What the fuck?
What the fuck?
UK has like 10 actors
>Roman Empire recruits Africans
Manpower is manpower
Yeah basically this, there literally aren't enough white people in england to fill the casts of most shows
segmentata is so fuggen disgusting
ew kill it with fire
Those crazy Romans and their variable fighters
>achilles was black btw
Its jews and globalists user, trying to rewrite history and destroy european culture
>in the movies
Could a live action Macross movie actually work?
Yes but it would be way too expensive and they'd probably call it Robotech anyway.
Where do you think the average normie gets the information to form their world view? Media user. Social and entertainment media are unbelievably powerful.
Did you watch the webm? It's ancient Britain and they said "in the movies."
It's a time travel show dude
>engl*sh """people"" will defend this
jesus fucking christ user
Oh I thought this was Hollow Crown.
African auxiliaries were located, surprise surprise, around and in Africa, not in fucking Britain.
Wouldn't be that expensive. They could do it for Pacific Rim's budget probably.
they have a womyn dr who now too
Are you seriously not aware that they already are doing it?
Are you seriously not aware that you are a huge fucking fag?
Are you seriously this butthurt?
The "sources," on that article are tumblr tier.
So like "fuckyeahblackpeople.tumblr.com"?
I'm from england though, my city is less than 50% white
No I don't get butthurt because I'm not a fag. You're butthurt, fag.
As an auxiliary maybe. You have to have citizenship to be a legionary.
You sound mad.
you realise our country is still 92% white, right?
I'm not mad you're mad you fag.
What? 2011 demographics say 85% white and you can be sure it's dropped since then
why does the black woman have a jew nose?
>my country: 96% white
>england: 85.4% white
no wonder they're desperate to keep us in the union - it ups the average.
This. There were zero nigger legionaries, plenty of black calvary and skirmishers, but zero legionaries. That's why the regular troops joked with Caesar that they were being demoted by being given horses during his Gallic campaign, because that job was generally reserved for niggers and savages.
>this article exists
Jesus Christ, the left is just insane with their coddling of blacks
It's wikipedia, edit the article if you don't like it.
>As an auxiliary maybe. You have to have citizenship to be a legionary.
The roman citizens were too empathetic with thier slaves and liked to enmancipate them by the thousands thus making them citizens , many slaves were from the MENA region and were taken to the capital city to live as domestic servants or to work on farms it explains why Italy is a le 56% face country
>the wardens of wikipedia won't change it back
The cabal of kikes who run wikipedia are borderline communist revisionists. Not a joke, look that shit up. The articles are largely edited by a small group of verified faggots who all have a particular agenda to push.
>b-but they'll change it back! I'm too weak to fight so I'll make excuses for why I won't do anything!
Way to get cucked by wikipedia of all places.
Lorica segmrntata should be a huge red flag for you anyway. Its largely rule of cool. Yes there's a column (I think Trajan's?) That depicts his legion wearing it on return from some campaign but there's not much else to support that it was used.
Scotland is a genuinely depressing place though despite its comparative whiteness. It rains so much that I think I would rather have more sun and see the occasional black person than have to live somewhere like that.
Also if you experience the locals in places like Dundee they might as well be niggers.
Edinburgh is nice though.
>just spend eternity editing wikipedia articles while the powerhungry wiki jews have sucked enough dick to remove your changes with a single click
Good plan user. I think a better strategy is to wait for the boomer retards to die off, but not before making things much, much worse. Then hopefully when they don't have TV or a hot meal and everyone knows someone who has been raped/murdered/mugged/allahakbared people will revert to tribalism and we can btfo the foreigners from our lands.
as an actual Scot living in Scotland at this very moment in time, I disagree.
Romans were a pretty racially diverse empire tbqhwy. There were a lot of emperors who came from all over the fucking place. When you read the writings of various writers, they mostly talk about people as having degrees of darkness but race as a modern concept is not really mentioned.
Funny because rain makes me happy as a clam. I rarely get rain where I live and it depresses the fuck out of me.
You want boomers to die when they're the only reason Trump got elected? Whose side are you on, exactly?
is this fucking real?
I can never tell if posts like this are bait to elicit responses to bump the thread to make more people aware of the whole replacement and JQ stuff, or if its just some retard having fun.
Stockholm syndrome m8. Where do you live? Have you ever lived anywhere else? Northwest Spain is nice. I'd recommend it.
That's because you don't have Julys where half the days are rain.
>Romans were a pretty racially diverse empire tbqhw
yes user.
a scifi/fantasy show about aliens and timetravel is fucking real.
white bois cannot compete with da BBC
Just have ten months of shitty winter
Sun is for homosexes trying to get a tan.
>The Roman empire was white.
terrible fucking argument.
>Where do you live?
Fife. About 30 mins from Edinburgh.
Zeus makes sense, he always liked to disguise as animals to fuck women.
>it explains why Italy is a le 56% face country
>cucks projecting
It's the only argument that post deserves.
Trump was palatable to them because hes a civic nationalist. A lot of younger guys lean further towards ethnonationalism. Also the world is not the US. Europe for instance does not have the same external migration history as the US. The US was kind of a multicultural project from the moment they decided to import niggers.
But yeah, the way things are going I wouldn't be surprised if this century sees the return of genuinely nationalist nation states. Either that or they stop the pendulum from swinging somehow. Either way I want no part in whatever conflict occurs, but I'd vote for a ethnic nationalist in my nation before anything else.
Granting a slave freedom didn't make him a citizen, dumbass.
I think it's hilarious that people think there will be any conflict. Anyone tries to rise up in revolt they get blasted by the US military's tanks. Nobody is in ANY position to break the peace.
I'm not talking about declarations of war among nation states. I'm talking about internal conflicts, a wave of them. Think the civil conflicts fueled by communist vs nationalism vs capitalism of the last century.
>Lives in Fife
>Doesn't think it's shit
Mate, you're insane. Or Gordon Brown and you can't fucking see shit anyway.
I don't live in Kirkcaldy or Glenrothes, it's fine where i'm at.
Your friendly reminder that the Sup Forumstards in this thread look like this.
>posts Pepe, the worst thing ever, but also Kongou, the best thing ever
Sup Forums has such weird tastes.
>can't even get the handgesture correct
These are the people who try to tell you leftists can't meme.
I'm one of the poltards itt and I'm white as fuck. Not surprised to see an Asian there. Azns are extremely racist.
>and I'm white as fuck
Just to balance it out, I'm white as fuck and I HATE Sup Forums.
Well you are satan so I'm hardly surprised that you're working with the kikes.