ITT: 10/10 CGI sequences
(overall quality of the film aside)
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This still holds up as the gold standard today.
Say what you want about Wachowski brosters, but they know how to make a battle scene.
This right here. You won't find anything that has aged as good as this. Sure, the brachio looks like crap, but every Rex scene is just next level.
A time where they actually put effort into it
I fucking love this scene
I just noticed Snyder barely cuts during the combat.
EVERY marvel movie and tv show has like 90 cuts in a 45 second fight scene. But Snyder just tracks the fight and only cuts if someone gets thrown out of sight or another fight is going on
It doesn't matter if he doesn't cut if the characters are all CGI.
Snyder's known for his long takes, but moreso his tinkering with frame rates to make the action seem more "dynamic".
You can see evidence of it in a lot of Justice League deleted footage.
>all of snyder's characters are CGI
2 flavors of shit
>Snyder's known for his long takes
I think you meant overuse of SloMo.
Only in frantic action scenes are the characters replaced with CGI models.
Wait, there's deleted footage of JL?
The stuff on YT is just unedited 5 second clips
>marvelcuck hides behind his box office numbers
>can't face the fact his franchise has 0 good fight scenes
Need I remind you of the Loki v Thor scene?
How does it feel to be wrong?
amazing that two mentally ill degenerates made this
wtf i hate iron man now
no it doesnt
look at his feets once it comes out of the cage
the parts that still look good are those with the animatronic trex.
>Wait, there's deleted footage of JL?
Where the fuck have you been? Shit's been leaking for weeks.
Wow that shit still holds up. Goes to show how wise it is to use CGI for mechanical beings and vehicles and not for anything organic. Even still, the machines flooding out of that hole and completely dwarfing all the gunfire looked amazing with a wide angle actually showing the action. I'd shit my pants if I were in that battle.
all the JL threads were being shit up by evansposters and OH NO NO NO so i avoided them for like 2 weeks
>0 good fight scenes
How does it feel to be wrong?
This is the only movie I can remember walking out on. It was during that fucking robot fight. It took forever and was the most boring drawn out piece of shit imaginable. Most of the movie before that had not helped but that was pretty much the last straw.
Why aren't any of those guys wearing ear protection?
>trying to take credit for 2004 Hulk
That was 4 years before the MCU even started. Next you're gonna try to take credit for Raimi's Spiderman movies
>30 cuts of Bucky lifting a gun
If this is all you have, that's fucking sad
>best part
>not the whole movie
Its like i am watching anime.
You're right. I guess this is more your level.
>he told us it would be like the old western bar brawls...
>but as you can see, its nothing like the old western bar brawl...its more like the city is being...torn to pieces
kek based Zod
fuck MoS, literally Superman done wrong.
No matter what you think of his movies, Blomkampf always has top tier CGI:
That was so fucking retarded.
They have EMPs but for some reason only on the ships.
Why not bunker a couple hundreds in Zion?
You can tell he loathes this shit.
>Superman: "Don't DO THIS!"
>fails to do the snap neck scene
>Superman: "Okay, do it"
Much better ending IMO
What's with this crisp scene? The movie itself was dark as fuck, I could never actually check what was actually going on.
I always thought Revolutions was kind of underrated. Sure the plot becomes very convoluted and there's issues making sense of Neo's powers.
But the actual set pieces and effects and shit are pretty excellent. The fact that so many people will take it for granted that it and reloaded were terrible but defend the Prequels is incredible to me.
I thought the machines allowed the EMP's to work, that is until the reset when they show there true hand.
Ang Lee was probably the last actual filmmaker to make a full Marvel movie
>inb4 Raimi
So, does Superman feel physical pain? He acts like it takes him a moment to recover from a heavy blow but he never actually takes any damage. Not even a bruise.
without that beginning i would have thought it to be genuine.
>based Zac takes the cast and crew to a physical iconic location for the murder scene
>Whedon and Co. literally never film anything that's not in front of a greenscreen
Why wouldnt they just pump deadly gas in the hole? Those robots had no gas protection, no shields. Or that drill thingy - what if it was a nuclear bomb and exploded after drilling, right when it was free-falling? Why do they always make AI dumb?
The choreography in Winter Solider is great, but the filming of it is not.
Yes, he feels pain. He can also be knocked unconscious. He can bruise but it heals fast.
Human weapons don't really cause him pain, it's more just being knocked back by the force of stuff.
The only time he feels pain is when fighting against Kryptonians, Doomsday, and Kryptonite
Because that wouldn't be cinematic user
You have to be dramatic before cynical
That's because Snyder actually knows how to stage a fight scene. He storyboards the fuck out of every scene so that he already has good material to work with in the edit.
Marvel movies just put three cameras on some poorly choreographed stunt performers and then cut the FUCK out of it to provide some illusion of dynamic motion.
My jaw hit the floor in the theater during this. First time I've ever really felt like a bunch of super powered beings were fighting each other.
He does get hit. But you have to remember. Superman has been absorbing sun rays for 33 years without using a single bit of that energy.
Faora arrived literally a day ago and has gone that far already. (because she is genetically enhanced to be a 10/10 soldier)
The punches make him dizzy or faces him, or whatever its called that sensation, because he has never ever been hurt before, and much like in real life just because you got punched doesn't mean you are instantly out of the fight, it just pisses you off and kicks your adrenaline in. That same thing happens to Superman during the fight. He is discovering he can get hurt AND how much strength he has inside of him.
Also he can get wounds but he has super regeneration. Falling unconscious is more of an issue to him than getting cuts by debris.
I love Superman. It's a shame this movie kind of sucked, and didn't have to.
This movie will never be topped for true capshit action.
that one that fought hulk was his father?
Wrong, you Snyder cocksucker.
Skip to 5:00
They have well choreographed fights without using stunt performers, and then RUIN IT with a trillion cuts
Another one from it.
>the Atlas stone pose for just a split second at the end
That AK design is neat, shows that somebody put thought into it.
>minigun spinning up
Worst Aquaman ever
It blows my mind that people actually think that piece of shit sequence is interesting in any way. I can remember nearly switching off during that scene.
why do we have to hear about and watch footage of fucking cape shit no matter what topic OP tries to start?
at this point we truly need a capeshit board
>tfw no-one's posted any scenes from Avatar yet
>Wow that shit still holds up.
That is because today's cgi has actually gotten worse. I could not believe latest Thor and Spiderman.
Sense of supremacy. There was ONLY the exact number of attack drones as there was humans. A fair fight.
no one has posted Gantz:O?
its the best CGI movie i've ever seen
>CGI looks impressive when it doesn't move
Yeah no shit.
It literally look like a videogame cutscene.
that looks fucking unbearable
Even CGI from the original Matrix holds up today.
>that liquid mirror
>Neo's reflection on his hand
While I agree it looks good, theres a reason for it.
Robots and artificial objects are much easier to animate than organic objects. That fight is all about robots.
Compare this to the clothing and Smith clones in Matrix Reloaded. It looked like shit the day it premiered.
That's actually really good
>he doesnt know
The fact that it's in daylight is what makes this so amazing. You can always hide bad or dated CGI with darkness. If this scene was at night tho, it would have turned into a gritty Alien style horror rather than a fun Sci-fi flick.
the first one is still kino af
the second one looks like a video game now and the third one was awful when it released
So his feet are normal?
>Michael Shannon defends Zack Snyder over Batman v Superman
>webming the 60fps meme video
Why did you leave the part where Loki cries? That's the only good moment of that fight and you left it out.
i really dug that, no lie