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what is this?

instant billion. Why is Disney so scared?

Where is Mercy?





it better score a Billion
i cant imagine how big the budget must be based on licensing alone

someone clip Chucky doing that martial arts leap
this movie has very high meme potential

Is this going to be the pinnacle of "REMEMBER X??!!!"?

embarrassing and why the overwatch shit? it's not like that has had any significant cultural impact

i think it looks fun

the game may be shit but I disagree, it's going to be remembered. and the reason why is because it's popular right now, duh.

Movie takes place in 2045 so it kinda makes sense. They'd be iconic characters by that point.

Why does this shit have fucking Gundams in it

im unironically so excited for this movie. i agree the book had shit writing but it would be so cool to have a wacky virtual world where anyone could be and do anything. i always thought that it would make a fun movie but i assumed the licensing would make it impossible. i'm really glad there is also a real director in charge with an actual budget and not some hack hipster manchild. and the fact that Sup Forums is already shitting all over it only makes me more confident that it will be good. the truth is with a movie that itself is just an endless pop culture reference, the standards are on the floor to begin with so it literally can't do anything but succeed.

Me too. It's fucking Spielberg after all

How are you so sure that it wasn't Activision and others that paid them to plaster their shit?

Doesn't look that bad.

>muh pop culture references

This in a way. Well fleshed-out VR world would be hard to fuck up. Don't ask me how the author did, but Spielberg hopefully won't go down the same road.

don't bother right now Sup Forums is under some shitposting high because of Justice League being terrible.


But Overwatch is a game from 2016 and literally every other pop culture reference in this shit film is from the 80s.

honestly I think that I might have to go over to plebbit to talk about this. I don't know how it works, and for some reason I can't see any images on reddit, but it'll probably beat talking about it on contrarian general

god fucking dammit the jews ruin everything

Gundam has been a staple for Japs since the 80s. I just wish other mecha anime like Getter got the same exposure.

From a year old game?

Overwatch wasn't the "80s". Wtf

after the huge box office numbers of the battle angel, evengelion and robotech kinos, the gundam cinematic universe is bound to happen

>Ben "Do you feel in charge?" Mendelsohn

Please do that!

the willy wonky dude sounds bored as fuck

oh i read the book too. the screencap that gets posted in all these threads is really just the tip of the shitberg, i assure you. the only thing that made the book bearable was the concept of the OASIS itself. there is this long drawn out sequence where the main character awkwardly confesses that he "likes" (his own words) the female lead, and the entire exchange is written as a chat log. made me cringe so hard i wanted to vomit but deep down inside all i could see was myself talking to my high school crush at age 13 on AIM

>movie is literally "I Member!" The Motion Picture.
>directed by Steven Spielberg
>critics are the same people that reviewed Crystal Skull positively
>implying it'll bomb
Look, I get it Sup Forums. You right now think every movie is a TORtanic flop waiting to happen. Spielberg has a good track record and critics won't exactly try to challenge it. Yes, the book is shit, but keep in mind Spielberg isn't going to follow the book like the bible.

I will. can someone explain to me how it works though? I know most people here have been there. why can't I see images?

So this just another teen movie about "muh rebellion" with some videogame and"geek" icons mixed into it. Pathetic

book a shit
It's Spielberg tho, could be fun if he's over his grimdark phase

No one will remember overwatch in 2045, hell 2020 seems like a long shot.


I can't wait to watch it with all my normie friends and have a good time doing so

“I would argue that masturbation is the human animal's most important adaptation. The very cornerstone of our technological civilization. Our hands evolved to grip tools, all right—including our own. You see, thinkers, inventors, and scientists are usually geeks, and geeks have a harder time getting laid than anyone. Without the built-in sexual release valve provided by masturbation, it's doubtful that early humans would have ever mastered the secrets of fire or discovered the wheel. And you can bet that Galileo, Newton, and Einstein never would have made their discoveries if they hadn't first been able to clear their heads by slapping the salami (or "knocking a few protons off the old hydrogen atom"). The same goes for Marie Curie. Before she discovered radium, you can be certain she first discovered the little man in the canoe.”

>an "adult" man wrote this
>literally the Virgin Explanation

>and of course, Kevin Smith

is this the spykids 3d remake?

>muh kremduk

You are delusional. I hate it but video games and e-sports are here to stay. Millions upon millions play Overwatch, even old people know what it is now.

Sports owners are putting millions of dollars into the esports shit.

>clear their heads by slapping the salami (or "knocking a few protons off the old hydrogen atom"). The same goes for Marie Curie. Before she discovered radium, you can be certain she first discovered the little man in the canoe.”
this an't be fucking real and why curie out of all people why her

How much did ActivisionBlizzard pay them for this? God damn shilling their shit where it doesn't belong.


Why don't you go to reddit and ask them

this book was a goldmine of virgin writing. i wish i still had it so i could share more of it

im still going to see the movie though because it looks fun

>I drove to the launchpad in my car, which is a delorean, you know, from Back To The Future ;) then I took off in my x-wing, you know, from Star Wars ;) and said to my co-pilot master chief, you know, from Halo ;) "to infinity and beyond!!", you know, from Toy Story ;)

can't wait.


>I member:the movie
and Spielberg is going to make it an instant success

curie a pure

RP1 is basically why Americans shouldn't be allowed to write.

it'll be funkino without a doubt

Sure, esports might be here to stay but the games themselves maybe last a decade at most, then players move on. People still play Brood War but its a shell of itself


because it's a name he's heard so can google what she actually did. the guy knows fucking nothing, even about his references.

>but video games and e-sports are here to stay
And e-sports. Key word. Overwatch's e-sports scene, despite all efforts, is floundering.

I can meme too

So he's only ever going to get roles as the shitty badguy now?

>the truth is with a movie that itself is just an endless pop culture reference, the standards are on the floor to begin with so it literally can't do anything but succeed.
Youre right

>those screencaps from the book that keep being posted

Its literally, no contest the worst thing I have ever read in my life and I have read MLP fanfiction back in the day. Its not even close.

nerds were a mistake

Was that chucky

seems like its growing larger and larger actually, and they are making a big effort to make it easier to view and understand for all

at least dont have futanari like real mash-ups (mugen/freelancer/etc)


^ the song that will play when it makes 12 billion at the boxoffice

Obligatory "stronk STEM womyn" reference for the "i FUCKING #LOVESCIENCE" crowd that unironically like the book. He knows his demographic.

>it's another WE ARE THE REBELS HAHA movie for millennials
yet again reinforcing their false notions that they're some kind of anti-establishment, plucky young heroes fighting the evil system

fuck me this is getting tiring


It's up


This movie will be avatar tier where everyone praises it for a year then shits on it afterwards.

looks like it could be fun if they took out all the le childhood stuff

at no point in the latter half of this year has it entered the top 10 highest presently viewed on twitch

I can't believe I get to live through a whole new cycle of people getting excited for RPO then anyone over an 80 IQ realizing it's repetitive garbage that relies too heavily on references. Makes sense Seth Green shilled the book so hard since it's something he would make.

>if they took out all the le childhood stuff
That's all it is.

These are shit. I thought you were implying that AI, Minority Report and War of the Worlds suck because of grimdark

was that the bike from akira or tron at 1:25?


>it's another WE ARE BADASS REBELS HAHA movie for Gen-Xers
yet again reinforcing their false notions that they're some kind of anti-establishment, punky anti-hero that nobody understands, man

fuck me this is getting tiring
t. me from 1985

I have to admit, I'm somewhat impressed at how many references the guy was able to jam into the book, in the same way I'm impressed at a video where a Vietnamese girl was able to stuff two cucumbers up her snatch. An impressive feat, but a giant waste of time


>american novel is shit
>get called out on it

Mimicry is the highest form of flattery

Oh my fucking god

were battletoads leading the charge at 1:57?

I'm gonna have a fun time watching this, and you guys can't stop me from doing so :)

Gundams > gay nigger tranny game

No, man. I like those ones.

looks like it. rofl

If it looks like it then chances are yes, yes it is. Also putting Tracer right at the front, Activision must've paid up a few $$$ more than Sqaure Enix as Lara is put in the back there which is a shame cos Lara deserves to be fronted not Tracer.

It was so good up until Jump started playing and the cliche "Hurr welcome to REBELLION"

You clearly are obsessed.

in the book there's everything from gundams to elves to clowns in the fights so it literally is not a surprise if so

Yep, those are battletoads

Only femele scientist he could come up with a brisk googling.

>plethora of 80s pop culture references are too foreign for millennials, so they had to include modern pop culture memes to keep their attention
The absolute state of the film world

its the most lukewarm dumbed down shit imaginable so it shouldnt be hard for all to understand.