Time for a storytime!! Haunted Tank!

Time for a storytime!! Haunted Tank!
















Who am I supposed to root for?

















None. I haven't seen a decent person in this comic so far.


















Thanks user, I was gonna do the secret storytimers auto bump but my phone died.


>auto bump but my phone died.
That sucks.



Is him complaining about how JEB addresses him, and how okay he is with all the Arab slurs an intentional thing, or did the writer just have a bone to pick?

What spurned this storytime?




I think it's intentional
Preempting for the sequel set in Syria









Babe seems kinda okay. He's just not too bright.












Think for yourself user.





So is night time racist too?


Is the night inherently bad?



Lots of predators hunt then, specifically ones that could have killed out primordial ancestors. So yes.



Thanks for the story time. I've heard of this but I never went to seek it out.

>The M3 Stuart was named after this guy

I love this

I think you are just looking to be upset.
