Great movies that got a terrible initial reception

Great movies that got a terrible initial reception.

>Critical opinion of the film on initial release was mixed as many reviewers at that time looked down on "spaghetti westerns". In a negative review in The New York Times, critic Renata Adler said that the film "must be the most expensive, pious and repellent movie in the history of its peculiar genre".[42] Charles Champlin of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the "temptation is hereby proved irresistible to call The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, now playing citywide, The Bad, The Dull, and the Interminable, only because it is".[43] Roger Ebert, who later included the film in his list of Great Movies,[44] retrospectively noted that in his original review he had "described a four-star movie, but only gave it three stars, perhaps because it was a 'Spaghetti Western' and so could not be art".


Both Blade Runners

The Thing

Blade Runner


Batman v Superman

>Inb4 itt prequel and Snyder apologists

The only decent prequel got decent reviews though. The new ones are vastly overrated by critics though.

All 3 prequels got positive reviews when they came out.

aun dai muh surburros moobs wil be arc

Fight Club


People hated the prequels from day one retard

murritards are just jelly because italians make better western than them


Just by those quotes I can imagine what kind of twill wearing, suffocatingly boring people those critics were


It was way too alpha for noodle arm commies

it was LITERALLY shot by a commie

Hahhaha nice /leftypol/, now leave

well italians are basically commies at the eyes of americans

The pseuds aren't those that hated it, it is those that hated it and then said they liked it due to pseud ideas about art (or the opposite, but pseuds usually form their opinions to align with the collective

Ebert, pathetic limp dick spineless chinless turd that he was, is great for these, he ALWAYS parrots popular opinion and even when he tries not to he gets it completely wrong anyway
>The predator of the movie's title is a visitor from space; that's established in the opening scene. What it is doing in the jungle is never explained.
>the action moves so quickly that we overlook questions such as (1) Why would an alien species go to all the effort to send a creature to Earth, just so that it could swing from trees and skin American soldiers? Or, (2) Why would a creature so technologically advanced need to bother with hand-to-hand combat, when it could just zap Arnold with a ray gun?
Ebert is such a fucking grade-A retard he failed to understand the basic plot of Predator, a dumb 80s action movie is completely beyond him, fuck that dead sack of shit

The Thing
Cable Guy

Americans are dumb anyway

surprised but glad they hated this shit

like everything by aronofsky this film was pure garbage

Justice League

Batman VS Superman

>Batman v Superman
Piece of shit.

No doubt, critic Roger Ebert had a remarkable passion for film. His brutal final cancer years couldn't crush his enthusiasm for the form. But he had awful taste. More than any other film reviewer, Ebert reinforced the hollow sentimentality and arrogant exceptionalism that compose the nasty side of the American character. Establishmentarian and politically unsophisticated, Ebert was a sucker for the Steven Spielberg brand of sappy watered-down-Capra movies, false odes to fictional nobility that reinforce the toxic narrative that Americans (and their government) try to do the best they can. Ebert was predeceased by his erstwhile sparring partner "At the Movies", Gene Siskel. Siskel gave "thumbs up" to movies that challenge the artistic and political status quo. Ebert belittled ground-breaking genre work by experimental directors.

Ebert wasn't that smart. I once spent hours with him discussing "Citizen Kane." He disagreed when I said it was boring, that "Kane" is unwatchable now. But he couldn't articulate why I was wrong. He kept pointing to the film's historical importance, which I didn't dispute. A lot of film critics are sharper than Ebert was. Now that his death has opened up space in print and on the air, it would be good if other, more audacious voices were allowed to be heard.

tell me why exactly they're wrong without saying "long mobi are gud epic cowboys pew pew beth mobe in hishorre"

*tips fedora*

Critics used to be snobs so would bash something so other critics wouldn't look down on them
Now they are plebs and like stuff that's FUN and reinforces their political views

Then why do we have the strongest economy and military?

This, the opposite is MCU movies, lots of (likely paid for) critical hype initially but very cringey when we look back.

>I said it was boring, that "Kane" is unwatchable now
Stopped reading here.

scrutinizing plot points is the plebbiest form of criticism
>Ebert is such a fucking grade-A retard he failed to understand the basic plot of Predator, a dumb 80s action movie is completely beyond him
yes I've read reviews by him where he just outright doesn't understand the plot, I imagine that's the result of watching flicks at 3x speed just to write about them.

Have any MCU movies even had a bad initial review yet?

Not from 'professional' (i.e. bought) critics, Disney is spending everything they have to keep the public fooled.

Heaven's Gate
Once Upon A Time In America
Kingdom Of Heaven
Blade Runner
Most Universal Monsters films

Say, weren't Italians were heavily discriminate against inn America during the 60s? Could this had played a part in the shitty reviews, since the average American film critic couldn't believe pasta niggers could make better movies than Americans?

Same deal as black actors and film makers in todays america, not to mention the sexual minorities and women also. Racist sexist bigots

Look up Vincent Canby, he was such an elitist douche that he hated Godfather Part II.

Kubrick's last three films.

Because your country, like a parasite loves taking the best talent from every country and use them to keep American industry relevant. See Russian and German Jews,, German Nazi scientists, English academics etc. Without skilled immigration, your country would be a shithole. But the average right wing American is too stupid to realise this.

cute meme

Thor Dark World? Its strange Chappie got a 32% which is much lower than the lowest rated MCU.


Horrible bait

They were right about the Shining.
Overrated trash.

>the average american is too stupid

Mortal Kombat

Event Horizon

Resident Evil

Batman v Superman Ultimate Cut

>tfw Sergio Leone died thinking that Once Upon A Time In America would never get its full release here

>reddit: the post

Ayylmao Covenant


300: Rise of an Empire

Mr. Melville never writes naturally. His sentiment is forced, his wit is forced, and his enthusiasm is forced. And in his attempts to display to the utmost extent his powers of ‘fine writing,’ he has succeeded, we think, beyond his most sanguine expectations. The truth is, Mr. Melville has survived his reputation. If he had been contented with writing one or two books, he might have been famous, but his vanity has destroyed all his chances for immortality, or even of a good name with his own generation. For, in sober truth, Mr. Melville’s vanity is immeasurable."

This was a review of Moby Dick written in 1851. I swear I once read a scathing review from the New York Times or some other similar source once, but I can't find it online. It was actually published in a more recent copy of Moby Dick.

It's a Wonderful Life

A Christmas Story

Batman Returns

Critics hate Christmas I guess

Back then it was severely underrated. Kubrick's films took years before reaching cult status.

Realy, she gets fucked?
I might give it a try.

not terrible but mixed reception. This, along with King of Comedy and After Hours, were initially seen as a 'losing streak' for Scorsese

TGTBTU is still pretty garbage. Aside from the momentous final twenty minutes, it's pretty unremarkable. OUATITW is far superior, and nothing will ever beat the pure Western kino that is Unforgiven.

outside of the USA that film isn't even well liked, nobody in Europe thinks Citizen Kane is the best film ever

I'm european, retard. Citizen Kane is considered the best film ever made and fellated in every book about film theory even here.
But my comment was more about how retarded his criticisms (boring, unwatchable today) were.

plebs the lot of you

Home Alone got fairly mixed to negative reviews when it came out
Same with Fith element
Though to be fair I think it had to do with the fact that mainstream movies were simply better made back then so critics were less likely to heap praise on some films

>Bladerunner 2049
>great movie
pick one

>literally top 3 Scorsese

wtf is wrong with Americans.