sup Forums that hates TFA you know......!
Fuck off back to r3dd1t with this fucking Sup Forums boogeyman shit.
sounds like pol improved Sup Forums then because it's unwatchable
>pretty well made film.
the fuck does that mean? they used nice cameras to shoot it? the story is terrible and the characters are horrible, you dumb fuck, that's all that matters.
$0.02 has been deposited into your account
False. TFA was panned and laughed at here since the beginning.
>he doesn't want to sound like "negative person"
>Says the movie was okay on day one
>Pretends to be unbiased by having panned the movie
shekel well earned, shillfag
saying TFA is a good and technically well made film is like saying the holocaust was a good and technically well done genocide. just because something is done orderly and efficiently doesnt give it a pass
Oh boy shill season again, where does the time go bros?
>someone doesn't like this movie?
>it's because they're racist
news flash asshole, finn is the only newtrilogy character I remotely like
>The #LastJedi is an excellent movie!
>*Cashes shill check*
What did Scott "Glib Fascicle" Mendelson mean by this?
>Rian Johnson is a talented filmmaker
Stop this meme. He is overrated as hell. Both Brick and Looper are shit, the only good thing he has done is Breaking Bad.
the holocaust was neither efficient nor well done, the jews are still alive.
A good part of Sup Forums did not like TFA even when all we had were spoilers like now.
I'm a racist and the only character I liked was Finn, which shows what a piece of shit the nuwars is.
>there's tons of "not a white guy" characters all over #TheLastJedi
What did he mean by this?
nuwars is garabage.
He's just excited that Disney gave him a $50,000 check to keep his negative opinions to himself senpai
>The absolute state of film in 2017
This is sad.
>Empire Strikes Back shot by shot remake with negroes and mary sues
Best thing ever! #yassreyslay #shillprideworldwide
It wasn't even well done from a technical view
>"not a white guy" character
What is one of these?
it has a diverse cast and it's about trump
Nice cherry-picked review faggot
Everyone already knows it's better than Empire
What a fag holy shit
He shilled against Blade Runner because the extras were too white. (was shot in 100% white country).
He even wrote "Aww Blade Runner is flopping at the BO, so sad :)", he wrote like 3 articles like this.
What an infuriating fucking kike
F. Literally every viewer despised it but is forced to give it a 3 or 4 out of 5 to keep the free Disney invites coming. Lucas would've done better.
I remember how much attention that faggot generated to BR BO numbers. And Villeneuve was all like "I make film not money" at the Internet's obsession with numbers. Mendelson is a faggot drone.
>if you don't like star wars you're racist!
FUCK off. TFA was THE pinnacle of shitty, soulless, safe corporate designed-by-committee movie making as a business, without any creative input from the guy who made the fucking series in the first place. The ethnic makeup of the cast is irrelevant.
it's not that i hate TFA with a fiery passion, it's just forgettable, the first 1hour30minutes or something of the movie is just a rushed blur , i remember the stormtrooper with the Anti-lightsaber weapon and Han getting killed and that's pretty much, it doesn't leave a mark
what the fuck does that even mean
Guess his check didn't come in time for TFA
Sup Forumstards and newfags ruined Sup Forums with all the social media bullshit that they post here
Fucking normalfags
characters not being white is intrinsic to the story in TLJ, what ?
>Sup Forums absolutely hates a film without seeing it
>calls others bias
It's like blackmailing, I didn't find a cheque in my mailbox, I made a negative review. 2 years later, the cheque is there, well this time the movie is good, trust me guys, hehehe
Although some of those reviewers reasoning is shit
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Kylos a double agent Rey and him team up to take on snoke get their asses handed to them Luke shows up saves the day and sacrifices himself ur welcome
this is most likely
>memelord twitter fuck
>apologizing for objectively correct denouncement of a shameless rehash
into the trash it goes
Since 2015 we've been flooded with waves of normalfags who have done nothing but lower the quality and standards of our online chinese loli community network. Hence the constant spamming of comic books movies and Star Wars. But here we are faggot. What are we going to do about it?
Nobody debates that it's a functional film. But why are we talking about a functional film 2 years after release? There's nothing about it that makes it noteworthy or special. Functional, that I'll give you.
Blade Runner is so cold and sterile, it's like locking yourself in a freezer and watching people hurt each other for no reason.
Thor and Despicable Me are hilarious good times that don't take themselves too seriously and provide a fun time for all the family
Jesus fucking christ this rewriting of history.
I hate Sup Forums and this is why you're a fucking dipshit because anyone who was here at the time will remember that after the first trailer dropped Sup Forums spammed this board non-stop with sweaty Boyega. THAT was shitposting. Everything since has been fucking tame
it's a 6/10 so yeah I guess it's "good"
literally go fuck yourself
2015 Sup Forums was the epitome of reddit invasion if there ever was one
you must be new because I remember when anons would tell others to return to their respective boards whenever something off topic was posted. Instead of letting 15 threads hang around with 300+ replies shit up the catalog
exactly. He unironically did the "dude just turn off your brain" meemee and is implying you'll need to do the same or else the blatant plot holes and other critiques become overwhelming. Its also interesting that he warned of "nitpicks" before saying its amazing, almost as if he subconsciously implied its an excellent movie ONLY because he willingly overlooked everything wrong with the movie
I liked it, it was everything I hoped it to be
>well made film
You mean it looked pretty