Gore kino

Post and discuss the goriest scenes in cinema.
Why? Because it's rad.

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is that the guy from parks & rec?

cgi has killed the gore genre


Apology for poor quality

Sadly this is true for the most part. Even gunshots are cgi blood splatters now.

poor gianna michaels and kelly brook

Ashlynn you mean?



That new Netflix show, Godless, ends with a huge battle in the town between the outlaws and the townspeople, and not to give anything away because I think the first 6 episodes are worth checking out, but there is fucking CGI blood gunshot wounds all over the fucking place, as well as a fake as fuck looking CGI fire. It was just goddamned lazy


Roastie btfo

piranhas dont even attack ppl wtf

Here's a good scene


Godless was a huge disappointment.

Hobo with a Shotgun

Best gore kinos

should have been gianna and kelly as the main girls

>t. piranha

Anytime disco inferno comes on the radio I can't not think about hobo with a shotgun

>blocked in your country
But I live in the most relevant and important country

>being mexican

kill yourself

>relevant and/or important

How has no one mentioned Cronenberg?

OP here, this exact scene and on a YouTube clip no less is what got me into watching movies solely for gore. Why are heads erupting so artsy to look at?

this gets me everytime, just the quick look and your brain does the rest