Ghost rider reboot?

Will they ever reboot this or is he too edgy for kids since he's owned by Disney

See Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 4 senpai.

Is that Sailor Venus?

>Ghost Rider started the fire in her origin story
Deepest lore

Isn't that show garbage r does it get better?

the stuff with Ghost Rider (Robbie, not Johnny) is pretty good.

Why are her hands on fire?

Why is Sailor Venus on fire? What is going on here?

Not sure i just found it while looking up ghost rider and thought it looked cool


Came here to ask this.

God damn also why the fuck does she look like a stick?

I have so many questions.

Ghost Rider rejects waifu-ism.

It's absolutely terrible. Why would you recommend this crap? It's a total mishmash of Johnny/Ketch/Reyes and didn't work in any of these directions.


I've always thought ghost rider was cool, but I don't know of anything that he's in that's good. Any recs?

Demon of Desire baits a weeb by turning into an anime waifu and then Ghost Rider kicks the shit out of her.

what in the name of sam hill is this?

she was like a skin changer and sailor moon was big at the time so.

That's Skin-Bender, she's a fleshcrafting demon that took the form of an anime girl - it's implied she was summoned by an otaku - which clashes heavily with Ghost Rider's more or less realistic art style.

Shut up, Joss

...This is actually pretty awesome.


Aaron had some pretty solid ideas. too bad he was stuck with writing a Johnny Blaze GR.










Jeez that things eyes make me uncomfortable i would take my chances with ghost rider then that fucking thing


Looks like she wasnt too pure after all

It goes up and down. The ghost rider arc is only 7 episodes anyway. Short and sweet.

That was pretty great

Just imagine what would it feel like to fuck the Skin-bender.

She tried to touch him.

he also wrote Danny though

The Jason Aaron run is probably the best run from recently

The Way run immediately preceding it is ok

Like a loose plastic bag of chicken bones?

it would probably turn your dick into a gerbil or something

Minako >>>>> Usagi

Maybe now that they cancelled that crap title they can shelf Gringo Rider and bring him back. Not that I trust anyone at Marvel to do him justice.

Why don't you tell him how his powers work, you deceiving cunt.


Johnny Blaze is the best.

The fuck is wrong with Johnny you faggot?

Skin Bender is a good example of how terrifying and inhuman your waifu would look if she were real.

Which she's not, by the way.

He's boring.

I am truly a degenerate then. In some shots she's gross, but in some shots I still find her weirdly attractive.

Even for an eighties character Blaze was acting stupid more often
than not.

The only character development he ever got was during the Spirits of
Vengeance run, written by Howard Mackie, unsurprisingly.
Sure enough Marvel ignored most of that when they brought him back
in 2001.

All the while ignoring the fact that by now most readers were drawn
to the Spirit and not the host.

Now i can only speak for myself but I don't want x story about another
troubled whatshisname dealing with his personal issues.
I want a Bad ass Demon protecting the innocents and punishing the
wicked. and maybe also dealing with personal issues.

I have a ferish for mtf transformation sequences so this character....kind of works. I got a feeling she only makes people into walking modern art pieces instead.



Every time i get mad at current Jason Aaron's stories i look back at his Ghost Rider run and ask what the fuck happened. He used to be so good.