I was on a bus one day and overheard a guy who was discussing some other guy's appearance with a girl...

I was on a bus one day and overheard a guy who was discussing some other guy's appearance with a girl. Initially I hoped that he's her brother, but it was getting clear he's just the king of friendzone. I'm still not sure who he was to her.

So, she describes what she likes about that other guy, and our guy is just saying "pfff" and "hmmm" and "I don't know what's so good about him". They start discussing male actors, and he mentions Tom Hanks, among the others, and finds out she doesn't know who he is. He's all cocky and puffed up about his KINO knowledge,

so I turned to them and said "name 3 films with Tom Hanks"

...He immediately names "Forrest Gump" and fails to remember anything else. Coincidentally, bus stops, and 5 of their girl friends join these two. He asks every girl if she saw "Forrest Gump", they all say no, and ask him to describe the movie.
He stumbles, "pfff"s and "hmmm"s a lot, says something like "It's about an autistic guy who..." And one of the girls be like "haha like you? hahaa" and they all burst in laughter and the guy tries to explain the movie but the just laugh and laugh.

Other urls found in this thread:


your shitposts are just a game to me

Wow that """"guy"""" is a real loser huh?

Name 3 films with Tom Hanks. I'll wait.

who the fuck is tom Hanks

>name 3 movies
Forrest Gump, the one where some guy is commiting some kind of fraud of whatever and he's a cop, and the one where he's stranded on an island but ultimately returns to civilization, only to find out that he got cucked, I think it's called "the island cuck" or something.

>not ‘cucked away’


you mean "stranded and cucked"?

Dragnet, Stand Up and Bachelor Party.

My Kinowlege is untouchable.

this is not a good thread

Tom Hanks movies are old as fuck. If you can name 3 movies with him you're definitely on the spectrum.

Alright then.
Name one more movie.

Fuck you, buddy! We've been friends for 8 months but I think she's starting to realize what a great guy I am.

Forrest Gump
Groundhog day
The Davinci code
Cast Away

>Groundhog day

>Groundhog day

>so I turned to them and said "name 3 films with Tom Hanks"

This is the breaking point of this pasta. This is the moment where story stops being about something that happend, and continues what original poster imagined happening next.

Sad and amusing at the same time, twas.

So. The guy was you, wasn't he user?


What's the name of that Tom Hanks movie where he plays a Cast Away?

Big, Castaway, Sully


Bridge of Spies. Terribly underrated film

could this movie be made in the current year Sup Forums?

Cloud Atlas
Toy Story
Angles and Demons

>He immediately names "Forrest Gump"
Funny, that didn't even occur to me. The first 3 I thought of we're Big, Cast Away, and Turner and Hooch

No, he's too old now

Of courshe